Get Dependents

SpreadJS provides extensive support for formula auditing by providing users the ability to display relationships between formulas and cells. This can be done by tracing the precedent and dependent cells in the worksheet. The following sample uses the getDependents method to get the dependent cellRange information object for an array of cells. In this example, click on cell C10 to see it's dependent cells.

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Dependents are cells or ranges affected by the current cell's formula.

Set formula =SUM(A1) in cell B1. Cell B1 is the dependent cell of cell A1.

Use the getDependents method to get the dependent cellRange information object array of cell. As shown in the following code.

    var childNodes = sheet.getDependents(row, col);
Dependents are cells or ranges affected by the current cell's formula. Set formula =SUM(A1) in cell B1. Cell B1 is the dependent cell of cell A1. Use the getDependents method to get the dependent cellRange information object array of cell. As shown in the following code.
import { Component, NgModule, enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { SpreadSheetsModule } from '@mescius/spread-sheets-angular'; import { getData } from './'; import GC from '@mescius/spread-sheets'; import './styles.css'; import "@mescius/spread-sheets-shapes"; const precedentLevelColor = ['#FFFFFF', '#19E093', '#09E8DB', '#12A0D1', '#096CE8', '#0926DE']; const dependentLevelColor = ['#FFFFFF', '#ADDE0B', '#E8DD0C', '#D1AD00', '#E8A90C', '#E08804']; function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } @Component({ selector: 'app-component', templateUrl: './src/app.component.html', }) export class AppComponent { spread: GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook; hostStyle = { width: "100%", height: "calc(100% - 30px)", overflow: 'hidden', float: 'left', }; constructor() { } init($event: any) { this.spread = $event.spread; this.initSpread(this.spread); this.initStatusBar(this.spread); this.buildNodeTreeAndPaint(this.spread) } initSpread(spread: GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook) { spread.fromJSON(getData()[0]); var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); dependentLevelColor.forEach(function (color, index) { sheet.getCell(26, 7 - index, 3).backColor(color).text((index).toString()).font("bold 24px").hAlign( }); precedentLevelColor.forEach(function (color, index) { sheet.getCell(26, 7 + index, 3).backColor(color).text((index).toString()).font("bold 24px").hAlign( }) sheet.getCell(26, 1).text("dependent"); sheet.setStyle(26, 1, sheet.getStyle(10, 0)); sheet.getCell(26, 13).text("precendent"); sheet.setStyle(26, 13, sheet.getStyle(10, 0)); sheet.getCell(26, 7).text('C'); } initStatusBar(spread: GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook) { var statusBarDOM = _getElementById('statusBar'); var statusBar = new GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusBar(statusBarDOM); statusBar.bind(spread); } buildNodeTreeAndPaint(spread: GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook) { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); var oldDependentNodeTree, oldPrecedentNodeTree; let self = this; sheet.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.SelectionChanging, function (e, info) { spread.suspendPaint(); if (oldDependentNodeTree || oldPrecedentNodeTree) { if (oldDependentNodeTree.dependentChildNodes !== undefined || oldPrecedentNodeTree.precedentChildNodes !== undefined) { self.paintDependentCells(oldDependentNodeTree, true); self.paintPrecendentCells(oldPrecedentNodeTree, true); } } var newRow = info.newSelections[0].row; var newCol = info.newSelections[0].col; var dependentNodeTree = self.createDependentNodeTree(newRow, newCol, sheet); oldDependentNodeTree = dependentNodeTree; var precedentNodeTree = self.createPrecedentNodeTree(newRow, newCol, sheet); oldPrecedentNodeTree = precedentNodeTree; if (precedentNodeTree.precedentChildNodes !== undefined || dependentNodeTree.dependentChildNodes !== undefined) { self.paintDependentCells(dependentNodeTree); self.paintPrecendentCells(precedentNodeTree); } spread.resumePaint(); }) } createPrecedentNodeTree(row: number, col: number, sheet: GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet, precedentLevel?: number) { if (precedentLevel === undefined) { var precedentLevel = 0; } var node = { row: row, col: col, sheet: sheet, level: precedentLevel, precedentChildNodes: undefined, }; var precedentChildNodes = this.addPrecedentChildNode(row, col, sheet, precedentLevel); if (precedentChildNodes.length > 0) { node.precedentChildNodes = precedentChildNodes; } return node; } createDependentNodeTree(row: number, col: number, sheet: GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet, dependentLevel?: number) { if (dependentLevel === undefined) { var dependentLevel = 0; } var node = { row: row, col: col, sheet: sheet, level: dependentLevel, dependentChildNodes: undefined, }; var