WPF and Silverlight Edition Basic Library / TabControl / TabControl Features / Tab Overlapping
Tab Overlapping

You can control the overlapping of tabs by setting the TabStripOverlap property and the TabStripOverlapDirection property. The TabStripOverlap property controls how many pixels of the tab overlap, and the TabStripOverlapDirection direction property allows you to select an enumeration value that sets the direction of the overlap. The TabStripOverlapDirection property has three enumeration values – Right, Left, and RightLeftFromSelected.

Note: The TabStripOverlap property for each of the following examples has been set to a value of 10.


The rightmost tabs are in the back while the selected tab is in the front.


The leftmost tabs are in the back while the selected tab is in the front.


Leftmost tabs are in the back, rightmost tabs are in the back, and the selected tab is in the front.