FlexGrid for WinForms | ComponentOne
Tree Grid / Node Operations
In This Topic
    Node Operations
    In This Topic

    Tree Grid not only allows you to present the data in a structured form but it also supports performing various operations with the nodes. You can add, delete, move and fetch nodes by using various methods provided by the Node class.

    Node operations

    Add Node

    You can add a node at a specific position in the Tree Grid using AddNode method of the Node class. This appends a new node row to the collection. The method takes NodeTypeEnum enumeration as its argument which lets you specify a node with respect to another given node.

    The code below shows how to add a node in the WinForms Tree Grid at a specific location.

    private void cmbAdd_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
       // Gets current row's node
       Node nd = flex.Rows[flex.Row].Node; 
       // Adds relative as requested by user
       // (could be a child or a sibling)
       nd.AddNode((NodeTypeEnum)(cmbAdd.SelectedIndex + 2), cmbAdd.Text);
    Private Sub cmbAdd_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Gets current row's node
        Dim nd As Node = flex.Rows(flex.Row).Node
        ' Adds relative as requested by user
        ' (could be a child or a sibling)
        nd.AddNode(CType(cmbAdd.SelectedIndex + 2, NodeTypeEnum), cmbAdd.Text)
    End Sub       

    Delete Node

    You can delete a selected node from the Tree Grid using RemoveNode method of the Node class.

    Following code demonstrates how to delete a node from the WinForms Tree Grid.

    private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      // Gets current node
      Node nd = null;
      if ( flex.Rows.Count > 0 && flex.Row >= 0 && flex.Row < flex.Rows.Count)
        nd = flex.Rows[flex.Row].Node;
      if (nd != null)
         // Removes node from FlexGrid
    Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Gets current node
        Dim nd As Node = Nothing
        If flex.Rows.Count > 0 AndAlso flex.Row >= 0 AndAlso flex.Row < flex.Rows.Count Then
            nd = flex.Rows(flex.Row).Node
        End If
        If nd IsNot Nothing Then
            ' Removes node from FlexGrid
        End If
    End Sub     

    Move Node

    The Tree Grid allows you to move the node rows to a new position using Move method of the Node class. The method takes NodeMoveEnum enumeration as an argument which lets you specify the direction in which node has to be moved.

    Use the code below to move a node of the WinForms Tree Grid to a new position.

    private void btnMove_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
       // Gets current row's node
       Node nd = flex.Rows[flex.Row].Node; 
       // Applies movement selected by the user
       // (this will move the selected node)
       if (sender == btnMoveOut) nd.Move(NodeMoveEnum.Out);
       else if (sender == btnMoveIn) nd.Move(NodeMoveEnum.In);
       else if (sender == btnMoveUp) nd.Move(NodeMoveEnum.Up);
       else if (sender == btnMoveDown) nd.Move(NodeMoveEnum.Down);
       else if (sender == btnMoveFirst) nd.Move(NodeMoveEnum.First);
       else if (sender == btnMoveLast) nd.Move(NodeMoveEnum.Last);
       // Makes sure the node is still visible
    Private Sub btnMove_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Gets current row's node
        Dim nd As Node = flex.Rows(flex.Row).Node
        ' Applies movement selected by the user
        ' (this will move the selected node)
        If sender Is btnMoveOut Then
        ElseIf sender Is btnMoveIn Then
        ElseIf sender Is btnMoveUp Then
        ElseIf sender Is btnMoveDown Then
        ElseIf sender Is btnMoveFirst Then
        ElseIf sender Is btnMoveLast Then
        End If
        ' Makes sure the node is still visible
    End Sub  

    Select Nodes

    In Tree Grid, you can select the nodes to perform different operations using GetNode method of the Node class. The method takes a parameter called NodeTypeEnum enumeration which specifies a node with respect to another given node.

    The code below specifies how to fetch a specific node of the WinForms Tree Grid and show it in selected state.

    private void cmbSelect_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
       // Gets current row's node
       Node nd = flex.Rows[flex.Row].Node; 
       // Gets relative node selected by the user
       nd = nd.GetNode((NodeTypeEnum)cmbSelect.SelectedIndex);
       // If failed, show message
       if (nd == null)
          MessageBox.Show("Can't find " + cmbSelect.Text + " for this node.");
        // Selects node and make sure it's visible (by scrolling into view)
    Private Sub cmbSelect_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Gets current row's node
        Dim nd As Node = flex.Rows(flex.Row).Node
        ' Gets relative node selected by the user
        nd = nd.GetNode(CType(cmbSelect.SelectedIndex, NodeTypeEnum))
        ' If failed, show message
        If nd Is Nothing Then
            MessageBox.Show("Can't find " & cmbSelect.Text & " for this node.")
        End If
        ' Selects node and make sure it's visible (by scrolling into view)
    End Sub     

    Expand and Collapse Nodes

    You can expand and collapse all nodes in your Tree Grid application using the Collapsed property of Node class as shown in the code below. This feature makes it convenient to navigate through node headers as a group when required.

    Following code shows how to expand and collapse nodes of the WinForms Tree Grid.

    foreach (Row row in flex.Rows.Cast<Row>().Where(rw => rw.IsNode == true))
            Node node = row.Node;
            node.Collapsed = false;
    foreach (Row row in flex.Rows.Cast<Row>().Where(rw => rw.IsNode == true))
            Node node = row.Node;
            node.Collapsed = true;
        For Each row As Row In flex.Rows.Cast(Of Row)().Where(Function(rw) rw.IsNode = True)
            Dim node As Node = row.Node
            node.Collapsed = False
        For Each row As Row In flex.Rows.Cast(Of Row)().Where(Function(rw) rw.IsNode = True)
            Dim node As Node = row.Node
            node.Collapsed = True

    Drag and Drop Nodes

    In Tree Grid, you can drag and drop a selected node to a specific position by handling the MouseUp, MouseDown and MouseMove events.

