XYScatter Chart

Use a scatter chart (XY chart) to show scientific XY data. Scatter charts are used to find out if there's a relationship between the x and y variables.

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The x-axis represents different categories in a line chart, but the x-axis in a scatter chart represents the actual values of the x variable.

A scatter chart has two value axes: a horizontal (x) and a vertical (y) value axis. It combines x and y values into single data points and shows them in irregular intervals, also known as clusters. Scatter charts are typically used for showing and comparing numeric values like scientific, statistical, and engineering data.

Scatter Chart Type

Scatter: This type of chart shows points based on a selected data range, which can be analyzed to determine if there's a relationship between the x and y variables.

Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers: This type of scatter chart simply shows a smooth curve that connects the data points.

Scatter with Smooth Lines: This type of scatter chart shows a smooth curve that connects the data points and doesn’t display the individual points.

Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers: This type of scatter chart shows straight connecting lines between data points.

Scatter with Straight Lines: This type of scatter chart shows straight connecting lines between data points and doesn’t depict the individual points.

Bubble Chart: A bubble chart is a variation of a scatter chart in which the data points are replaced with bubbles, and an additional dimension of the data is represented in the size of the bubbles. Just like a scatter chart, a bubble chart does not use a category axis — both horizontal and vertical axes are value axes. Also, a bubble chart plots z (size) values as well as x values and y values.

You can use a bubble chart instead of a scatter chart if the data has three data series that each contain a set of values. The sizes of the bubbles are determined by the values in the third data series. Bubble charts are often used to present financial data. Different bubble sizes are useful to visually emphasize specific values.

You can customize the color, shape, border of marker at the "Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers" and "Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers".

