Property Function

SpreadJS provides the Property Function, and the dot (".") operator to get properties of a JavaScript Object.

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For the PROPERTY function, you can get the value of the property of an object. The object properties follow JavaScript rules and are case sensitive. You can use PROPERTY function in a formula:
=PROPERTY(dataexpression, propertypath).

  • data_expression: Indicates object data. Accepts a cell reference whose value is an object or the result of an object function.
  • property_path: Indicates the property path in the object, the property path following the object depth.

The Dot Operator is a simplification of the PROPERTY function: the left value is the object or the reference to the object, the right value is the property value, which can be enclosed within quotes if it contains any invalid characters. It should be noted that Excel might throw errors with the Dot Operator.

For example:

sheet.setValue(0, 0, "User");
sheet.setValue(1, 1, "First Name");
sheet.setValue(1, 3, "Katy");
sheet.setValue(2, 1, "Age");
sheet.setValue(2, 3, 20);
sheet.setValue(3, 1, "Sex");
sheet.setValue(3, 3, "M");
sheet.setValue(4, 1, "Address");
sheet.setValue(5, 2, "Home");
sheet.setValue(5, 3, "Lodon");
sheet.setValue(6, 2, "Company");
sheet.setValue(6, 3, "China");

sheet.setFormula(9, 6, '=OBJECT(A1,OBJECT(B5,OBJECT(C6,D6,C7,D7),B2,D2,B3,D3,B4,D4))');
sheet.setFormatter(9, 6, '=@.User."First Name"'); // use dot operator in the formatter string
sheet.setFormula(9, 7, '=PROPERTY(PROPERTY(G10,"User"),"First Name")'); // "Katy"
sheet.setFormula(9, 8, '=PROPERTY(G10,"User.First Name")'); // "Katy"
sheet.setFormula(10, 8, '=PROPERTY(G10,"User.Address.Home")'); // "Lodon"
sheet.setFormula(10, 8, '=G10.User.Address.Home'); // "Lodon"
sheet.setFormula(12, 8, '=PROPERTY(G10,"Name")'); // "#N/A"
For the PROPERTY function, you can get the value of the property of an object. The object properties follow JavaScript rules and are case sensitive. You can use PROPERTY function in a formula: =PROPERTY(dataexpression, propertypath). data_expression: Indicates object data. Accepts a cell reference whose value is an object or the result of an object function. property_path: Indicates the property path in the object, the property path following the object depth. The Dot Operator is a simplification of the PROPERTY function: the left value is the object or the reference to the object, the right value is the property value, which can be enclosed within quotes if it contains any invalid characters. It should be noted that Excel might throw errors with the Dot Operator. For example:
window.onload = function() { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(_getElementById("ss")); spread.options.allowDynamicArray = true; initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { spread.setSheetCount(1); spread.suspendPaint(); spread.suspendCalcService(); initSheet1(spread.getSheet(0)); spread.resumeCalcService(); spread.resumePaint(); } function initSheet1(sheet) { sheet.suspendPaint();'WebService'); sheet.setColumnWidth(0,27); sheet.setColumnWidth(1,300); sheet.setColumnWidth(2,168); sheet.setColumnWidth(3,168); sheet.setValue(0, 1, 'Enter full or partial country name'); var inputStyle = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); inputStyle.backColor = "#FEF3CD"; sheet.setStyle(1,1,inputStyle); sheet.setValue(3,1,"Name"); sheet.setValue(3,2,"Population"); sheet.setValue(3,3,"Language"); sheet.setValue(1,1,"united"); var headerStyle = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); headerStyle.backColor = "rgb(222,235,246)"; headerStyle.font = "bold 11pt Calibri"; headerStyle.hAlign = 1; var borderBottom = new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder; borderBottom.color = "black"; = GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.thin; headerStyle.borderBottom = borderBottom; sheet.setStyle(3,1,headerStyle); sheet.setStyle(3,2,headerStyle); sheet.setStyle(3,3,headerStyle); for (var r = 4; r < 50; r++) { sheet.setFormatter(r,1,'=IFERROR(, "")'); sheet.setFormatter(r,2,'#,##0'); sheet.setFormatter(r,3,'#,##0'); } sheet.setFormula(4,1,'=FILTERJSON(IF(LEN(B2)>3,WEBSERVICE(""&B2)))'); sheet.setFormula(4,2,'=B5#.population'); sheet.setFormula(4,3,'=B5#.languages.0.nativeName'); sheet.resumePaint(); } function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
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