    The code below lets the user drag and drop nodes of the WinForms Tree Grid.  

    private void flex_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
       m_DragInfo.checkDrag = false; 
       // Left button press, no shift: start tracking mouse to drag
       if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) return;
       if (!chkDrag.Checked || m_DragInfo.dragging) return;
       if (flex.MouseRow < flex.Rows.Fixed || flex.MouseCol != 0) return;
       // Saves current row and mouse position
       m_DragInfo.row = flex.Row;
       m_DragInfo.mouseDown = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
       // Starts checking
       m_DragInfo.checkDrag = true;
    private void flex_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
       // If checking and the user moved past our tolerance, start dragging
       if (!m_DragInfo.checkDrag || e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) return;
       if (Math.Abs(e.X - m_DragInfo.mouseDown.X) +
       Math.Abs(e.Y - m_DragInfo.mouseDown.Y) <= DRAGTOL) return;
       // Updates flags
       m_DragInfo.dragging = true;
       // Sets cursor and highlight node
       CellStyle cs = flex.Styles["SourceNode"];
       flex.Cursor = Cursors.NoMove2D;
       flex.SetCellStyle(m_DragInfo.row, 0, cs);
       // Checks whether we can drop here
       Cursor c = (NoDropHere()) ? Cursors.No : Cursors.NoMove2D;
       if (c != flex.Cursor) flex.Cursor = c;
    private bool NoDropHere()
       // Row under mouse is not valid
       if (flex.MouseRow < flex.Rows.Fixed) return true;
       // Column under mouse is not valid
       if (flex.MouseCol < flex.Cols.Fixed) return true;
       if (flex.GetDataDisplay(flex.Row, 0) == "SKU") return true;
       return false;
    private void flex_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
       // We're not checking until the mouse goes down again
       m_DragInfo.checkDrag = false;
       // Not dragging? we're done
       if (!m_DragInfo.dragging) return;
       // Stops dragging
       m_DragInfo.dragging = false;
       flex.SetCellStyle(m_DragInfo.row, 0, (CellStyle)null);
       flex.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
       // Tests whether the drop is allowed
       if (NoDropHere()) return;
       // Moves node into new parent node
       Node ndSrc = flex.Rows[m_DragInfo.row].Node;
       Node ndDst = flex.Rows[flex.Row].Node;
       ndSrc.Move(NodeMoveEnum.ChildOf, ndDst);
    internal struct DRAGINFO
      public bool dragging;   // Currently dragging
      public bool checkDrag;  // Currently checking mouse to start dragging
      public int row;     // Index of row being dragged
      public Point mouseDown; // Mouse down position
        Private Sub flex_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
            m_DragInfo.checkDrag = False
            ' Left button press, no shift: start tracking mouse to drag
            If e.Button IsNot MouseButtons.Left Then Return
            If Not chkDrag.Checked OrElse m_DragInfo.dragging Then Return
            If flex.MouseRow < flex.Rows.Fixed OrElse flex.MouseCol <> 0 Then Return
            ' Saves current row and mouse position
            m_DragInfo.row = flex.Row
            m_DragInfo.mouseDown = New Point(e.X, e.Y)
            ' Starts checking
            m_DragInfo.checkDrag = True
        End Sub
        Private Sub flex_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
            ' If checking and the user moved past our tolerance, start dragging
            If Not m_DragInfo.checkDrag OrElse e.Button IsNot MouseButtons.Left Then Return
            If Math.Abs(e.X - m_DragInfo.mouseDown.X) + Math.Abs(e.Y - m_DragInfo.mouseDown.Y) <= DRAGTOL Then Return
            ' Updates flags
            m_DragInfo.dragging = True
            ' Sets cursor and highlight node
            Dim cs As CellStyle = flex.Styles("SourceNode")
            flex.Cursor = Cursors.NoMove2D
            flex.SetCellStyle(m_DragInfo.row, 0, cs)
            ' Checks whether we can drop here
            Dim c As Cursor = If((NoDropHere()), Cursors.No, Cursors.NoMove2D)
            If c IsNot flex.Cursor Then flex.Cursor = c
        End Sub
        Private Function NoDropHere() As Boolean
            ' Row under mouse is not valid
            If flex.MouseRow < flex.Rows.Fixed Then Return True
            ' Column under mouse is not valid
            If flex.MouseCol < flex.Cols.Fixed Then Return True
            If flex.GetDataDisplay(flex.Row, 0) Is "SKU" Then Return True
            Return False
        End Function
        Private Sub flex_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
            ' We're not checking until the mouse goes down again
            m_DragInfo.checkDrag = False
            ' Not dragging? we're done
            If Not m_DragInfo.dragging Then Return
            ' Stops dragging
            m_DragInfo.dragging = False
            flex.SetCellStyle(m_DragInfo.row, 0, CType(Nothing, CellStyle))
            flex.Cursor = Cursors.[Default]
            ' Tests whether the drop is allowed
            If NoDropHere() Then Return
            ' Moves node into new parent node
            Dim ndSrc As Node = flex.Rows(m_DragInfo.row).Node
            Dim ndDst As Node = flex.Rows(flex.Row).Node
            ndSrc.Move(NodeMoveEnum.ChildOf, ndDst)
        End Sub
        Friend Structure DRAGINFO
            Public dragging As Boolean   ' Currently dragging
            Public checkDrag As Boolean  ' Currently checking mouse to start dragging
            Public row As Integer     ' Index of row being dragged
            Public mouseDown As Point ' Mouse down position
        End Structure