Users can use structured references to reference the TableSheet in a Worksheet just like a table.
The TableSheet name is the table name and the column caption is the table column. Here is the sample:
It also supports the A1/R1C1 reference style, but it's not easy to read.
The reference style can be used in cell formulas, charts, and conditional formats.
Users can use the QUERY function to fetch data from DataManager tables.
QUERY Syntax
Return Types
The whole table
The whole column
QUERY("table1", "column1")
The data
QUERY("table1#1", "column1")QUERY("customer/", "name)
The certain row
The filter row
User can use simple filter of rows:
By row index
By row primary key
By key-value filter
The multi-columns
User can select many columns by using the array:
By column array
QUERY("order?status=shipping", {"order date", "address", "Cargo weight"})
By one dimension reference
QUERY("order?status=shipping", A1:D1)
window.onload = function() {
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 1 });
function initSpread(spread) {
spread.options.autoFitType = GC.Spread.Sheets.AutoFitType.cellWithHeader;
spread.options.allowDynamicArray = true;
//init a data manager
var baseApiUrl = getBaseApiUrl();
var dataManager = spread.dataManager();
//add product table
var productTable = dataManager.addTable("productTable", {
remote: {
read: {
url: baseApiUrl + "/Product"
//add category table
var categoryTable = dataManager.addTable("categoryTable", {
remote: {
read: {
url: baseApiUrl + "/Category"
//add relation ship
dataManager.addRelationship(productTable, "CategoryId", "category", categoryTable, "Id", "products");
//init a table sheet
var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(0, "TableSheet1", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet);
sheet.options.allowAddNew = false; //hide new row
sheet.setDefaultRowHeight(40, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader);
//bind a view to the table sheet
var myView = productTable.addView("myView", [
{ value: "Id", caption: "ID" },
{ value: "category.CategoryName", caption: "Category", width: 120 },
{ value: "ProductName", caption: "Product Name", width: 200 },
{ value: "UnitPrice", caption: "Unit Price", width: 120 },
{ value: "UnitsInStock", caption: "Units In Stock", width: 120 },
{ value: "UnitsOnOrder", caption: "Units On Order", width: 130 },
{ value: "=SUM([@UnitsInStock], [@UnitsOnOrder])", caption: "Total Amount", width: 130 },
{ value: "=[@UnitPrice] * SUM([@UnitsInStock], [@UnitsOnOrder])", caption: "Total Price", width: 120 }
myView.fetch().then(function() {
var sheet1 = spread.getSheet(0);
sheet1.setColumnWidth(0, 170);
sheet1.setColumnWidth(1, 95);
sheet1.setColumnWidth(2, 95);
sheet1.setColumnWidth(3, 120);
sheet1.setColumnWidth(4, 170);
sheet1.setColumnWidth(6, 110);
sheet1.setColumnWidth(7, 170);
sheet1.setValue(0, 0, "Product Count:")
sheet1.setFormula(0, 1, "=COUNTA(TableSheet1[ID])");
sheet1.setValue(0, 3, 'Total Price:')
sheet1.setFormula(0, 4, '=SUM(TableSheet1[Total Price])');
//Category Summary
applyTableStyleForRange(sheet1, 3, 0, 9, 5);
sheet1.setValue(2, 0, "Category Summary:")
sheet1.setArray(3, 0, [
["Category", "Product No", "On Order Cost", "Highest Unit Price", "Highest Price Product"]
sheet1.setFormula(4, 0, '=UNIQUE(TableSheet1[Category])');
sheet1.setFormula(4, 1, '=COUNTIF(TableSheet1[Category], A5#)');
sheet1.setFormula(4, 3, '=MAXIFS(TableSheet1[Unit Price], TableSheet1[Category], A5#)');
for (var i = 5; i <= 12; i++) {
sheet1.setFormula(i - 1, 2, '=SUMPRODUCT((TableSheet1[Category]=A' + i + ')*TableSheet1[Units On Order],TableSheet1[Unit Price])');
sheet1.setFormula(i - 1, 4, '=XLOOKUP(D' + i + ', IF(TableSheet1[Category] = A' + i + ', TableSheet1[Unit Price], -1), TableSheet1[Product Name])');
//Out of Stock
sheet1.setValue(2, 6, "Out of Stock:")
applyTableStyleForRange(sheet1, 3, 6, 6, 2);
sheet1.setArray(3, 6, [
["Category", "Product"]
sheet1.setFormula(4, 6, '=FILTER(TableSheet1[Category]:TableSheet1[Product Name], TableSheet1[Units In Stock] = 0)');
sheet1.setValue(13, 0, "Category:");
sheet1.setFormula(13, 1, "=A5");
var dv2 = GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.createFormulaListValidator('=$A$5#');
sheet1.setDataValidator(13, 1, dv2);
sheet1.setValue(13, 3, "Category ID:");
sheet1.setFormula(13, 4, '=QUERY("categoryTable?CategoryName="&B14, "Id")');
sheet1.comments.add(13, 4, 'Query the category id.');
applyTableStyleForRange(sheet1, 15, 0, 14, 3);
sheet1.setArray(15, 0, [
["ProductName", "UnitPrice", "UnitsInStock"]
sheet1.setFormula(16, 0, '=QUERY("productTable?CategoryId="&E14, A16:C16)');
sheet1.comments.add(16, 0, 'Use the QUERY function to get data from DataManager.');
function getBaseApiUrl() {
return window.location.href.match(/http.+spreadjs\/demos\//)[0] + 'server/api';
function applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row, col, rowCount, colCount, options) {
var tableName = "tmpTable";
var TableThemes = GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.TableThemes;
// use table to help set style then remove like convert table to range in Excel
sheet.tables.add(tableName, row, col, rowCount, colCount, TableThemes.light2, options);
sheet.tables.remove(tableName, 2 /* keep style */ );
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