The Table Slicer relies on table, so you must add a table first if you want to create a slicer.
You can add a slicer by using the add method, as shown in the following code:
Slicer consists of a slicer header and a slicer body.
The slicer header is composed of slicer caption, multiSelect and clear filter button. The slicer caption is used to show a caption. The clear filter button is used to un-filter the slicer and it is inactive by default. It is active only when a slicer item is filtered .
The slicer body is composed of slicer items. There are four kinds of slicer items:
No Data Items: The items have been filtered out by another slicer.
Has Data Items: The items haven't been filtered out by another slicer.
Selected Items: The items have been filtered out by themselves.
Unselected Items: The items haven't been filtered out by themselves.
The items are divided into No Data Items and Has Data Items when they are filtered out by another slicer, or divided into Selected Items and Unselected Items when they are filtered out by themselves.
<div class="sample-tutorial">
<gc-spread-sheets class="sample-spreadsheets" @workbookInitialized="initSpread">
<div class="options-container">
<p style="padding:2px 10px; background-color:#F4F8EB">Select the slicer and then change the options.</p>
<div class="option-row">
<label for="slicer_name" style="display: inline-block;width: 150px">Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="slicer_name" :disabled="disableName" v-model="name" @change="updateName" />
<div class="option-row">
<label for="slicer_caption_name" style="display: inline-block;width: 150px">Caption Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="slicer_caption_name" :disabled="disableCaptionName" v-model="captionName" @change="updateCaptionName" />
<div class="option-row">
<input type="checkbox" id="show_header" :disabled="disableCaptionName" v-model="showHeader" @change="updateShowHeader"/>
<label for="show_header">ShowHeader</label>
<div class="option-row">
<input type="checkbox" id="show_nodata_items" :disabled="disableCaptionName" checked v-model="showNoDataItems" @change="updateShowNoDataItems" />
<label for="show_nodata_items">ShowNoDataItems</label>
<div class="option-row">
<p class="desc">Check this box to show the unfiltered data items last in the slicer.</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="show_nodata_items_last" :disabled="disableCaptionName" v-model="showNoDataItemsInLast" @change="updateShowNoDataItemsInLast" />
<label for="show_nodata_items_last">ShowNoDataItemsInLast</label>
<p style="padding:2px 10px; background-color:#F4F8EB">Check this box to gray out items that aren’t present in the table.</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="visually_nodata_items" :disabled="disableCaptionName" v-model="visuallyNoDataItems" @change="updateVisuallyNoDataItems" />
<label for="visually_nodata_items">VisuallyNoDataItems</label>
import Vue from 'vue';
import '@mescius/spread-sheets-vue'
import GC from '@mescius/spread-sheets';
import "@mescius/spread-sheets-shapes";
import "@mescius/spread-sheets-slicers";
import './styles.css';
let App = Vue.extend({
name: "app",
data() {
return {
name: '',
captionName: '',
showHeader: true,
showNoDataItems: true,
showNoDataItemsInLast: false,
visuallyNoDataItems: true,
disableName: true,
disableCaptionName: true,
selectedSlicersList: []
methods: {
updateName() {
if (! {
this.selectedSlicersList.forEach((slicer) => {;
updateCaptionName() {
this.selectedSlicersList.forEach((slicer) => {
updateShowHeader() {
this.selectedSlicersList.forEach((slicer) => {
updateShowNoDataItems() {
this.selectedSlicersList.forEach((slicer) => {
updateShowNoDataItemsInLast() {
this.selectedSlicersList.forEach((slicer) => {
updateVisuallyNoDataItems() {
this.selectedSlicersList.forEach((slicer) => {
initSpread(spread) {
let sheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
let dataColumns = ["Name", "City", "Birthday", "Sex", "Weight", "Height"];
let data = [
["Bob", "NewYork", "1968/6/8", "man", "80", "180"],
["Betty", "NewYork", "1972/7/3", "woman", "72", "168"],
["Cherry", "Washington", "1986/2/2", "woman", "58", "161"],
["Gary", "NewYork", "1964/3/2", "man", "71", "179"],
["Hunk", "Washington", "1972/8/8", "man", "80", "171"],
["Eva", "Washington", "1993/2/15", "woman", "71", "180"]
sheet.tables.addFromDataSource("table1", 1, 1, data);
sheet.getRange(-1, 1, -1, 6).width(80);
let table = sheet.tables.findByName("table1");
table.setColumnName(0, dataColumns[0]);
table.setColumnName(1, dataColumns[1]);
table.setColumnName(2, dataColumns[2]);
table.setColumnName(3, dataColumns[3]);
table.setColumnName(4, dataColumns[4]);
table.setColumnName(5, dataColumns[5]);
let slicer1 = sheet.slicers.add("slicer1", "table1", "Name");
slicer1.position(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Point(10, 170));
// show data items in original position
let slicer2 = sheet.slicers.add("slicer2", "table1", "City");
slicer2.position(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Point(220, 170));
let slicer3 = sheet.slicers.add("slicer3", "table1", "Height");
slicer3.position(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Point(430, 170));
// do not show filtered out items
table.getSlicerData().doFilter("City", {exclusiveRowIndexes: [0]});
bindEvent(spread) {
let self = this;
spread.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.SlicerChanged, function (event, args) {
let sheet = args.sheet;
let slicer = args.slicer;
if (!slicer) {
let propertyName = args.propertyName;
if (propertyName === "isSelected") {
if (slicer.isSelected()) {
self.disableCaptionName = false;
self.selectedSlicersList = getSelectedSlicers(sheet);
if (self.selectedSlicersList && self.selectedSlicersList.length > 1) {
self.disableName = true; = '';
self.captionName = '';
self.showHeader = false;
self.showNoDataItems = false;
self.showNoDataItemsInLast = false;
self.visuallyNoDataItems = false;
} else if (self.selectedSlicersList.length === 1) {
self.disableName = false; =;
self.captionName = slicer.captionName();
self.showHeader = slicer.showHeader();
self.showNoDataItems = slicer.showNoDataItems();
self.showNoDataItemsInLast = slicer.showNoDataItemsInLast();
self.visuallyNoDataItems = slicer.visuallyNoDataItems();
} else {
self.disableName = true;
self.disableCaptionName = true;
const getSelectedSlicers = (sheet) => {
if (!sheet) {
return null;
let slicers = sheet.slicers.all();
if (!slicers || _isEmptyObject(slicers)) {
return null;
let selectedSlicersList = [];
for (let item in slicers) {
let slicer = slicers[item];
if (slicer.isSelected()) {
return selectedSlicersList;
const _isEmptyObject = (obj) => {
for (let name in obj) {
return false;
return true;
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
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