Annual Financial Report

The following sample shows how you can use the SpreadJS spreadsheet to create different financial reports and statements for your JavaScript applications, such as an Annual Financial Report.

This example uses a predefined workbook that is loaded into SpreadJS. It highlights the use of formulas, sparklines, charts, conditional formatting and hyperlinks. This example also uses WEBSERVICE and FILTERJSON functions to get data from a webservice and parse the data into a value, an object or an array of objects. *Data provided for free by Alpha Vantage.
<template> <div class="sample-tutorial"> <gc-spread-sheets class="sample-spreadsheets" @workbookInitialized="initSpread"> <gc-worksheet></gc-worksheet> </gc-spread-sheets> </div> </template> <script> import Vue from 'vue'; import '@mescius/spread-sheets-vue' import GC from '@mescius/spread-sheets'; import '@mescius/spread-sheets-shapes'; import '@mescius/spread-sheets-charts'; import './styles.css'; let App = Vue.extend({ name: "app", methods: { initSpread: function (spread) { spread.fromJSON(data); this.initsheet1(spread.sheets[1]); this.initsheet2(spread.sheets[2]); this.initsheet3(spread.sheets[3]); this.initsheet4(spread.sheets[4]); }, initsheet1(sheet) { //summary sheet.suspendPaint(); var properties = [["Symbol", "Address", "Sector", "Industry", "FiscalYearEnd", "EBITDA", "ProfitMargin"], ["BookValue", "SharesOutstanding", "Beta", "PERatio", "DividendYield", "ExDividendDate", "ShortPercentFloat"], ["MarketCapitalization", "AnalystTargetPrice", "RevenuePerShareTTM", "EPS", "DividendPerShare", "ShortRatio", "PayoutRatio"]]; sheet.setFormula(35, 0, '=FILTERJSON(WEBSERVICE(""))'); var index = 0; for (var i = 9; i < 28; i = i + 3) { sheet.setFormula(i, 2, '=IFERROR(PROPERTY(A36,"' + properties[0][index] + '"),"")'); sheet.setFormula(i, 12, '=IFERROR(PROPERTY(A36,"' + properties[1][index] + '"),"")'); sheet.setFormula(i, 16, '=IFERROR(PROPERTY(A36,"' + properties[2][index] + '"),"")'); index++; } sheet.setRowVisible(35, false); sheet.resumePaint(); }, initsheet2(sheet) { //income statement sheet.suspendPaint(); var properties = ["fiscalDateEnding", "totalRevenue", "costOfRevenue", "costofGoodsAndServicesSold", "researchAndDevelopment", "sellingGeneralAndAdministrative", "depreciationAndAmortization", "interestIncome", "interestExpense", "otherNonOperatingIncome", "incomeTaxExpense"]; var index = 0; sheet.setFormula(39, 0, '=FILTERJSON(WEBSERVICE(""))'); for (var j = 4; j < 22; j++) { if ([5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17].includes(j)) { continue; } else { for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sheet.setFormula(j, 8 - i, '=IFERROR(1*PROPERTY(A40,"annualReports.' + i + '.' + properties[index] + '"),0)'); } index++; } } sheet.resumePaint(); }, initsheet3(sheet) { //balance sheet sheet.suspendPaint(); var properties = ["fiscalDateEnding", "cashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue", "cashAndShortTermInvestments", "otherCurrentAssets", "inventory", "currentNetReceivables", "investments", "propertyPlantEquipment", "accumulatedDepreciationAmortizationPPE", "intangibleAssets", "intangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill", "longTermInvestments", "goodwill", "otherNonCurrrentAssets", "currentAccountsPayable", "shortTermDebt", "deferredRevenue", "otherCurrentLiabilities", "longTermDebt", "otherNonCurrentLiabilities", "treasuryStock", "retainedEarnings"]; var index = 0; sheet.setFormula(42, 0, '=FILTERJSON(WEBSERVICE(""))'); for (var j = 5; j < 38; j++) { if ([6, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35].includes(j)) { continue; } else { for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sheet.setFormula(j, 6 - i, '=IFERROR(1*PROPERTY(A43,"annualReports.' + i + '.' + properties[index] + '"),0)'); } index++; } } sheet.setRowVisible(42, false); sheet.resumePaint(); }, initsheet4(sheet) { //cashflow sheet.suspendPaint(); var properties = ["fiscalDateEnding", "netIncome", "paymentsForOperatingActivities", "proceedsFromOperatingActivities", "depreciationDepletionAndAmortization", "changeInReceivables", "changeInInventory", "changeInOperatingLiabilities", "changeInOperatingAssets", "capitalExpenditures", "proceedsFromRepaymentsOfShortTermDebt", "paymentsForRepurchaseOfCommonStock", "paymentsForRepurchaseOfEquity", "paymentsForRepurchaseOfPreferredStock", "dividendPayout", "proceedsFromIssuanceOfCommonStock", "proceedsFromIssuanceOfLongTermDebtAndCapitalSecuritiesNet", "proceedsFromIssuanceOfPreferredStock", "proceedsFromRepurchaseOfEquity", "proceedsFromSaleOfTreasuryStock", "changeInCashAndCashEquivalents", "operatingCashflow"]; var index = 0; sheet.setFormula(40, 0, '=FILTERJSON(WEBSERVICE(""))'); for (var j = 4; j < 35; j++) { if ([5, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 31, 32, 35, 36].includes(j)) { continue; } else { for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sheet.setFormula(j, 6 - i, '=IFERROR(1*PROPERTY(A41,"annualReports.' + i + '.' + properties[index] + '"),0)'); } index++; } } sheet.setRowVisible(40, false); sheet.resumePaint(); } } }); new Vue({ render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app'); </script>
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