    var seriesItem = chart.series().get(index ?);
    bobSeries.symbol.shape = 1 /** dash */;
    bobSeries.symbol.size = 20;
    bobSeries.symbol.fill = "red";
    bobSeries.symbol.border.size = 2;
    bobSeries.symbol.border.color = "rgb(127, 0, 127)";
    bobSeries.symbol.border.lineType = 7 /** sysDot */;
    series.set(index ?, seriesItem);
The x-axis represents different categories in a line chart, but the x-axis in a scatter chart represents the actual values of the x variable. A scatter chart has two value axes: a horizontal (x) and a vertical (y) value axis. It combines x and y values into single data points and shows them in irregular intervals, also known as clusters. Scatter charts are typically used for showing and comparing numeric values like scientific, statistical, and engineering data. Scatter Chart Type Scatter: This type of chart shows points based on a selected data range, which can be analyzed to determine if there's a relationship between the x and y variables. Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers: This type of scatter chart simply shows a smooth curve that connects the data points. Scatter with Smooth Lines: This type of scatter chart shows a smooth curve that connects the data points and doesn’t display the individual points. Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers: This type of scatter chart shows straight connecting lines between data points. Scatter with Straight Lines: This type of scatter chart shows straight connecting lines between data points and doesn’t depict the individual points. Bubble Chart: A bubble chart is a variation of a scatter chart in which the data points are replaced with bubbles, and an additional dimension of the data is represented in the size of the bubbles. Just like a scatter chart, a bubble chart does not use a category axis — both horizontal and vertical axes are value axes. Also, a bubble chart plots z (size) values as well as x values and y values. You can use a bubble chart instead of a scatter chart if the data has three data series that each contain a set of values. The sizes of the bubbles are determined by the values in the third data series. Bubble charts are often used to present financial data. Different bubble sizes are useful to visually emphasize specific values. You can customize the color, shape, border of marker at the "Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers" and "Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers".
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount: 6}); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { var chartType = [{ type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterSmoothNoMarkers, desc: "xyScatterSmoothNoMarkers", }, { type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterSmooth, desc: "xyScatterSmooth", }, { type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterLinesNoMarkers, desc: "xyScatterLinesNoMarkers", }, { type: GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterLines, desc: "xyScatterLines", }]; var sheets = spread.sheets; spread.suspendPaint(); initXYScatterSheet(sheets[0]); initXYScatterChart(sheets[0]); for (var i = 0; i < chartType.length; i++) { var sheet = sheets[i + 1]; initSheet(sheet, chartType[i].desc); initChart(sheet, chartType[i].type);//add chart } initBubbleSheet(sheets[sheets.length - 1]); initBubbleChart(sheets[sheets.length - 1]); spread.options.tabStripRatio = 0.8; spread.resumePaint(); } function