
In SpreadJS, you can customize the format of each cell so that the data is displayed however you like. This can be useful when you have raw data that comes from a database, and you want to show a user-friendly format of that data.

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To set the formatter string to a cell use the setFormatter method, and use the getFormatter method to get the cell formatter. You can also get the cell, column, or row by using the formatter method to get and set the formatter for the cell. For example:

    sheet.setValue(9, 6, new Date(2013,3,1));
    sheet.setFormatter(9, 6, 'd-mmm;@');
    sheet.getCell(9, 6).formatter('d-mmm;@');

You can set a general format for a cell. Create a GeneralFormatter and set it to the cell. For example:

    var generalFormat = new GC.Spread.Formatter.GeneralFormatter(
    var cell = sheet.getCell(0, 0);

The color format also supports color index, from color 1 to color 56. For example:

    var generalFormat = new GC.Spread.Formatter.GeneralFormatter(
    var cell = sheet.getCell(0, 0);
To set the formatter string to a cell use the setFormatter method, and use the getFormatter method to get the cell formatter. You can also get the cell, column, or row by using the formatter method to get and set the formatter for the cell. For example: You can set a general format for a cell. Create a GeneralFormatter and set it to the cell. For example: The color format also supports color index, from color 1 to color 56. For example:
var spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets; window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 5 }); initSpread(spread); }; var numValue = "1234.0123456789012345678901234567899"; var dateValue = "2011/9/2"; var eraDateValue = "2019/11/1"; var timeValue = "10:08:25"; var perValue = "1234.0123456789012345678901234567899%"; var sciValue = "1.012345678901234567890123456789e2"; var cusValue = "1001.1"; var cusDateValue = "2011/08/29"; var dateFormatterArray = [ //Date Formatter dateValue, "[$-411]dddd-mmmm;@","", dateValue, "[$-411]dddd-mmmm-yyyy;@", "", dateValue, "[$-411]mmm-yy;@", "", dateValue, "[$-411]mmmm d, yyyy;@", "", dateValue, "[$-411]m/d/yy h:mm AM/PM;@:", "", dateValue, "dddd-mmmm;@", "", dateValue, "dddd-mmmm-yyyy;@", "", dateValue, "mmm-yy;@", "", dateValue, "mmmm d, yyyy;@", "", dateValue, "m/d/yy h:mm AM/PM;@:", "", dateValue, "M/d/yyyy", "9/2/2011", dateValue, "[$-411]ggg ee/MMM/dd dddd", "", dateValue, "[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy", "Friday, September 02, 2011", dateValue, "M/d", "9/2", dateValue, "M/d/yy", "9/2/11", dateValue, "MM/dd/yy", "09/02/11", dateValue, "d-MMM", "2-Sep", dateValue, "d-MMM-yy", "2-Sep-11", dateValue, "dd-MMM-yy", "02-Sep-11", dateValue, "MMM-yy", "Sep-11", dateValue, "MMMM-yy", "September-11", dateValue, "d-MMM-yyyy", "2-Sep-2011", dateValue, "MMMM d, yyyy", "September 2, 2011", dateValue, "M/d/yy HH:mm tt", "9/2/11 12:00 AM", dateValue, "M/d/yy H:mm", "9/2/11 0:00", dateValue, "[$-409]mmmmm;@", "S", dateValue, "[$-409]mmmmm-yy;@", "S-11", //Time Formatter timeValue, "HH:mm:ss tt", "10:08:25 AM", timeValue, "HH:mm", "10:08", timeValue, "HH:mm tt", "10:08 AM", timeValue, "HH:mm:ss", "10:08:25", timeValue, "mm:ss.0", "08:25.0", timeValue, "m/d/yy HH:mm tt", "12/30/99 10:08 AM", timeValue, "d/m/yy HH:mm", "30/12/99 10:08", //Custom DateTime Formatter cusDateValue, "General", "40784", cusDateValue, "m/d/yyyy", "8/29/2011", cusDateValue, "d-mmm-yy", "29-Aug-11", cusDateValue, "d-mmm", "29-Aug", cusDateValue, "mmm-yy", "Aug-11", cusDateValue, "h:mm AM/PM", "0:00 AM", cusDateValue, "h:mm:ss AM/PM", "0:00:00 AM", cusDateValue, "h:mm", "0:00", cusDateValue, "h:mm:ss", "0:00:00", cusDateValue, "m/d/yyyy h:mm", "8/29/2011 0:00", cusDateValue, "mm:ss", "00:00", cusDateValue, "mm:ss.0", "00:00.0", cusDateValue, "@", "8/29/2011 12:00:00 AM", cusDateValue, "[h]:mm:ss", "978816:00:00" ]; var numberFormatterArray = [ //Number Formatter, "0.25", "# ?