Spread WPF 18
Features / Cell Types / Checkbox Cell
In This Topic
    Checkbox Cell
    In This Topic

    Checkbox cell adds a checkbox to the cell, allowing users to toggle options.

    To create a checkbox in a cell, use the CheckBoxCellType class in the GrapeCity.Wpf.SpreadSheet.CellType namespace. Use Content property to display text in a checkbox. Additionally, the TrueContent, FalseContent, and IndeterminateContent properties allows you to customize text based on the checkbox state. If you want to display all three states; checked, unchecked, and Indeterminate, set the IsThreeState property to True.

    Similar to Button cells, checkbox cells support command execution, where clicking the checkbox triggers a command. For this functionality, use the properties of the CellCommandParameter class. The available properties are listed in the table below.  

    Property Description
    Column Gets the column of the checkbox that is clicked.
    Row Gets the row of the checkbox that is clicked.
    CustomCommandParameter Gets or sets the parameters to pass to the command.
    Worksheet Gets the worksheet of the checkbox that is clicked.

    Refer to the following example code to set data template with the IsThreeState property.

    Copy Code
     <gss:GcSpreadSheet  x:Name ="spreadSheet1"  HorizontalAlignment ="Stretch"  VerticalAlignment ="Stretch"  >
             <gss:SheetInfo  ColumnCount ="20"  RowCount ="50" >
                 <gss:SheetInfo.Columns >
                     <gss:ColumnInfo  Width ="180">
                             <CT:CheckBoxCellType IsThreeState ="True" FalseContent ="Reject" TrueContent ="Approval" IndeterminateContent ="Pending"/>
                         </gss:ColumnInfo.CellType >
    Copy Code
    // CheckBoxCellType.
    CheckBoxCellType cb = new CheckBoxCellType();
    cb.IsThreeState = true;
    cb.IndeterminateContent = "Indeterminate";
    cb.FalseContent = "Rejected";
    cb.TrueContent = "Approved";
    spreadSheet1.Workbook.ActiveSheet.Columns[0].CellType = cb;
    Copy Code
    ' CheckBoxCellType.
    Dim cb As CheckBoxCellType = New CheckBoxCellType()
    cb.IsThreeState = True
    cb.IndeterminateContent = "Indeterminate"
    cb.FalseContent = "Rejected"
    cb.TrueContent = "Approved"
    spreadSheet1.Workbook.ActiveSheet.Columns(0).CellType = cb