initSheet(sheet, sheetName) { sheet.name(sheetName); //prepare data for chart var dataArray = [["Period", "Zantedeschia", "Celosia", "Calendula"], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1, 1], [2, 6, 1, 2], [3, 6, 1, 2], [4, 10, 2, 2], [5, 11, 2, 2], [6, 13, 2, 3], [7, 14, 2, 4], [8, 15, 3, 5], [9, 16, 3, 7], [10, 17, 4, 9], [11, 22, 4, 11], [12, 27, 5, 12], [13, 30, 8, 13], [14, 32, 10, 14], [15, 34, 13, 15], [16, 36, 16, 15], [17, 37, 20, 15], [18, 39, 23, 15], [19, 40, 25, 15], [20, 40, 25, 15]]; sheet.setArray(0, 0, dataArray); } function initChart(sheet, chartType) { //add chart var chart = sheet.charts.add((sheet.name() + 'Chart1'), chartType, 280, 0, 900, 420, "A1:D22", GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.RowCol.columns); changeGridLines(chart); if (chartType === GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterSmooth || chartType === GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatterLines) { changeMarker(chart); } chart.title({text:"The Influence of Greenhouse Cultivation on Different Flowers"}); } // show gridLines function changeGridLines(chart) { var gridLinesAxes = chart.axes(); gridLinesAxes.primaryCategory.majorGridLine.visible = true; gridLinesAxes.primaryCategory.title.text = "Period(day)"; gridLinesAxes.primaryValue.title.text = "Number of Flowering"; chart.axes(gridLinesAxes); } // show gridLines function changeXYScatterChartGridLines(chart) { var axes = chart.axes(); axes.primaryCategory.majorGridLine.visible = true; axes.primaryCategory.min = 140; axes.primaryCategory.max = 200; axes.primaryCategory.title.text = "Height(cm)"; axes.primaryValue.min = 40; axes.primaryValue.max = 120; axes.primaryValue.title.text = "Weight(kg)"; chart.axes(axes); } function addSeries(chart, chartType) { var series1 = {}, series2 = {}; series1.name = "A1"; series1.xValues = "A3:A200"; series1.yValues = "B3:B200"; series1.chartType = chartType; series1.axisGroup = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.AxisGroup.primary; chart.series().add(series1); series2.name = "C1"; series2.xValues = "C3:C200"; series2.yValues = "D3:D200"; series2.chartType = chartType; series2.axisGroup = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.AxisGroup.primary; chart.series().add(series2); } function initXYScatterSheet(sheet) { sheet.name("xyScatter"); var femaleDataArray = [["Female", ""], ["Height", "Weight"], [161.2, 51.6], [167.5, 59.0], [159.5, 49.2], [157.0, 63.0], [155.8, 53.6], [170.0, 59.0], [159.1, 47.6], [166.0, 69.8], [176.2, 66.8], [160.2, 75.2], [172.5, 55.2], [170.9, 54.2], [172.9, 62.5], [153.4, 42.0], [160.0, 50.0], [147.2, 49.8], [168.2, 49.2], [175.0, 73.2], [157.0, 47.8], [167.6, 68.8], [159.5, 50.6], [175.0, 82.5], [166.8, 57.2], [176.5, 87.8], [170.2, 72.8], [174.0, 54.5], [173.0, 59.8], [179.9, 67.3], [170.5, 67.8], [160.0, 47.0], [154.4, 46.2], [162.0, 55.0], [176.5, 83.0], [160.0, 54.4], [152.0, 45.8], [162.1, 53.6], [170.0, 73.2], [160.2, 52.1], [161.3, 67.9], [166.4, 56.6], [168.9, 62.3], [163.8, 58.5], [167.6, 54.5], [160.0, 50.2], [161.3, 60.3], [167.6, 58.3], [165.1, 56.2], [160.0, 50.2], [170.0, 72.9], [157.5, 59.8], [167.6, 61.0], [160.7, 69.1], [163.2, 55.9], [152.4, 46.5], [157.5, 54.3], [168.3, 54.8], [180.3, 60.7], [165.5, 60.0], [165.0, 62.0], [164.5, 60.3], [156.0, 52.7], [160.0, 74.3], [163.0, 62.0], [165.7, 73.1], [161.0, 80.0], [162.0, 54.7], [166.0, 53.2], [174.0, 75.7], [172.7, 61.1], [167.6, 55.7], [151.1, 48.7], [164.5, 