
A Pie sparkline makes it easier to see the percentages of data points compared to the entire set of data.

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You can create a Pie sparkline using the PieSparkline function in a formula: =PIESPARKLINE(percentage,color1?,color2?,…..).

The function has the following parameters:


  • If the param is a cell (such as: A1), the percentage is the cell's value.
  • If the param is a range (such as "A1:B3"), the percentage is the result of each cell's value divided by the sum of the range.
  • If the param is a percent value (such as 30% or 0.3), the percentage is the value.
  • If the parse value is invalid, it will be treated as 0.

color1?, color2? … (optional)

  • If the color parameter count is greater than or equal to the range count, values and colors have a one-to-to correspondence; redundant colors will be ignored.
  • If the color parameter count is less than the range count, the given colors are reused and a linear gradient is used to ensure each sector has a different color.
  • If there is no color, uses "darkgray" as default.
You can create a Pie sparkline using the PieSparkline function in a formula: =PIESPARKLINE(percentage,color1?,color2?,…..). The function has the following parameters: percentage If the param is a cell (such as: A1), the percentage is the cell's value. If the param is a range (such as "A1:B3"), the percentage is the result of each cell's value divided by the sum of the range. If the param is a percent value (such as 30% or 0.3), the percentage is the value. If the parse value is invalid, it will be treated as 0. color1?, color2? … (optional) If the color parameter count is greater than or equal to the range count, values and colors have a one-to-to correspondence; redundant colors will be ignored. If the color parameter count is less than the range count, the given colors are reused and a linear gradient is used to ensure each sector has a different color. If there is no color, uses "darkgray" as default.
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss")); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { var spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets; var sheet = spread.sheets[0]; sheet.suspendPaint(); sheet.addSpan(0, 0, 1, 4); sheet.getCell(0, 0).value("My Assets").font("20px Arial").vAlign(spreadNS.VerticalAlign.center); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sheet.getCell(1,i).backColor("#E3E3E3"); } sheet.setArray(1, 0, [ ["Asset Type","Amount", "Diagram", "Note"], ["House", 120000], ["401k", 78000], ["Savings", 25000], ["Bonds", 15000], ["Stocks", 9000], ["Car", 7500]]); sheet.addSpan(2, 2, 6, 1); sheet.setFormula(2, 2, '=PIESPARKLINE(B3:B8,"#82bc00","#96c63f","aacf62","#bcd983","#cee3a3","#dfecc3")'); sheet.getCell(2, 3).backColor("#82bc00").formula("=B3/SUM(B3:B8)"); sheet.getCell(3, 3).backColor("#96c63f").formula("=B4/SUM(B3:B8)"); sheet.getCell(4, 3).backColor("#aacf62").formula("=B5/SUM(B3:B8)"); sheet.getCell(5, 3).backColor("#bcd983").formula("=B6/SUM(B3:B8)"); sheet.getCell(6, 3).backColor("#cee3a3").formula("=B7/SUM(B3:B8)"); sheet.getCell(7, 3).backColor("#dfecc3").formula("=B8/SUM(B3:B8)"); sheet.setFormatter(-1, 3, "0.00%"); sheet.setFormatter(-1, 1, "$#,##0"); sheet.setRowHeight(0, 30); for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) { sheet.setRowHeight(i, 25); } sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 100); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 100); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 200); sheet.resumePaint(); };
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