WPF and Silverlight Edition Basic Library / Combo Box / ComboBox Features / ComboBox Items / Adding Items
Adding Items

There are several ways to add items to the C1ComboBox control:

  1. To add items to the C1ComboBox control, add the following XAML markup between the <c1:C1ComboBox> and </c1:C1ComboBox> tags:
    Copy Code
    <c1:C1ComboBoxItem Height="25" Content="C1ComboBoxItem"/>
    <c1:C1ComboBoxItem Height="25" Content="C1ComboBoxItem"/>
    <c1:C1ComboBoxItem Height="25" Content="C1ComboBoxItem"/>
    <c1:C1ComboBoxItem Height="25" Content="C1ComboBoxItem"/>
  2. Run the program.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow and observe that four items appear in the drop-down list.