52.3], [163.5, 50.0], [152.0, 59.3], [169.0, 62.5], [164.0, 55.7], [161.2, 54.8], [155.0, 45.9], [170.0, 70.6], [176.2, 67.2], [170.0, 69.4], [162.5, 58.2], [170.3, 64.8], [164.1, 71.6], [169.5, 52.8], [163.2, 59.8], [154.5, 49.0], [159.8, 50.0], [173.2, 69.2], [170.0, 55.9], [161.4, 63.4], [169.0, 58.2], [166.2, 58.6], [159.4, 45.7], [162.5, 52.2], [159.0, 48.6], [162.8, 57.8], [159.0, 55.6], [179.8, 66.8], [162.9, 59.4], [161.0, 53.6], [151.1, 73.2], [168.2, 53.4], [168.9, 69.0], [173.2, 58.4], [171.8, 56.2], [178.0, 70.6], [164.3, 59.8], [163.0, 72.0], [168.5, 65.2], [166.8, 56.6], [172.7, 105.2], [163.5, 51.8], [169.4, 63.4], [167.8, 59.0], [159.5, 47.6], [167.6, 63.0], [161.2, 55.2], [160.0, 45.0], [163.2, 54.0], [162.2, 50.2], [161.3, 60.2], [149.5, 44.8], [157.5, 58.8], [163.2, 56.4], [172.7, 62.0], [155.0, 49.2], [156.5, 67.2], [164.0, 53.8], [160.9, 54.4], [162.8, 58.0], [167.0, 59.8], [160.0, 54.8], [160.0, 43.2], [168.9, 60.5], [158.2, 46.4], [156.0, 64.4], [160.0, 48.8], [167.1, 62.2], [158.0, 55.5], [167.6, 57.8], [156.0, 54.6], [162.1, 59.2], [173.4, 52.7], [159.8, 53.2], [170.5, 64.5], [159.2, 51.8], [157.5, 56.0], [161.3, 63.6], [162.6, 63.2], [160.0, 59.5], [168.9, 56.8], [165.1, 64.1], [162.6, 50.0], [165.1, 72.3], [166.4, 55.0], [160.0, 55.9], [152.4, 60.4], [170.2, 69.1], [162.6, 84.5], [170.2, 55.9], [158.8, 55.5], [172.7, 69.5], [167.6, 76.4], [162.6, 61.4], [167.6, 65.9], [156.2, 58.6], [175.2, 66.8], [172.1, 56.6], [162.6, 58.6], [160.0, 55.9], [165.1, 59.1], [182.9, 81.8], [166.4, 70.7], [165.1, 56.8], [177.8, 60.0], [165.1, 58.2], [175.3, 72.7], [154.9, 54.1], [158.8, 49.1], [172.7, 75.9], [168.9, 55.0], [161.3, 57.3], [167.6, 55.0], [165.1, 65.5], [175.3, 65.5], [157.5, 48.6], [163.8, 58.6], [167.6, 63.6], [165.1, 55.2], [165.1, 62.7], [168.9, 56.6], [162.6, 53.9], [164.5, 63.2], [176.5, 73.6], [168.9, 62.0], [175.3, 63.6], [159.4, 53.2], [160.0, 53.4], [170.2, 55.0], [162.6, 70.5], [167.6, 54.5], [162.6, 54.5], [160.7, 55.9], [160.0, 59.0], [157.5, 63.6], [162.6, 54.5], [152.4, 47.3], [170.2, 67.7], [165.1, 80.9], [172.7, 70.5], [165.1, 60.9], [170.2, 63.6], [170.2, 54.5], [170.2, 59.1], [161.3, 70.5], [167.6, 52.7], [167.6, 62.7], [165.1, 86.3], [162.6, 66.4], [152.4, 67.3], [168.9, 63.0], [170.2, 73.6], [175.2, 62.3], [175.2, 57.7], [160.0, 55.4], [165.1, 104.1], [174.0, 55.5], [170.2, 77.3], [160.0, 80.5], [167.6, 64.5], [167.6, 72.3], [167.6, 61.4], [154.9, 58.2], [162.6, 81.8], [175.3, 63.6], [171.4, 53.4], [157.5, 54.5], [165.1, 53.6], [160.0, 60.0], [174.0, 73.6], [162.6, 61.4], [174.0, 55.5], [162.6, 63.6], [161.3, 60.9], [156.2, 60.0], [149.9, 46.8], [169.5, 57.3], [160.0, 64.1], [175.3, 63.6], [169.5, 67.3], [160.0, 75.5], [172.7, 68.2], [162.6, 61.4], [157.5, 76.8], [176.5, 71.8], [164.4, 55.5], [160.7, 48.6], [174.0, 66.4], [163.8, 67.3]]; sheet.setArray(0, 0, femaleDataArray); var maleDataArray = [["Male", ""], ["Height", "Weight"], [174.0, 65.6], [175.3, 71.8], [193.5, 80.7], [186.5, 72.6], [187.2, 78.8], [181.5, 74.8], [184.0, 86.4], [184.5, 78.4], [175.0, 62.0], [184.0, 81.6], [180.0, 76.6], [177.8, 83.6], [192.0, 90.0], [176.0, 74.6], [174.0, 71.0], [184.0, 79.6], [192.7, 93.8], [171.5, 70.0], [173.0, 72.4], [176.0, 85.9], [176.0, 78.8], [180.5, 77.8], [172.7, 66.2], [176.0, 86.4], [173.5, 81.8], [178.0, 89.6], [180.3, 82.8], [180.3, 76.4], [164.5, 63.2], [173.0, 60.9], [183.5, 74.8], [175.5, 70.0], [188.0, 72.4], [189.2, 84.1], [172.8, 69.1], [170.0, 59.5], [182.0, 