aggregateData(columnName: string, aggregateType: SlicerAggregateType, range?: ISlicerRangeConditional): number
SlicerAggregateType provides 11 aggregate function types as follows:
You can also create your own data aggregation slicer as shown in the following code.
import { Component, NgModule, enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { SpreadSheetsModule } from '@mescius/spread-sheets-angular';
import GC from '@mescius/spread-sheets';
import "@mescius/spread-sheets-slicers";
import './styles.css';
function addAggregationSlicer(spread: GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook) {
let sheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
let table = sheet.tables.find(0, 0);
let dataSource = new AggregationSlicerData(sheet, table, 1, 5);
let timeSlicer = new TimelineSlicer(dataSource, "Date");
let slicerTimeLine = document.getElementById('slicer_Timeline');
slicerTimeLine.innerHTML = '<p style="padding:2px 10px; background-color:#F4F8EB">Click on the items in the chart slicer to filter by</p>';
const AggregationSlicerData_YEAR = 0, AggregationSlicerData_MONTH = 1, AggregationSlicerData_OTHER = 2;
class AggregationSlicerData extends GC.Spread.Sheets.Slicers.TableSlicerData {
dateGroup: any;
listeners: any[];
dataStartIndex: number;
dataEndIndex: number;
sheet: GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet;
mode: number;
constructor (sheet: GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet, table: GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.Table, dataStartIndex: number, dataEndIndex: number) {
this.dateGroup = {years: []};
this.listeners = [];
this.dataStartIndex = dataStartIndex;
this.dataEndIndex = dataEndIndex;
this.sheet = sheet;
buildDateGroups (columnName: string) {
let allDates = this.getExclusiveData(columnName);
let dateGroup = this.dateGroup;
for (let dateIndex = 0; dateIndex < allDates.length; dateIndex++) {
let value = this.getOneRecordValue(columnName, dateIndex);
let date = new Date(allDates[dateIndex]);
let year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth(), day = date.getDate();
let yearGroup = dateGroup[year];
if (!yearGroup) {
yearGroup = dateGroup[year] = {value: 0, monthes: [], indexes: []};
let monthGroup = yearGroup[month];
if (!monthGroup) {
monthGroup = yearGroup[month] = {value: 0, days: [], indexes: []};
let dayGroup = monthGroup[day];
if (!dayGroup) {
dayGroup = monthGroup[day] = {value: 0};
yearGroup.value += value;
monthGroup.value += value;
dayGroup.value += value;
getOneRecordValue (columnName: string, exclusiveIndex: number) {
let columnIndexes = this.getRowIndexes(columnName, exclusiveIndex);
let sheet = this.sheet, table = this.getTable(), dataRangeInSheet = table.dataRange(), startRow = dataRangeInSheet.row, startCol = dataRangeInSheet.col, result = 0;
for (let r = 0; r < columnIndexes.length; r++) {
for (let c = this.dataStartIndex; c <= this.dataEndIndex; c++) {
let value = sheet.getValue(columnIndexes[r] + startRow, c + startCol);
result += value;
return result;
getDatasByYear () {
let dateGroup = this.dateGroup;
let years = dateGroup.years;
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < years.length; i++) {
let year = years[i];
result.push({title: year, value: dateGroup[year].value});
return result;
getMonthDatasByYear (year: number) {
let dateGroup = this.dateGroup;
let yearGroup = dateGroup[year], monthes = yearGroup.monthes;
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < monthes.length; i++) {
let month = monthes[i];
result.push({title: month, value: yearGroup[month].value});
return result;
getDayDatasByMonth (year: number, month: number) {
let dateGroup = this.dateGroup;
let yearGroup = dateGroup[year], monthGroup = yearGroup[month], days = monthGroup.days;
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
let day = days[i];
result.push({title: day, value: monthGroup[day].value});
return result;
filterOnYear (columnName: string, year: number) {
let yearGroup = this.dateGroup[year];
let indexes = yearGroup.indexes;
this.mode = AggregationSlicerData_YEAR;
this.doFilter(columnName, {exclusiveRowIndexes: indexes});
this.mode = AggregationSlicerData_OTHER;
