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This section comprises all the features available in the Spread for WPF.

Feature Content
Workbook Describes the basic operations of a worksheet.
Worksheet Describes the basic operations of a worksheet.
Column Describes the basic operations on columns.
Row Describes the basic operations on rows.
Header Describes the basic operations on headers.
Cell Describes the basic operations of cells.
Cell Types Describes different cell types and the values ​​that can be set.
Data Binding Describes how to bind worksheets to several types of data sources.
Data Validation Describes how to validate or restrict invalid input of data.
Conditional Formatting Describes how to apply conditional formatting to worksheet cells.
Drag and Drop Describes how to drag and move/copy data from cells and cell ranges.
Copy/Paste Describes how to copy and paste data between workbooks and worksheets.
Scroll Describes how to scroll through large worksheets including pixel scrolling, freezing or splitting panes.
Sort Describes how to sort data to analyze information quickly and effectively.
Filter Describes how to filter data to view only the required information.
Group Describes how to group rows and columns to summarize large datasets.
Zoom Describes how to adjust the zoom level as needed.
Undo/Redo Describes how to undo and redo recent changes.
Search Data Describes how to search for specific content.
Table Describes how to create and customize tables.
Chart Describes how to display the information graphically using various chart elements and chart types.
Formulas and Functions Describes how to apply various formula and functions using the formula bar.
File Operations Describes how to save and load files to/from different formats.
Print Describes how to print worksheets with a number of customization options.