The example highlights the use of cell spans (addSpan), allowing a cell to span across multiple cells, as well as using background images (background) in cells.
var spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets;
window.onload = function () {
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 1 });
function initSpread(spread) {
var sheet = spread.getSheet(0);
// downloaded image files with different name and location from server
var imagePath = ((window.location.hash || "").indexOf("#") === -1) ? "$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/css/images/" : "css-images-";
spread.options.tabStripVisible = false;
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sheet.addSpan(0, 0, 1, 5);
sheet.addSpan(0, 5, 1, 4);
sheet.addSpan(1, 1, 7, 3);
sheet.addSpan(8, 1, 2, 3);
sheet.addSpan(10, 1, 5, 1);
sheet.addSpan(10, 2, 2, 1);
sheet.addSpan(10, 3, 2, 1);
sheet.addSpan(14, 2, 2, 1);
sheet.addSpan(14, 3, 2, 1);
sheet.addSpan(16, 1, 1, 3);
sheet.addSpan(17, 1, 1, 3);
sheet.addSpan(1, 4, 2, 3);
sheet.addSpan(3, 4, 1, 2);
sheet.addSpan(3, 6, 1, 2);
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sheet.addSpan(4, 6, 12, 2);
sheet.addSpan(7, 8, 2, 1);
sheet.addSpan(9, 8, 2, 1);
var colWidths = new Array(24, 218, 91, 73, 115, 187, 226, 120, 104);
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sheet.setRowHeight(row, rowHeights[row]);
sheet.getCell(0, 0).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Titile_TL.png");
sheet.getCell(0, 5).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Titile_TR.png");
sheet.getCell(1, 1).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Food.png");
sheet.getCell(10, 1).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Calories.png").text("187").wordWrap(true).font("28pt Calibri").hAlign(;
sheet.getCell(1, 8).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Minutes_top.png").text("45").font("14pt Calibri").hAlign(;
sheet.getCell(2, 8).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Minutes_bottom.png").text("minutes").font("8pt Calibri").hAlign(;
sheet.getCell(4, 8).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Minutes_top.png").text("15").font("14pt Calibri").hAlign(;
sheet.getCell(5, 8).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Minutes_bottom.png").text("minutes").font("8pt Calibri").hAlign(;
sheet.getCell(7, 8).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Servings_top.png").text("3").font("14pt Calibri").hAlign(;
sheet.getCell(9, 8).backgroundImage(imagePath + "Servings_bottom.png").text("servings").font("8pt Calibri").hAlign(;
sheet.gridline = new spreadNS.LineBorder("Black", spreadNS.LineStyle.empty);
sheet.getRange(0, 0, 17, 9).backColor("rgb(189,194,178)");
sheet.getDefaultStyle().vAlign =;
sheet.getDefaultStyle().foreColor = "rgb(68, 84, 106)";
sheet.getCell(8, 1).text("NUTRITION REPORT CARD (amount per serving)")
.font("9pt Calibri");
sheet.getCell(15, 1).backColor("rgb(247,167,17)");
sheet.getCell(10, 2).text("10").backColor("white");
sheet.getCell(12, 2).text("16").backColor("rgb(235, 238, 241)");
sheet.getCell(13, 2).text("201").backColor("white");
sheet.getCell(14, 2).text("37").backColor("rgb(235, 238, 241)");
sheet.getRange(10, 2, 6, 1).hAlign("lighter 18pt Calibri");
sheet.getCell(10, 3).text("grams\r\ntotal fat").backColor("white");
sheet.getCell(12, 3).text("milligrams\r\ncholesterol").backColor("rgb(235, 238, 241)");
sheet.getCell(13, 3).text("milligrams\r\nsodium").backColor("white");
sheet.getCell(14, 3).text("grams\r\ncarbs").backColor("rgb(235, 238, 241)");
sheet.getRange(10, 3, 5, 1).font("10pt Calibri").wordWrap(true);
sheet.getCell(1, 4).backColor("white").text("Black Beans and Rice")
.font("bold italic 24pt Calibri")
sheet.getCell(1, 7).text("Main Course").backColor("white").foreColor("rgb(33, 115, 70)").font("bold 14pt Calibri");
sheet.getCell(2, 7).backColor("white");
sheet.getCell(3, 4).text("INGREDIENTS");
sheet.getCell(3, 6).text("DIRECTIONS");
sheet.getRange(3, 4, 1, 3).backColor("rgb(247,167,17)").foreColor("white").textIndent(2).font("bold 9pt Calibri");
sheet.getCell(4, 4).backColor("white").textIndent(2).font("lighter 9pt Calibri")
.text("\r\nBlack Beans: \r\n14 oz bag dry black beans, rinsed and picked \r\n2 Bay Leaves\r\n½ cup vino seco (Spanish "
+ "cooking wine) \r\n½ cup olive oil \r\n1 tsp dried oregano \r\n1 tsp cumin \r\n1½ Tbsp \r\narlic powder \r\n1 ½ "
+ "Tbsp onion powder \r\n1 green pepper \r\n2 Tbsp sugar \r\n1 Tbsp salt \r\nRice: \r\n2 cups dry rice, rinsed \r\n"
+ "3 cups water \r\n1 tsp salt \r\n1 Tbsp vegetable oil");
sheet.getCell(4, 6).backColor("white").textIndent(1).font("lighter 9pt Calibri")
.text("\r\nBlack Beans: \r\nPlace black beans in a large pot of water and soak overnight. Drain \r\the nwater and place"
+ " beans in a pressure cooker. Fill the pressure \r\cooker with water an inch above the beans and add 2 bay leaves."
+ " (If \r\you desire beans with thicker consis- tency use less water.) Cover \r\with lid and place on high heat. "
+ "Once it starts boiling, lower heat and \r\simmer for 30 minutes or until beans are soft. Before removing lid, \r\n"
+ "make sure that pressure cooker is depressurized; place in sink under \r\cold water if necessary. Remove bay leaves."
+ " \r\nCut the top and bottoms off of the green peppers and remove the \r\nseeds. Cut peppers into 4 pieces. Stir in "
+ "peppers, oregano, cumin, \r\ngarlic, onion, salt, and slowly bring to a boil uncovered. Once it starts \r\nto boil,"
+ " reduce to a simmer. Add sugar, olive oil, vino seco and let \r\nsimmer for at least 30 minutes. Serve over rice."
+ " \r\n\r\nRice: \r\nPlace rice, salt and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. (Add one \r\ncup of water to the amount"
+ " of rice you are cooking. i.e. 3 cups of \r\nrice/4 cups of water.) Cover and reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes. "
+ "\r\nAdd vegetable oil and mix with spoon.");
sheet.getCell(3, 8).text("COOK TIME").backColor("rgb(116,135,116)").foreColor("white").hAlign(;
sheet.getCell(6, 8).text("YIELD").backColor("rgb(116,135,116)").foreColor("white").hAlign(;
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