67.2], [170.0, 61.3], [177.8, 68.6], [184.2, 80.1], [186.7, 87.8], [171.4, 84.7], [172.7, 73.4], [175.3, 72.1], [180.3, 82.6], [182.9, 88.7], [188.0, 84.1], [177.2, 94.1], [172.1, 74.9], [167.0, 59.1], [169.5, 75.6], [174.0, 86.2], [172.7, 75.3], [182.2, 87.1], [164.1, 55.2], [163.0, 57.0], [171.5, 61.4], [184.2, 76.8], [174.0, 86.8], [174.0, 72.2], [177.0, 71.6], [186.0, 84.8], [167.0, 68.2], [171.8, 66.1], [182.0, 72.0], [167.0, 64.6], [177.8, 74.8], [164.5, 70.0], [192.0, 101.6], [175.5, 63.2], [171.2, 79.1], [181.6, 78.9], [167.4, 67.7], [181.1, 66.0], [177.0, 68.2], [174.5, 63.9], [177.5, 72.0], [170.5, 56.8], [182.4, 74.5], [197.1, 90.9], [180.1, 93.0], [175.5, 80.9], [180.6, 72.7], [184.4, 68.0], [175.5, 70.9], [180.6, 72.5], [177.0, 72.5], [177.1, 83.4], [181.6, 75.5], [176.5, 73.0], [175.0, 70.2], [174.0, 73.4], [165.1, 70.5], [177.0, 68.9], [192.0, 102.3], [176.5, 68.4], [169.4, 65.9], [182.1, 75.7], [179.8, 84.5], [175.3, 87.7], [184.9, 86.4], [177.3, 73.2], [167.4, 53.9], [178.1, 72.0], [168.9, 55.5], [157.2, 58.4], [180.3, 83.2], [170.2, 72.7], [177.8, 64.1], [172.7, 72.3], [165.1, 65.0], [186.7, 86.4], [165.1, 65.0], [174.0, 88.6], [175.3, 84.1], [185.4, 66.8], [177.8, 75.5], [180.3, 93.2], [180.3, 82.7], [177.8, 58.0], [177.8, 79.5], [177.8, 78.6], [177.8, 71.8], [177.8, 116.4], [163.8, 72.2], [188.0, 83.6], [198.1, 85.5], [175.3, 90.9], [166.4, 85.9], [190.5, 89.1], [166.4, 75.0], [177.8, 77.7], [179.7, 86.4], [172.7, 90.9], [190.5, 73.6], [185.4, 76.4], [168.9, 69.1], [167.6, 84.5], [175.3, 64.5], [170.2, 69.1], [190.5, 108.6], [177.8, 86.4], [190.5, 80.9], [177.8, 87.7], [184.2, 94.5], [176.5, 80.2], [177.8, 72.0], [180.3, 71.4], [171.4, 72.7], [172.7, 84.1], [172.7, 76.8], [177.8, 63.6], [177.8, 80.9], [182.9, 80.9], [170.2, 85.5], [167.6, 68.6], [175.3, 67.7], [165.1, 66.4], [185.4, 102.3], [181.6, 70.5], [172.7, 95.9], [190.5, 84.1], [179.1, 87.3], [175.3, 71.8], [170.2, 65.9], [193.0, 95.9], [171.4, 91.4], [177.8, 81.8], [177.8, 96.8], [167.6, 69.1], [167.6, 82.7], [180.3, 75.5], [182.9, 79.5], [176.5, 73.6], [186.7, 91.8], [188.0, 84.1], [188.0, 85.9], [177.8, 81.8], [174.0, 82.5], [177.8, 80.5], [171.4, 70.0], [185.4, 81.8], [185.4, 84.1], [188.0, 90.5], [188.0, 91.4], [182.9, 89.1], [176.5, 85.0], [175.3, 69.1], [175.3, 73.6], [188.0, 80.5], [188.0, 82.7], [175.3, 86.4], [170.5, 67.7], [179.1, 92.7], [177.8, 93.6], [175.3, 70.9], [182.9, 75.0], [170.8, 93.2], [188.0, 93.2], [180.3, 77.7], [177.8, 61.4], [185.4, 94.1], [168.9, 75.0], [185.4, 83.6], [180.3, 85.5], [174.0, 73.9], [167.6, 66.8], [182.9, 87.3], [160.0, 72.3], [180.3, 88.6], [167.6, 75.5], [186.7, 101.4], [175.3, 91.1], [175.3, 67.3], [175.9, 77.7], [175.3, 81.8], [179.1, 75.5], [181.6, 84.5], [177.8, 76.6], [182.9, 85.0], [177.8, 102.5], [184.2, 77.3], [179.1, 71.8], [176.5, 87.9], [188.0, 94.3], [174.0, 70.9], [167.6, 64.5], [170.2, 77.3], [167.6, 72.3], [188.0, 87.3], [174.0, 80.0], [176.5, 82.3], [180.3, 73.6], [167.6, 74.1], [188.0, 85.9], [180.3, 73.2], [167.6, 76.3], [183.0, 65.9], [183.0, 90.9], [179.1, 89.1], [170.2, 62.3], [177.8, 82.7], [179.1, 79.1], [190.5, 98.2], [177.8, 84.1], [180.3, 83.2], [180.3, 83.2]]; sheet.setArray(0, 2, maleDataArray); } function initXYScatterChart(sheet) { var chartType = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.xyScatter; //add chart var chart = sheet.charts.add((sheet.name() + 'Chart1'), chartType, 280, 0, 900, 420, null); addSeries(chart, chartType); changeXYScatterChartGridLines(chart); chart.title({text:"Male