SEQUENCE function

The SEQUENCE function allows you to generate a list of sequential numbers in an array.

The SEQUENCE function allows users to generate a list of sequential numbers in an array, such as 1, 2, 3, 4. For example: Argument Required Description rows Y The number of rows to return [columns] N The number of columns to return [start] N The first number in the sequence [step] N The amount to increment each subsequent value in the array Note: The SEQUENCE function is only valid when allowDynamicArray is true. The SEQUENCE function will return an array, which will spill if it's the final result of a formula. Any missing optional arguments will default to 1. If you don't input a minimum or maximum value argument, RANDARRAY will default to 0 and 1 respectively. An array can be thought of as a row of values, a column of values, or a combination of rows and columns of values.
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(_getElementById("ss")); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { spread.options.allowDynamicArray = true; var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); spread.suspendPaint(); spread.suspendCalcService();'SEQUENCE'); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 120); var formula = 'SEQUENCE(4,5)', row = 2, formatter; sheet.setText(0, 1, 'The SEQUENCE function allows you to generate a list of sequential numbers in an array. Syntax: SEQUENCE(rows,[columns],[start],[step])'); sheet.setText(row, 2, formula); sheet.setFormula(row + 1, 2, formula); formula ='SEQUENCE(15,,TODAY())'; formatter = 'd-mmm-yy'; row = 10; applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row + 1, 2, 16, 1); sheet.setText(row, 2, formula + ' with ' + formatter); sheet.setText(row + 1, 2, 'Date'); sheet.setFormula(row + 2, 2, formula); sheet.getRange(row + 2, 2, 15, 1).formatter(formatter); var col = 7; applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row + 1, col, 10, 1); formula = 'SEQUENCE(10,,100,-10)'; sheet.setText(row, col, formula); sheet.setText(row + 1, col, 'Number'); sheet.setFormula(row + 2, col, formula); spread.resumeCalcService(); spread.resumePaint(); } function applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row, col, rowCount, colCount, options) { var tableName = "tmpTable"; var TableThemes = GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.TableThemes; // use table to help set style then remove like convert table to range in Excel sheet.tables.add(tableName, row, col, rowCount, colCount, TableThemes.medium7, options); sheet.tables.remove(tableName, 2 /* keep style */); } function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
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