FlexGrid for WinForms | ComponentOne
Styling and Appearance / Custom Styles
In This Topic
    Custom Styles
    In This Topic

    Approach 1: Style an Object

    To style a specific row, column or a cell range of the WinForms FlexGrid, you can use StyleNew property of the row, column or cell range object.

    // Apply custom style to a specific row 
    c1FlexGrid1.Rows[1].StyleNew.BackColor = Color.Azure;
    c1FlexGrid1.Rows[1].StyleNew.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet;
    ' Apply custom style to a specific row 
    c1FlexGrid1.Rows(1).StyleNew.BackColor = Color.Azure
    c1FlexGrid1.Rows(1).StyleNew.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet  

    This approach is useful for styling a particular object when style is not expected to be reused. To reuse a particular style, you must create a style using the CellStyle object as discussed in the section below.

    Approach 2: Create Re-usable Style

    In this approach, you can create a custom style as an object of CellStyle class and add it to the Styles collection using the Add method. Then, define its properties and apply it to a row, column or cell range whenever required. As mentioned above, this approach is very useful when you need to repeatedly use a particular style.

    The following image showcases custom styling applied to the first row in FlexGrid.

    custom style in grid

    Use the following code to apply styling to the first row in FlexGrid by creating a reusable custom style. In this example, we create a new custom style and add it to the Styles collection after defining the BackColorForeColorBackgroundImage, and BackgroundImageLayout properties to be set through the new custom style.

    // Create new style and add it to the styles collection
    CellStyle cs = this.c1FlexGrid1.Styles.Add("Custom");
    // Define properties of the new custom style
    cs.BackColor = Color.Azure;
    cs.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet;
    //set background image in scale layout
    cs.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("image.png");
    cs.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageAlignEnum.Scale;
    // Apply custom style to row 
    c1FlexGrid1.Rows[1].Style = cs;         
    ' Create new style and add it to the styles collection
    Dim cs As CellStyle = Me.c1FlexGrid1.Styles.Add("Custom")
    ' Define properties of the new custom style
    cs.BackColor = Color.Azure
    cs.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet
    ' set background image in scale layout
    cs.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("image.png")
    cs.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageAlignEnum.Scale
    ' Apply custom style to row 
    c1FlexGrid1.Rows(1).Style = cs  
    See Also