filterOnMonth (columnName: string, year: number, month: number) {
let yearGroup = this.dateGroup[year];
let monthGroup = yearGroup[month];
let indexes = monthGroup.indexes;
this.mode = AggregationSlicerData_MONTH;
this.doFilter(columnName, {exclusiveRowIndexes: indexes});
this.mode = AggregationSlicerData_OTHER;
onFiltered (filteredIndexes: number[], isPreview: boolean) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) {
this.listeners[i].onFiltered({columnIndexes: filteredIndexes, isPreview: isPreview, mode: this.mode});
attachListener (listener: any) {
dettachListener (listener: any) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) {
if (this.listeners[i] === listener) {
clearFilter (columnName: string) {
class Bar {
disable: boolean;
title: string;
value: any;
x: number;
width: number;
constructor (title: string, value: any, x: number, width: number, disable: boolean) {
if (disable === void 0) {disable = false;}
this.disable = false;
this.title = title;
this.value = value;
this.disable = disable;
this.x = x;
this.width = width;
class TimelineSlicer {
root: HTMLElement;
header: HTMLElement;
_canExpand: boolean;
mode: number;
aggregationData: AggregationSlicerData;
slicerData: AggregationSlicerData;
columnName: string;
data: any;
exclusiveDatas: any[];
canvas: any;
hoverBar: HTMLElement;
selectedBar: HTMLElement;
selectedYear: number;
selectedMonth: number;
bars: Bar[];
constructor (slicerData: AggregationSlicerData, columnName: string) {
this.root = null;
this.header = null;
this._canExpand = true;
this.mode = AggregationSlicerData_YEAR;
this.aggregationData = slicerData;
this.slicerData = slicerData;
this.columnName = columnName; = slicerData.getData(columnName);
this.exclusiveDatas = slicerData.getExclusiveData(columnName);
getDOMElement () {
return this.root;
getHeader () {
return this.header;
onDataLoaded () {
let self = this;
let div = document.createElement('div'); = '100%'; = '100%';
div.innerHTML = '<canvas width=250 height=200></canvas>'
let canvas: any = div.firstChild;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.root = div;
canvas.onmousemove = function (event: any) {
let bar = self.hitTest(event.offsetX, event.offsetY);
if (bar !== self.hoverBar) {
self.hoverBar = bar;
canvas.onmouseout = function () {
self.hoverBar = null;
canvas.onclick = function (event: any) {
let bar = self.hitTest(event.offsetX, event.offsetY);
if (!bar) {
if (bar !== self.selectedBar) {
if (!self.canExpand()) {
self.selectedBar = bar;
if (self.mode === AggregationSlicerData_YEAR) {
self.selectedYear = parseInt(bar.title, 10);
self.aggregationData.filterOnYear(self.columnName, self.selectedYear);
else if (self.mode === AggregationSlicerData_MONTH) {
self.selectedMonth = parseInt(bar.title, 10);
self.aggregationData.filterOnMonth(self.columnName, self.selectedYear, self.selectedMonth);
else {
if (self.mode === AggregationSlicerData_YEAR) {
self.selectedBar = null;
self.selectedYear = parseInt(bar.title, 10);
self.mode = AggregationSlicerData_MONTH;
self.bars = self.getBars();
self.aggregationData.filterOnYear(self.columnName, self.selectedYear);
this.bars = this.getBars();
initHeader () {
let headerContainer = document.createElement('div');
headerContainer.innerHTML = '<p class="desc">Check this to allow the user to expand the year into months.</p>'
+ '<input id="canExpand" type="checkbox"/>'
+ '<label for="canExpand">Allow Year to Month Aggregation</label>'
+ '<input id="return" type="button" value="Change back to year aggregation">';
this.header = headerContainer;
attachEventsToHeader () {
let canExpand: any = document.getElementById("canExpand");
canExpand.onchange = function () {
self._canExpand = canExpand.checked;
let returnButton = document.getElementById("return"); = "100%";
let self = this;
returnButton.onclick=function () {
if (self.mode === AggregationSlicerData_YEAR) {
self.mode = AggregationSlicerData_YEAR;
self.selectedBar = null;
self.bars = self.getBars();
hitTest (x: number, y: number) {
let bars = this.bars;
for (let i = 0; i < bars.length; i++) {
let bar = bars[i];
if (x >= bar.x && x < bar.x + bar.width) {
return bar;
