Relational Views

TableSheet can bind to multiple related tables in the same view, for example, joining a customer and order table.

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To bind multiple tables to one view, a user only needs to follow these 3 steps:

  1. Add multiple tables to the data manager
  2. Add a relationship between the tables
  3. Add a custom view

This is the sample code.

//add relationship between order table and customer table
dataManager.addRelationship(orderTable, "CustomerId", "customer", customerTable, "Id", "orders");

//add custom view with related fields
var style = {
    formatter: 'The detailed ship address: {{=CONCAT(@.shipAddress, ", ", @.shipCity)}}'
var myView = orderTable.addView("myView", [
    { value: "orderId", width: 100 }, //set column width 100px
    { value: "orderDate", width: 200 },
    { value: "freight", width: 100 },
    { value: "customer.companyName", width: "2*" }, //set column width with star size, which will calculate actual column width by the rest size of viewport
    { value: "customer.contactName", width: "*" },
    { value: "customer.contactTitle", width: "*" },
    { value: "=[@]", caption: "Address", style: style, width: "3*" }
To bind multiple tables to one view, a user only needs to follow these 3 steps: Add multiple tables to the data manager Add a relationship between the tables Add a custom view This is the sample code.
/*REPLACE_MARKER*/ /*DO NOT DELETE THESE COMMENTS*/ window.onload = function() { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 0 }); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { spread.suspendPaint(); spread.options.autoFitType = GC.Spread.Sheets.AutoFitType.cellWithHeader; spread.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.EditStarting, function (e, args) { if (args.sheet.getValue(0, args.col, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader) === 'Customer'){ args.cancel = true; } }); //init a data manager var baseApiUrl = getBaseApiUrl(); var dataManager = spread.dataManager(); //add order table var orderTable = dataManager.addTable("orderTable", { remote: { read: { url: baseApiUrl + "/Order" } } }); //add customer table var customerTable = dataManager.addTable("customerTable", { remote: { read: { url: baseApiUrl + "/Customer" } } }); //add relationship between order table and customer table dataManager.addRelationship(orderTable, "CustomerId", "customer", customerTable, "Id", "orders"); //init a table sheet var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(0, "TableSheet1", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); sheet.options.allowAddNew = false; //hide new row //bind a view to the table sheet var style = { formatter: 'Ship To: {{=CONCAT(@.ShipAddress, ", ", @.ShipCity)}}' }; var relatedStyle = { formatter: '{{=CONCAT([@customer.CompanyName], ", ", [@customer.ContactName])}}', // convert the object to string }; var myView = orderTable.addView("myView", [ { value: "Id", width: 100 }, //set column width 100px { value: "OrderDate", width: 200, style: { formatter: "MM/dd/yyyy" } }, { value: "Freight", width: 100 }, /** * customer.companyName - this is a related field from the customer table * update the customerId in orderTable by select from customer table. */ { value: "customer", width: 350, style: relatedStyle }, /** * [=@] this column will contain the full row as a value, the formatter formula will extract the shipping address from the full row. * Format functions can be used to customize column display value * use star-size "2*" to set column width relative to the viewport width */ { value: "=[@]", caption: "Address", style: style, width: "2*" } ]); myView.fetch().then(function() { sheet.setDataView(myView); }); spread.resumePaint(); } function getBaseApiUrl() { return window.location.href.match(/http.+spreadjs\/demos\//)[0] + 'server/api'; }
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