/?", "1/4", "1.35", "# ??/??", "1 7/20", "1.053", "# ???/???", "1 6/113", "0.33", "# ?/2", "1/2", "0.25", "# ?/4", "1/4", "1.35", "# ?/8", "1 3/8", "1.5", "# ??/16", " 1 8/16", "0.33", "# ?/10", "3/10", "0.25", "# ??/100", "25/100", "12345", "[DBNum1][$-411]#,##0", "一二,三四五", "12345", "[DBNum2][$-411]#,##0","壱弐,参四伍", "12345", "[DBNum3][$-411]#,##0","12,345", "12345", "[DBNum1][$-411]General","一万二千三百四十五", "12345", "[DBNum2][$-411]General","壱萬弐阡参百四拾伍", "12345", "[DBNum3][$-411]General", "12345", numValue, "0", "1234", numValue, "0.0", "1234.0", numValue, "0.00", "1234.01", numValue, "0.0000000000", "1234.0123456789", numValue, "0.00000000000000000000", "1234.01234567890000000000", numValue, "0.000000000000000000000000000000", "1234.012345678900000000000000000000", numValue, "#,##0", "1,234", numValue, "#,##0.00", "1,234.01", numValue, "#,##0.0000000000", "1,234.0123456789", numValue, "#,##0.00000000000000000000", "1,234.01234567890000000000", numValue, "#,##0.000000000000000000000000000000", "1,234.012345678900000000000000000000", numValue, "$#,##0", "$1,234", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "$#,##0.0000000000", "$1,234.0123456789", numValue, "$#,##0.00000000000000000000", "$1,234.01234567890000000000", numValue, "$#,##0.000000000000000000000000000000", "$1,234.012345678900000000000000000000", numValue, "#,##0.00", "1,234.01", numValue, "¥#,##0.00", "¥1,234.01", numValue, "Lek#,##0.00", "Lek1,234.01", numValue, "դր#,##0.00000", "դր1,234.01235", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "€#,##0.00", "€1,234.01", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "ман#,##0.00", "ман1,234.01", numValue, "€#,##0.00", "€1,234.01", numValue, "лв#,##0.000000", "лв1,234.012346", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "$b#,##0.00", "$b1,234.01", numValue, "R$#,##0.00", "R$1,234.01", numValue, "#,##0.00р.", "1,234.01р.", numValue, "BZ$#,##0.00", "BZ$1,234.01", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "CB#,##0.00", "CB1,234.01", numValue, "fr#,##0.00", "fr1,234.01", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "¥#,##0.00", "¥1,234.01", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "₡#,##0.00", "₡1,234.01", numValue, "Kč#,##0.00", "Kč1,234.01", numValue, "€#,##0.00", "€1,234.01", numValue, "kr#,##0.00", "kr1,234.01", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "kr#,##0.00", "kr1,234.01", numValue, "€#,##0.00", "€1,234.01", numValue, "£#,##0.00", "£1,234.01", numValue, "Lari#,##0.00", "Lari1,234.01", numValue, "Q#,##0.00", "Q1,234.01", numValue, "L#,##0.00", "L1,234.01", numValue, "kn#,##0.00", "kn1,234.01", numValue, "Ft#,##0.00", "Ft1,234.01", numValue, "Rp#,##0.00", "Rp1,234.01", numValue, "₪#,##0.00", "₪1,234.01", numValue, "रु#,##0.00", "रु1,234.01", numValue, "J$#,##0.00", "J$1,234.01", numValue, "¥#,##0.00", "¥1,234.01", numValue, "сом#,##0.00", "сом1,234.01", numValue, "₩#,##0.00", "₩1,234.01", numValue, "Т#,##0.00", "Т1,234.01", numValue, "Lt#,##0.00", "Lt1,234.01", numValue, "ден#,##0.00", "ден1,234.01", numValue, "₮#,##0.00", "₮1,234.01", numValue, "$#,##0.00", "$1,234.01", numValue, "C$#,##0.00", "C$1,234.01", numValue, "kr#,##0.00", "kr1,234.01", numValue, "zł#,##0.00", "zł1,234.01", numValue, "lei#,##0.00", "lei1,234.01", numValue, "р#,##0.00", "р1,234.01", numValue, "TA#,##0.00", "TA1,234.01", numValue, "฿#,##0.00", "฿1,234.01", numValue, "TL#,##0.00", "TL1,234.01", numValue, "TT$#,##0.00", "TT$1,234.01", numValue, "NT$#,##0.00", "NT$1,234.01", numValue, "₴#,##0.00", "₴1,234.01", numValue, "$U#,##0.00", "$U1,234.01", numValue, "сўм#,##0.00", "сўм1,234.01", numValue, "₫#,##0.00", "₫1,234.01", numValue, "R#,##0.00", "R1,234.01", numValue, "Z$#,##0.00", "Z$1,234.01", //Percentage