dependentChildNodes = this.addDependentChildNode(row, col, sheet, dependentLevel); if (dependentChildNodes.length > 0) { node.dependentChildNodes = dependentChildNodes; } return node; } addDependentChildNode(row, col, sheet, dependentLevel) { var childNodeArray = []; var childNodes = sheet.getDependents(row, col); let self = this; if (childNodes.length >= 1) { dependentLevel++; childNodes.forEach(function (node) { let _sheet = sheet.parent.getSheetFromName(node.sheetName); childNodeArray.push(self.createDependentNodeTree(node.row, node.col, _sheet, dependentLevel)) }) } return childNodeArray; } addPrecedentChildNode(row, col, sheet, precedentLevel) { var childNodeArray = []; var childNodes = sheet.getPrecedents(row, col); let self = this; if (childNodes.length >= 1) { precedentLevel++; childNodes.forEach(function (node) { var row = node.row, col = node.col, rowCount = node.rowCount, colCount = node.colCount, _sheet = sheet.parent.getSheetFromName(node.sheetName); if (rowCount > 1 || colCount > 1) { for (var r = row; r < row + rowCount; r++) { for (var c = col; c < col + colCount; c++) { childNodeArray.push(self.createPrecedentNodeTree(r, c, _sheet, precedentLevel)); } } } else { childNodeArray.push(self.createPrecedentNodeTree(row, col, _sheet, precedentLevel)) } }) } return childNodeArray; } paintDependentCells(nodeTree, clearFlag?: boolean) { var currentRow = nodeTree.row, currentCol = nodeTree.col, currentSheet = nodeTree.sheet, currentLevel = nodeTree.level; var dependentChildNodes = nodeTree.dependentChildNodes; let self = this; currentSheet.getCell(currentRow, currentCol).backColor(clearFlag ? 'white' : dependentLevelColor[currentLevel]); if (dependentChildNodes) { dependentChildNodes.forEach(function (node) { self.paintDependentCells(node, clearFlag) }); } } paintPrecendentCells(nodeTree, clearFlag?: boolean) { var currentRow = nodeTree.row, currentCol = nodeTree.col, currentSheet = nodeTree.sheet, currentLevel = nodeTree.level; var precedentChildNodes = nodeTree.precedentChildNodes; let self = this; currentSheet.getCell(currentRow, currentCol).backColor(clearFlag ? 'white' : precedentLevelColor[currentLevel]); if (precedentChildNodes) { precedentChildNodes.forEach(function (node) { self.paintPrecendentCells(node, clearFlag); }); } } } @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule, SpreadSheetsModule], declarations: [AppComponent], exports: [AppComponent], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {} enableProdMode(); // Bootstrap application with hash style navigation and global services. platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);
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<div class="sample-tutorial"> <gc-spread-sheets class="spread" [hostStyle]="hostStyle" (workbookInitialized)="init($event)"> <gc-worksheet> </gc-worksheet> </gc-spread-sheets> <div id="statusBar"></div> </div>
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"borderTop": null, "borderRight": null, "borderBottom": null, "locked": true, "textIndent": 2, "wordWrap": false, "diagonalDown": null, "diagonalUp": null } }, "14": { "value": 16950, "style": { "backColor": "#ffffff", "foreColor": "#12355b", "hAlign": 1, "vAlign": 1, "font": "normal bold 17.3px Franklin Gothic Book", "themeFont": "Body", "formatter": "#,##0", "borderLeft": {"color": "#000000", "style": 1}, "borderTop": null, "borderRight": null, "borderBottom": null, "locked": true, "textIndent": 2, "wordWrap": false, "diagonalDown": null, "diagonalUp": null }, "formula": "SUM(C3:N3)" }, "15": {"style": "__builtInStyle9"} }, "3": { "0": {"value": "AGENT/BROKER ITEMS", "style": "__builtInTableStyle0__builtInStyle39"}, "1": { "value": "Rate", "style": { "backColor": "#12355b", "foreColor": "Background 2 0", "hAlign": 1, "vAlign": 1, "font": "normal bold 17.3px Franklin Gothic Medium", "themeFont": "Headings", "locked": true, "textIndent": 2, "wordWrap": false, "diagonalDown": null, "diagonalUp": null } }, "2": { "value": "Month 1", "style": { "backColor": "#12355b", "foreColor": "Background 2 0", "hAlign": 1, "vAlign": 1, "font": "normal bold 17.3px Franklin Gothic Medium", "themeFont": "Headings", "locked": true, "textIndent": 2, "wordWrap": false, "diagonalDown": null, "diagonalUp": null } }, "3": { "value": "Month 2", "style": { "backColor": "#12355b", "foreColor": "Background 2 0", "hAlign": 1, "vAlign": 1, "font": "normal bold 17.3px Franklin Gothic Medium", "themeFont": "Headings", "locked": true, "textIndent": 2, "wordWrap": false, "diagonalDown": null, "diagonalUp": null } }, "4": { "value": "Month 3", "style": { "backColor": "#12355b", "foreColor": "Background 2 0", "hAlign": 1, "vAlign": 1, "font": "normal bold 17.3px Franklin Gothic Medium", "themeFont": "Headings", "locked": true, "textIndent": 2, "wordWrap": false, "diagonalDown": null, "diagonalUp": null } }, "5": { "value": "Month 4", "style": { "backColor": "#12355b", "foreColor": "Background 2 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