WPF and Silverlight Edition Basic Library / HyperPanel / HyperPanel Features / Distribution

The Distribution property gets or sets a value between 0.1 and 1.0 that controls how much zooming should be applied to elements near the center of the panel. The smaller the value, the more distant items away from the center of the panel will appear. By default Distribution is set to "0.5".

If Distribution is set to "1", all elements will appear at the same zoom level, for example in the following image:


If Distribution is set to a smaller number, such as "0.2", elements away from the center will appear further zoomed out:

You can set the Distribution property using one of the following methods:

To set the Distribution so that items away from the center appear more zoomed out in XAML add Distribution="0.2" to the <c1:C1HyperPanel> tag so that it appears similar to the following:

Copy Code
<c1:C1HyperPanel Name="C1HyperPanel1" Distribution="0.2">