Features / Charts / Chart Types / Combination Charts
Combination Charts

Combo charts are the combination of two or more chart types in a single plot area. For instance, a bar and line chart in a single plot. Combination charts are best used to compare the different data sets that are related to each other, such as actual and target values, total revenue and profit, temperature and precipitation, etc. Note that these charts may require multiple axes to provide different scales for different values.

Sample Image Description

Combo chart can be used to interpret and understand mixed types of data.

This image has a combination of three chart types:

  • ColumnClustered
  • Line
  • Area


Using Code

Refer to the following example code to add a combo chart.

Copy Code
// Add combo chart.
 object[,] values = new object[,]
      {1, 3, 4,7, 8,12 },
      {2, 4, 5,12, 2,9 },
      {0, 8, 2,1, 12,2 },
spreadSheet1.Workbook.ActiveSheet.SetValue(0, 0, values, false);
spreadSheet1.Workbook.ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Charts.ChartType.ColumnClustered, 200, 150, 400, 400);
spreadSheet1.Workbook.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects[0].Chart.Series[0].ChartType = ChartType.Line;
spreadSheet1.Workbook.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects[0].Chart.Series[0].ChartType = ChartType.Area;