// // This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos . // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. // using System ; using System . IO ; using System . Drawing ; using System . Text ; using System . Collections . Generic ; using System . Security . Cryptography ; using System . Security . Cryptography . X509Certificates ; using Org . BouncyCastle . Crypto ; using Org . BouncyCastle . Crypto . Digests ; using Org . BouncyCastle . Asn1 ; using Org . BouncyCastle . Asn1 . X509 ; using Net . Pkcs11Interop . Common ; using Net . Pkcs11Interop . HighLevelAPI ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Pdf ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Pdf . Security ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Pdf . AcroForms ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Text ; namespace DsPdfWeb . Demos { // This sample shows how to sign an existing PDF file that contains // an empty signature field with a certificate that is stored // on a USB Token for DSC (Digital Signature Certificate). // // The sample includes a ready to use utility class Pkcs11SignatureGenerator // that implements the GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.IPkcs7SignatureGenerator interface, // and can be used to sign PDFs with certificates stored on a USB Token for DSC. // // Please note that when run directly off the DsPdf demo site, // this sample will NOT sign the PDF, as it passes dummy library name/parameters. // to the Pkcs11SignatureGenerator's ctor. You will need to download the sample // and provide your own library and parameters for the sample code to actually sign a PDF. // public class SignUsbToken { public int CreatePDF ( Stream stream ) { var doc = new GcPdfDocument (); using var s = File . OpenRead ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "PDFs" , "SignUsbToken.pdf" )); doc . Load ( s ); try { // This WILL NOT WORK due to dummy USB Token for DSC library name/parameters. // Supply valid library name and parameters to actually sign the PDF. using var sg = new Pkcs11SignatureGenerator ( "path-to-dummy-PKCS11.dll" , null , null , Encoding . ASCII . GetBytes ( "12345" ), null , null , OID . HashAlgorithms . SHA512 ); var sp = new SignatureProperties () { SignatureBuilder = new Pkcs7SignatureBuilder () { SignatureGenerator = sg , CertificateChain = new X509Certificate2 [] { sg . Certificate }, }, SignatureField = doc . AcroForm . Fields [ 0 ] }; doc . Sign ( sp , stream ); } catch ( Exception ) { var page = doc . Pages [ 0 ]; var r = doc . AcroForm . Fields [ 0 ]. Widgets [ 0 ]. Rect ; Common . Util . AddNote ( "Signing failed because a dummy USB Token for DSC library name and dummy parameters were used.\n" + "Provide a valid USB Token library and correct parameters to sign the PDF." , page , new RectangleF ( r . Left , r . Bottom + 24 , page . Size . Width - r . Left * 2 , 0 )); doc . Save ( stream ); } // Done. return doc . Pages . Count ; } } /// <summary> /// Implements <see cref="IPkcs7SignatureGenerator"/> /// and allows generating a digital signature using a certificate /// stored on a USB Token for DSC (Digital Signature Certificate). /// /// The <b>Pkcs11Interop</b> NuGet package is used to manage the token. /// </summary> public class Pkcs11SignatureGenerator : IPkcs7SignatureGenerator , IDisposable { public static readonly Pkcs11InteropFactories Factories = new Pkcs11InteropFactories (); private IPkcs11Library _pkcs11Library ; private ISlot _slot ; private ISession _session ; private IObjectHandle _privateKeyHandle ; private string _ckaLabel ; private byte [] _ckaId ; private X509Certificate2 _certificate ; private OID _hashAlgorithm ; private IDigest _hashDigest ; /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Pkcs11SignatureGenerator"/> class. /// The <paramref name="tokenSerial"/> and <paramref name="tokenLabel"/> parameters are used /// to select the token to use if several tokens are connected. /// If only one token is connected then both these parameters can be <see langword="null"/>. /// The <paramref name="ckaLabel"/> and <paramref name="ckaId"/> parameters are used /// to select the private key to use if the token contains multiple keys. /// If the token contains a single private key then both these parameters can be <see langword="null"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="libraryPath">Path to the unmanaged PCKS#11 library to use.