return null;
paint () {
let context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
let bars = this.bars;
let topValue = this.getTopValue(bars);
let width = this.canvas.width;
let height = this.canvas.height;
let ruleHeight = 20, borderWidth = 2;
let maxBarHeight = height - ruleHeight;
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
for (let i = 0; i < bars.length; i++) {
let bar = bars[i];
if (bar === this.selectedBar) {
context.fillStyle = "#1b1b1b";
context.fillRect(bar.x - borderWidth * 2, 0, bar.width + 4 * borderWidth, height);
context.fillStyle = "#E1E1E1";
context.fillRect(bar.x - borderWidth, 0 + borderWidth, bar.width + 2 * borderWidth, height - 2 * borderWidth);
else if (bar === this.hoverBar) {
context.fillStyle = "#C1C1C1";
context.fillRect(bar.x - borderWidth, 0 + borderWidth, bar.width + 2 * borderWidth, height - 2 * borderWidth);
if (this.selectedBar && bar !== this.selectedBar) {
context.fillStyle = "#003c4d";
else {
context.fillStyle = "#0096c0";
context.fillText(this.getTitle(bar.title), bar.x + borderWidth * 2, height - borderWidth * 4);
let barHeight = maxBarHeight * bar.value / topValue;
context.fillRect(bar.x, maxBarHeight - barHeight, bar.width, barHeight);
getTitle (title: string) {
let monthes = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
if (this.mode === AggregationSlicerData_MONTH) {
return monthes[parseInt(title, 10)];
return title;
getTopValue (bars: Bar[]) {
let max = bars[0].value;
for (let i = 1; i < bars.length; i++) {
max = max < bars[i].value ? bars[i].value : max;
let base = 1;
while (max / base >= 10) {
base *= 10;
let head = max / base;
return Math.ceil(head) * base;
currentSelection () {
if (this.canExpand()) {
return -1;
switch (this.mode) {
case AggregationSlicerData_YEAR:
return this.selectedYear;
case AggregationSlicerData_MONTH:
return this.selectedMonth;
return -1;
getBars () {
let result = [];
let datas;
if (this.mode === AggregationSlicerData_YEAR) {
datas = this.aggregationData.getDatasByYear();
else if (this.mode === AggregationSlicerData_MONTH) {
datas = this.aggregationData.getMonthDatasByYear(this.selectedYear);
else {
datas = this.aggregationData.getDayDatasByMonth(this.selectedYear, this.selectedMonth);
let length = datas.length;
let barLayout = this.getBarLayout(length);
let current = this.currentSelection();
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.push(new Bar(datas[i].title + "", datas[i].value, this.getX(barLayout, length, i), barLayout.width, false));
return result;
getX (layout: any, count: number, index: number) {
if (count <= 12) {
return layout.margin * (index + 1) + layout.width * index;
else {
let current = this.currentSelection();
if (current < 5) {
return layout.margin * (index + 1) + layout.width * index;
else {
let displayIndex = index - 5;
if (displayIndex < 0) {
return -100;
return layout.margin * (displayIndex + 1) + layout.width * displayIndex - layout.width / 2;
canExpand () {
return this._canExpand && this.mode !== AggregationSlicerData_MONTH;
getBarLayout (count: number) {
let fullWidth = this.canvas.width, margin, width;
let fold = 5;
if (count <= 12) {
margin = fullWidth / ((fold + 1) * count + 1);
width = fold * margin;
else {
margin = fullWidth / ((fold + 1) * 10 + 1);
width = fold * margin;
return {margin: margin, width: width};
onFiltered () {
selector: 'app-component',
templateUrl: 'src/app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
hostStyle = {
width: 'calc(100% - 280px)',
height: '100%',
overflow: 'hidden',
float: 'left'
constructor() {}
initSpread($event: any) {
let spread = $event.spread;
let sd = data;
if (sd && sd[0].sheets) {
if (!spread) {
imports: [BrowserModule, SpreadSheetsModule],
declarations: [AppComponent],
exports: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
// Bootstrap application with hash style navigation and global services.
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<div class="sample-tutorial">
<gc-spread-sheets [hostStyle]="hostStyle" (workbookInitialized)="initSpread($event)">
<div class="options-container">
<div id="slicer_Timeline"></div>
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