C1.Win.FlexGrid Namespace / C1FlexGrid Class / IconsStyle Property

IconsStyle Property (C1FlexGrid)
Gets or sets style of icons that are used in the C1FlexGrid.
Public Property IconsStyle As IconsStyle

Use IconsStyle.Office365 for displaying Offic365 theme-like icons, IconsStyle.Default otherwise.

C1FlexGrid.Tree and C1FlexGridGroupPanel use the same icons style as C1FlexGrid.

This property can be customized through c1theme. Set C1FlexGrid\Icons Style node value to set up this property with c1theme applying. Office365 themes set C1FlexGridBase.IconsStyle to IconsStyle.Office365, other themes set it to IconsStyle.Default.

Use Office365-style icons in FlexGrid.

FlexGridGroupPanel receives icons style from attached FlexGrid.

C1Theme affects this property.

See Also