</param> /// <param name="tokenSerial">Serial number of the token (smartcard) that contains the signing key.</param> /// <param name="tokenLabel">Label of the token (smartcard) that contains the signing key.</param> /// <param name="pin">PIN for the token (smartcard).</param> /// <param name="ckaLabel">Label (value of CKA_LABEL attribute) of the private key used for signing.</param> /// <param name="ckaId">Hex encoded string with identifier (value of CKA_ID attribute) of the private key used for signing.</param> /// <param name="hashAlgorihtm">The hash algorithm to use when creating the signature.</param> public Pkcs11SignatureGenerator ( string libraryPath , string tokenSerial , string tokenLabel , byte [] pin , string ckaLabel , byte [] ckaId , OID hashAlgorihtm ) { Init ( libraryPath , tokenSerial , tokenLabel , pin , ckaLabel , ckaId , hashAlgorihtm ); } ~ Pkcs11SignatureGenerator () { Dispose ( false ); } /// <summary> /// Releases resources used by this object. /// </summary> public void Dispose () { Dispose ( true ); GC . SuppressFinalize ( this ); } protected void Dispose ( bool disposing ) { if ( disposing ) { if ( _certificate != null ) { _certificate . Dispose (); _certificate = null ; } if ( _session != null ) { _session . Dispose (); _session = null ; } if ( _pkcs11Library != null ) { _pkcs11Library . Dispose (); _pkcs11Library = null ; } } } private ISlot FindSlot ( string tokenSerial , string tokenLabel ) { if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tokenSerial ) && string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tokenLabel )) throw new ArgumentException ( "Token serial and/or label has to be specified" ); List < ISlot > slots = _pkcs11Library . GetSlotList ( SlotsType . WithTokenPresent ); foreach ( ISlot slot in slots ) { ITokenInfo tokenInfo = null ; try { tokenInfo = slot . GetTokenInfo (); } catch ( Pkcs11Exception ex ) { if ( ex . RV != CKR . CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED && ex . RV != CKR . CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT ) throw ; } if ( tokenInfo == null ) continue ; if (! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tokenSerial )) if ( String . Compare ( tokenSerial , tokenInfo . SerialNumber , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) != 0 ) continue ; if (! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tokenLabel )) if ( String . Compare ( tokenLabel , tokenInfo . Label , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) != 0 ) continue ; return slot ; } return null ; } protected void Init ( string libraryPath , string tokenSerial , string tokenLabel , byte [] pin , string ckaLabel , byte [] ckaId , OID hashAlgorihtm ) { if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( libraryPath )) throw new ArgumentNullException ( $ "Invalid library path \"{libraryPath}\"." ); try { _pkcs11Library = Factories . Pkcs11LibraryFactory . LoadPkcs11Library ( Factories , libraryPath , AppType . SingleThreaded ); _slot = FindSlot ( tokenSerial , tokenLabel ); if ( _slot == null ) throw new Exception ( string . Format ( "Token with serial \"{0}\" and label \"{1}\" was not found" , tokenSerial , tokenLabel )); _session = _slot . OpenSession ( SessionType . ReadOnly ); _session . Login ( CKU . CKU_USER , pin ); // initialize _privateKeyHandle and _certificate using ( ISession session = _slot . OpenSession ( SessionType . ReadOnly )) { // private key List < IObjectAttribute > searchTemplate = new List < IObjectAttribute >(); searchTemplate . Add ( Factories . ObjectAttributeFactory . Create ( CKA . CKA_CLASS , CKO . CKO_PRIVATE_KEY )); searchTemplate . Add ( Factories . ObjectAttributeFactory . Create ( CKA . CKA_KEY_TYPE , CKK . CKK_RSA )); if (! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( ckaLabel )) searchTemplate . Add ( Factories . ObjectAttributeFactory . Create ( CKA . CKA_LABEL , ckaLabel )); if ( ckaId != null ) searchTemplate . Add ( Factories . ObjectAttributeFactory . Create ( CKA . CKA_ID , ckaId )); List < IObjectHandle > foundObjects = session . FindAllObjects ( searchTemplate ); if ( foundObjects . Count < 1 ) throw new Exception ( string . Format ( "Private key with label \"{0}\" and id \"{1}\" was not found." , ckaLabel , ( ckaId == null ) ? null : ConvertUtils . BytesToHexString ( ckaId ))); else if ( foundObjects . Count > 1 ) throw new Exception ( string . Format ( "More than one private key with label \"{0}\" and id \"{1}\" was found." , ckaLabel , ( ckaId == null ) ? null : ConvertUtils . BytesToHexString ( ckaId ))); _privateKeyHandle = foundObjects [ 0 ]; // certificate searchTemplate . Clear (); searchTemplate . Add ( Factories . ObjectAttributeFactory . Create ( CKA . CKA_CLASS , CKO . CKO_CERTIFICATE )); if (! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( ckaLabel )) searchTemplate . Add ( Factories . ObjectAttributeFactory . Create ( CKA . CKA_LABEL , ckaLabel )); if ( ckaId != null ) searchTemplate . Add ( Factories . ObjectAttributeFactory . Create ( CKA . CKA_ID , ckaId )); foundObjects = session . FindAllObjects ( searchTemplate ); if ( foundObjects . Count == 1 ) { List < CKA > attributes = new List < CKA >(); attributes . Add ( CKA . CKA_VALUE ); List < IObjectAttribute > certificateAttributes = session . GetAttributeValue ( foundObjects [ 0 ], attributes ); byte [] certificateData = certificateAttributes [ 0 ]. GetValueAsByteArray (); _certificate = new X509Certificate2 ( certificateData ); } } _ckaLabel = ckaLabel ; _ckaId = ckaId ; if ( hashAlgorihtm == OID . HashAlgorithms . SHA1 ) _hashDigest = new Sha1Digest (); else if ( hashAlgorihtm == OID . HashAlgorithms . SHA256 ) _hashDigest = new Sha256Digest (); else if ( hashAlgorihtm == OID . HashAlgorithms . SHA384 ) _hashDigest = new Sha384Digest (); else if ( hashAlgorihtm == OID . HashAlgorithms . SHA512 ) _hashDigest = new Sha512Digest (); else throw new Exception ( $ "Unsupported HASH algorithm {hashAlgorihtm}." ); _hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorihtm ; } catch { if ( _session != null ) { _session . Dispose (); _session = null ; } if ( _pkcs11Library != null ) { _pkcs11Library . Dispose (); _pkcs11Library = null ; } throw ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="Sys.X509Certificate2"/> object found on the token /// with same <b>ckaLabel</b> and <b>ckaId</b> as a private key. /// </summary> public X509Certificate2 Certificate { get { return _certificate ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets the ID of the hash algorithm. /// </summary> public OID HashAlgorithm => _hashAlgorithm ; /// <summary> /// Gets the ID of the encryption algorithm. /// </summary> public OID DigestEncryptionAlgorithm => OID . EncryptionAlgorithms . RSA ; /// <summary> /// Signs data. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input data to sign.</param> /// <returns>The signed data.</returns> public byte [] SignData ( byte [] input ) { using ( ISession session = _slot . OpenSession ( SessionType . ReadOnly )) using ( IMechanism mechanism = Factories . MechanismFactory . Create ( CKM . CKM_RSA_PKCS )) { byte [] hash = new byte [ _hashDigest . GetDigestSize ()]; _hashDigest . Reset (); _hashDigest . BlockUpdate ( input , 0 , input . Length ); _hashDigest . DoFinal ( hash , 0 ); var derObjectIdentifier = new DerObjectIdentifier ( _hashAlgorithm . ID ); var algorithmIdentifier = new AlgorithmIdentifier ( derObjectIdentifier , null ); var digestInfo = new DigestInfo ( algorithmIdentifier , hash ); byte [] digestInfoBytes = digestInfo . GetDerEncoded (); return session . Sign ( mechanism , _privateKeyHandle , digestInfoBytes ); } } } }