and Female Height and Weight Distribution"}); } function initBubbleSheet(sheet) { sheet.name('Bubble'); //prepare data for chart var dataArray = [ [28604, 77, 17096869, 74, 67096869], [41163, 77.4, 27662440, 71.8, 47662440], [3516, 68, 1154605773, 78, 1654605773], [13670, 74.7, 10582082, 72.7, 69582082], [28599, 75, 4986705, 79, 1986705], [29476, 77.1, 56943299, 82.1, 26943299], [31476, 75.4, 78958237, 79.4, 98958237], [28666, 78.1, 254830, 74.1, 954830], [4777, 57.7, 870601776, 67.7, 570601776], [29550, 79.1, 122249285, 82.1, 22249285], [5076, 67.9, 20194354, 64.9, 40194354], [12087, 72, 42972254, 76, 342972254], [24021, 75.4, 3397534, 78.4, 1397534], [48296, 76.8, 4240375, 78.8, 14240375], [10088, 70.8, 38195258, 78.8, 18195258], [19349, 69.6, 147568552, 77.6, 234568552], [10670, 67.3, 53994605, 77.3, 83994605], [26424, 75.7, 57110117, 83.7, 86110117], [37062, 75.4, 252847810, 80.4, 652847810], [49056, 81.8, 23968973, 79.8, 63968973], [43294, 81.7, 35939927, 78.7, 15939927], [13334, 76.9, 1376048943, 80.9, 976048943], [21291, 78.5, 11389562, 82.5, 151389562], [38923, 80.8, 5503457, 76.8, 1503457], [57599, 81.9, 64395345, 75.9, 34395345], [49053, 81.1, 80688545, 75.1, 20688545], [42182, 82.8, 329425, 83.8, 1329425], [5903, 66.8, 1311050527, 65.8, 311050527], [36162, 83.5, 126573481, 85.5, 326573481], [4390, 71.4, 25155317, 77.4, 55155317], [34644, 80.7, 50293439, 83.7, 20293439], [24186, 80.6, 4528526, 78.6, 13528526], [64304, 81.6, 5210967, 83.6, 3210967], [24787, 77.3, 38611794, 74.3, 88611794], [23038, 73.13, 143456918, 76.13, 83456918], [19360, 76.5, 78665830, 79.5, 58665830], [58225, 81.4, 64715810, 76.4, 84715810], [53354, 79.1, 321773631, 83.1, 721773631] ]; sheet.setArray(0, 0, dataArray); } function initBubbleChart(sheet) { var chart = sheet.charts.add('BubbleChart1', GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.bubble, 280, 0, 620, 400, "A1:E38", GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.RowCol.columns); changeBubbleGridLines(chart); changeBubbleBackColor(chart); changePrimaryCategoryMin(chart); } // hide bubble gridLines function changeBubbleGridLines(chart) { var gridLinesAxes = chart.axes(); gridLinesAxes.primaryCategory.majorGridLine.visible = false; gridLinesAxes.primaryValue.majorGridLine.visible = false; chart.axes(gridLinesAxes); } //change bubble backColor function changeBubbleBackColor(chart) { var series = chart.series().get(); var seriesColors = ['rgba(25, 183, 207, 0.6)', 'rgba(251, 118, 123, 0.6)']; for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { var seriesItem = series[i]; seriesItem.backColor = seriesColors[i]; chart.series().set(i, seriesItem); } } // change primary min num function changePrimaryCategoryMin(chart) { var gridLinesAxes = chart.axes(); gridLinesAxes.primaryValue.min = 50; gridLinesAxes.primaryValue.max = 88; chart.axes(gridLinesAxes); } // change Marker function changeMarker(chart) { var preSet = [ { fill: "", shape: 0 /** circle */, size: 7, border: { color: "blue", width: 1 } }, { fill: "", shape: 8/** star */, size: 9, border: { color: "black", width: 1 } }, { fill: "yellow", shape: 2 /** diamond */, size: 7, border: { color: "red", width: 2 } }, ]; var series = chart.series().get(); var seriesItem; for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { seriesItem = series[i]; seriesItem.symbol = preSet[i]; chart.series().set(i, seriesItem); } }
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