Formatter perValue, "0%", "1234%", perValue, "0.00%", "1234.01%", perValue, "0.000000000000000%", "1234.012345678900000%", perValue, "0.000000000000000000000000000000%", "1234.012345678900000000000000000000%", //Scientific Formatter sciValue, "0E+00", "1E+02", sciValue, "0.00E+00", "1.01E+02", sciValue, "0.000000000000000E+00", "1.012345678901230E+02", sciValue, "0.000000000000000000000000000000E+00", "1.012345678901230000000000000000E+02", //Custom Number Formatter cusValue, "General", "1001.1", cusValue, "0", "1001", cusValue, "0.00", "1001.10", cusValue, "#,##0", "1,001", cusValue, "#,##0.00", "1,001.10", cusValue, "0%", "100110%", cusValue, "0.00%", "100110.00%", cusValue, "0.00E+00", "1.00E+03", cusValue, "##0.0E+0", "1.0E+3", cusValue, "# ?/?", "1001 1/9", cusValue, "# ??/??", "1001 1/10" ]; var eraFormatterArray = [ eraDateValue, '[$-ja-JP-x-gannen]ggg ee"年"mm"月"dd"日"', '', eraDateValue, '[$-ja-JP-x-gannen]ggg ee"年"m"月"d"日"', '', eraDateValue, '[$-411]ggg ee"年"mm"月"dd"日"', '', ]; var dbNum4FormatterArray = [ '1234567890000', '[DBNum4][$-412]General', '', '123456.789', '[DBNum4][$-412]0.00', '', '2020/07/16', '[DBNum4][$-412]YYYY-MM-DD', '' ]; var colorFormatterArray = [ "1","[color 1]0.0","", "2","[color 2]0.0","", "3","[color 3]0.0","", "4","[color 4]0.0","", "5","[color 5]0.0","", "6","[color 6]0.0","", "7","[color 7]0.0","", "8","[color 8]0.0","", "9","[color 9]0.0","", "10","[color 10]0.0","", "11","[color 11]0.0","", "12","[color 12]0.0","", "13","[color 13]0.0","", "14","[color 14]0.0","", "15","[color 15]0.0","", "16","[color 16]0.0","", "17","[color 17]0.0","", "18","[color 18]0.0","", "19","[color 19]0.0","", "20","[color 20]0.0","", "21","[color 21]0.0","", "22","[color 22]0.0","", "23","[color 23]0.0","", "24","[color 24]0.0","", "25","[color 25]0.0","", "26","[color 26]0.0","", "27","[color 27]0.0","", "28","[color 28]0.0","", "29","[color 29]0.0","", "30","[color 30]0.0","", "31","[color 31]0.0","", "32","[color 32]0.0","", "33","[color 33]0.0","", "34","[color 34]0.0","", "35","[color 35]0.0","", "36","[color 36]0.0","", "37","[color 37]0.0","", "38","[color 38]0.0","", "39","[color 39]0.0","", "40","[color 40]0.0","", "41","[color 41]0.0","", "42","[color 42]0.0","", "43","[color 43]0.0","", "44","[color 44]0.0","", "45","[color 45]0.0","", "46","[color 46]0.0","", "47","[color 47]0.0","", "48","[color 48]0.0","", "49","[color 49]0.0","", "50","[color 50]0.0","", "51","[color 51]0.0","", "52","[color 52]0.0","", "53","[color 53]0.0","", "54","[color 54]0.0","", "55","[color 55]0.0","", "56","[color 56]0.0","", ] function initSpread(spread) { spread.suspendPaint(); spread.options.tabStripRatio = 0.8; sheet=spread.getSheet(4); sheet.name("Color Formatter"); initFormatterUnitTest(sheet); startFormatterUnitTest(sheet,colorFormatterArray); sheet = spread.getSheet(3); sheet.name("DBNum4 Formatter"); initFormatterUnitTest(sheet); startFormatterUnitTest(sheet, dbNum4FormatterArray); sheet = spread.getSheet(2); sheet.name("Era Formatter"); initFormatterUnitTest(sheet); startFormatterUnitTest(sheet, eraFormatterArray); var sheet = spread.getSheet(1); sheet.name("Date Formatter"); initFormatterUnitTest(sheet); startFormatterUnitTest(sheet, dateFormatterArray); sheet = spread.getSheet(0); sheet.name("Number Formatter"); initFormatterUnitTest(sheet); startFormatterUnitTest(sheet, numberFormatterArray); spread.resumePaint(); document.getElementById("btnSetFormat").addEventListener('click',function () { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); try { var selections = sheet.getSelections(); for (var i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) { var range = getActualCellRange(selections[i], sheet.getRowCount(), sheet.getColumnCount()); for (var i = 0; i < range.rowCount; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < range.colCount; j++) { sheet.getCell(range.row + i, range.col + j).formatter(new GC.Spread.Formatter.GeneralFormatter(document.getElementById("format_text").value)); } } } } catch (ex) { alert(ex.message); } }); document.getElementById("btnClearFormat").addEventListener('click',function () { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); var selections = sheet.getSelections(); for (var i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) { var range = getActualCellRange(selections[i], sheet.getRowCount(), sheet.getColumnCount()); for (var i = 0; i < range.rowCount; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < range.colCount; j++) { sheet.getCell(range.row + i, range.col + j).formatter(null); } } } }); }; function initFormatterUnitTest(sheet) { sheet.setColumnCount(4); sheet.getCell(0, 0, spreadNS.SheetArea.colHeader).value(" "); sheet.getCell(0, 1, spreadNS.SheetArea.colHeader).value("Value"); sheet.getCell(0, 2, spreadNS.SheetArea.colHeader).value("Formatter"); sheet.getCell(0, 3, spreadNS.SheetArea.colHeader).value("Display"); sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 10); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 300); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 300); sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 300); }; function startFormatterUnitTest(sheet, formatters) { for (var i = 0; i < formatters.length; i += 3) { //Mark the new added format in current version. if (sheet.name() === "Number Formatter") { if (i < 15 * 3) { sheet.getCell(i / 3, 0).value("*").font("20px arial bold"); } } if (sheet.name() === "Date Formatter") { if (i < 13 * 3) { sheet.getCell(i / 3, 0).value("*").font("20px arial bold"); } } sheet.setValue(i / 3, 1, formatters[i]); sheet.setValue(i / 3, 2, formatters[i + 1]); sheet.getCell(i / 3, 3).formatter(formatters[i + 1]); sheet.setText(i / 3, 3, formatters[i]); } }; function getActualCellRange(cellRange, rowCount, columnCount) { if (cellRange.row == -1 && cellRange.col == -1) { return new spreadNS.Range(0, 0, rowCount, columnCount); } else if (cellRange.row == -1) { return new spreadNS.Range(0, cellRange.col, rowCount, cellRange.colCount); } else if (cellRange.col == -1) { return new spreadNS.Range(cellRange.row, 0, cellRange.rowCount, columnCount); } return cellRange; };
<!doctype html> <html style="height:100%;font-size:14px;"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$DEMOROOT$/en/purejs/node_modules/@mescius/spread-sheets/styles/gc.spread.sheets.excel2013white.css"> <script src="$DEMOROOT$/en/purejs/node_modules/@mescius/spread-sheets/dist/gc.spread.sheets.all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/js/license.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="app.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <div class="sample-tutorial"> <div id="ss" class="sample-spreadsheets"></div> <div class="options-container"> Select a cell in Spread, enter a format in this text box, and click the "SetFormat" button to set the format for that cell. The "ClearFormat" button can be used to clear the format in the selected cell in Spread. <div class="option-row"> <input type="text" id="format_text" value="##,##0" /> <input type="button" value="SetFormat" id="btnSetFormat" /> <input type="button" value="ClearFormat" id="btnClearFormat" /> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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