Basic Shape

SpreadJS offers 182 built-in shape types. These shapes can be customized with different Excel-like styles, including fill colors, borders, and text.

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The shape's fill color, border (color and line width) and text (color, font, size, horizontal & vertical alignment) is configurable.

You can add an autoShape and change the shape style using the shape API

    var circle = sheet.shapes.add('circle',, 100, 50, 100, 150);
     var heart = sheet.shapes.add('heart', GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.AutoShapeType.heart, 400, 50, 100, 150);
The shape's fill color, border (color and line width) and text (color, font, size, horizontal & vertical alignment) is configurable. You can add an autoShape and change the shape style using the shape API
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount: 7}); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { var shapeCategory = [ { type: ['rectangle', 'roundedRectangle', 'snip1Rectangle', 'snip2SameRectangle', 'snip2DiagRectangle', 'snipRoundRectangle', 'round1Rectangle', 'round2SameRectangle', ], desc: "Rectangles", }, { type: ['oval', 'hexagon', 'cube', 'smileyFace', 'heart', 'gear9', 'actionButtonMovie', 'funnel'], desc: "Basic Shapes", }, { type: [ 'rightArrow', 'leftArrow', 'upArrow', 'downArrow', 'leftRightArrow', 'upDownArrow', 'quadArrow', 'leftRightUpArrow', ], desc: "Block Arrows", }, { type: [ 'mathPlus', 'mathMinus', 'mathMultiply', 'mathDivide', 'mathEqual', 'mathNotEqual'], desc: "Equation Shapes", }, { type: [ 'flowchartProcess', 'flowchartAlternateProcess', 'flowchartDecision', 'flowchartData', 'flowchartPredefinedProcess', 'flowchartInternalStorage', 'flowchartDocument', 'flowchartMultidocument', ], desc: "Flowchart", }, { type: [ 'shape8pointStar', 'explosion2', 'shape4pointStar', 'shape5pointStar', 'star6Point', 'star7Point', 'shape8pointStar', 'star10Point', ], desc: "Stars and Banners", }, { type: [ 'rectangularCallout', 'roundedRectangularCallout', 'ovalCallout', 'cloudCallout', 'lineCallout2', 'lineCallout3', 'lineCallout4', 'lineCallout2AccentBar', ], desc: "Callouts", }]; spread.suspendPaint(); var sheets = spread.sheets; for (var i = 0; i < shapeCategory.length; i++) { var sheet = sheets[i]; initSheet(sheet, shapeCategory[i].desc); initShape(sheet, shapeCategory[i].type);//add shape } spread.options.tabStripRatio = 0.8; spread.resumePaint(); } function initSheet(sheet, sheetName) {; } function initShape(sheet, shapeType) { let left = 50, top = 50, tempX = 0, tempY = 0, tempShape = null, shapeName, row = 1, column = 1; for(let i = 0, len = shapeType.length ; i < len; i++) { shapeName = shapeType[i]; if(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.AutoShapeType[shapeName]){ tempShape = sheet.shapes.add(shapeName, GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.AutoShapeType[shapeName], left + tempX * 180, top + tempY, 150, 150); tempX ++; sheet.setText(row,column,shapeName); column = column+3; if(tempX === 4) { tempX = 0; tempY += 200; column = 1; row = 11; } } } }
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