
SpreadJS supports the name concept from Excel, in which you can define a name for a cell range, function, constant, or table.

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Use the addCustomName method to add a name to a workbook or worksheet:

    sheet.addCustomName('customName1','=SUM(A1,C3)', 1, 1, 'comment', false);

Use the removeCustomName method to remove a specified name from a workbook or worksheet:


Use the clearCustomNames method to remove all names from a workbook or worksheet:


The custom NameInfo class includes the name, expression, row, column, comment and isReadOnly properties, of a workbook or worksheet:

    var nameInfo = sheet.getCustomName('customName1');
    // to get custom name
    var name = nameInfo.getName()
    // to get custom comment
    var comment = nameInfo.getComment();
    // to get custom readonly status
    var isReadOnly = nameInfo.isReadOnly();
    // to set custom readonly status
    // to get custom expression
    var expression = nameInfo.getExpression();
    // to get expression string
    var expStr = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.expressionToFormula(sheet, expression, 0, 0);

SpreadJS supports updating the custom NameInfo. Includes:

  • Renaming custom names and updating all referenced formulas
  • Changing the formula of the custom name
  • Updating comments of the custom name
spread.addCustomName("aaa","$A$1", 0, 0);
spread.sheets[0].setFormula(1, 1, "=aaa+1");
spread.getCustomName("aaa").set("bbb", "$A$2", 0, 0, "the configure");
Use the addCustomName method to add a name to a workbook or worksheet: Use the removeCustomName method to remove a specified name from a workbook or worksheet: Use the clearCustomNames method to remove all names from a workbook or worksheet: The custom NameInfo class includes the name, expression, row, column, comment and isReadOnly properties, of a workbook or worksheet: SpreadJS supports updating the custom NameInfo. Includes: Renaming custom names and updating all referenced formulas Changing the formula of the custom name Updating comments of the custom name
window.onload = initFunction; function initFunction() { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount: 1}); spread.suspendPaint(); var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 100); sheet.setValue(2, 1, "Sample scope:"); sheet.setValue(2, 2, 1); sheet.setValue(2, 3, 2); sheet.setValue(3, 2, 3); sheet.setValue(3, 3, 4); // add custom name sheet.addCustomName("customName1", "=$B$3", 0, 0, "this is a customName!"); sheet.setFormula(5, 1, "=customName1"); sheet.addCustomName("customName2", "=$C$3:$D$4", 0, 0, "this is another customName!"); sheet.setFormula(5, 2, "=sum(customName2)"); printNames(sheet); document.getElementById('setNameInfo').onclick = function () { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); var name = document.getElementById('setname').value; if (name === '') { alert("name should not be empty"); return; } var comment = document.getElementById('setComment').value; var isReadOnly = document.getElementById('setIsReadOnly').checked; var formula = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.rangeToFormula(sheet.getSelections()[0], 0, 0, GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.RangeReferenceRelative.allAbsolute); sheet.addCustomName(name, formula, 0, 0, comment, isReadOnly); printNames(sheet); }; function printNames(sheet) { var namesInfo = sheet.getCustomNames(); var str = "name\t\treference\n"; namesInfo.forEach(function (nameInfo) { var name = nameInfo.getName(); var reference = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.rangeToFormula(nameInfo.getExpression().getRange()); str += name + " " + reference + '\n'; }); document.getElementById('allNameInfo').value = str; } sheet.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.CellClick, function (sender, args) { var sheet = args.sheet; var selection = sheet.getSelections()[0]; document.getElementById('setname').value = ''; document.getElementById('setComment').value = ''; document.getElementById('setIsReadOnly').checked = false; document.getElementById('reference').value = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.rangeToFormula(selection); var customNames = sheet.getCustomNames(); for (var i = 0; i < customNames.length; i++) { var customName = customNames[i]; var range = customName.getExpression().getRange(); if (range.row === selection.row && range.col === selection.col && range.rowCount === selection.rowCount && range.colCount === selection.colCount) { var name = customName.getName(); var comment = customName.getComment(); var isReadOnly = customName.isReadOnly(); document.getElementById('setname').value = name; document.getElementById('setComment').value = comment; document.getElementById('setIsReadOnly').checked = !!isReadOnly; break; } } }); spread.resumePaint(); }
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