- //
- // This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos.
- // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Numerics;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Text;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Common;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Layout;
- using GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text;
- using GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing;
- namespace DsPdfWeb.Demos
- {
- // This example shows how to draw a table with hierarchical data,
- // using the GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.TableRenderer and related classes.
- public class HierarchicalTable
- {
- public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
- {
- var doc = new GcPdfDocument();
- var p = doc.Pages.Add(new SizeF(doc.PageSize.Height, doc.PageSize.Width));
- var g = p.Graphics;
- DrawTable(g, g.CanvasSize.Width, g.CanvasSize.Height);
- // Save the PDF:
- doc.Save(stream);
- return doc.Pages.Count;
- }
- class Range
- {
- public Range(double valueLow, double deltaLow, double valueHigh, double deltaHigh)
- {
- ValueLow = valueLow;
- DeltaLow = deltaLow;
- ValueHigh = valueHigh;
- DeltaHigh = deltaHigh;
- }
- public double ValueLow { get; }
- public double DeltaLow { get; }
- public double ValueHigh { get; }
- public double DeltaHigh { get; }
- }
- class Scope
- {
- public Scope(int ntrials, Range ad, Range @as, Range nr, Range ra, Range av)
- {
- Ntrials = ntrials;
- AD = ad;
- AS = @as;
- NR = nr;
- RA = ra;
- AV = av;
- }
- public int Ntrials { get; }
- public Range AD { get; }
- public Range AS { get; }
- public Range NR { get; }
- public Range RA { get; }
- public Range AV { get; }
- }
- static readonly Scope[] Data = new Scope[]
- {
- new Scope(20, new Range(50.5, 3.2, 74.8, 4.9), new Range(50.4, 3.6, 74.9, 6.8),
- new Range(50.3, 2.7, 75.2, 6.5), new Range(49.9, 2.6, 74.8, 6.6), new Range(50.3, 3.0, 74.9, 6.2)),
- new Scope(60, new Range(50.3, 4.5, 75.1, 4.5), new Range(50.8, 4.1, 75.6, 6.5),
- new Range(50.7, 3.4, 75.7, 5.7), new Range(49.5, 2.9, 74.7, 5.9), new Range(50.3, 3.7, 75.3, 5.6)),
- new Scope(100, new Range(52.6, 4.7, 75.9, 4.8), new Range(50.3, 4.6, 75.6, 5.9),
- new Range(51.1, 4.1, 75.3, 5.4), new Range(49.8, 3.3, 74.9, 5.3), new Range(51.9, 4.2, 75.4, 5.4)),
- new Scope(140, new Range(51.7, 5.3, 75.8, 7.0), new Range(49.8, 5.7, 75.4, 6.8),
- new Range(51.4, 4.4, 75.6, 5.6), new Range(49.5, 3.5, 74.6, 6.2), new Range(50.6, 4.7, 75.4, 6.4)),
- new Scope(180, new Range(51.5, 8.4, 76.2, 9.5), new Range(52.2, 6.6, 74.9, 7.0),
- new Range(52.0, 4.9, 75.7, 6.4), new Range(50.7, 4.2, 74.8, 6.3), new Range(51.6, 6.0, 75.4, 7.3))
- };
- static void DrawTable(GcGraphics g, float pageWidth, float pageHeight)
- {
- var host = new LayoutHost();
- var view = host.CreateView(pageWidth, pageHeight);
- var rt = view.CreateRect();
- rt.AnchorTopLeft(null, 36, 36);
- int scopeCount = Data.Length;
- var ta = new TableRenderer(g,
- rt, FixedTableSides.TopLeft,
- rowCount: 12,
- columnCount: scopeCount + 2,
- gridLineColor: Color.Black,
- gridLineWidth: 1,
- rowMinHeight: 20);
- // Thicker width for some grid lines:
- ta.SetVerticalGridLineWidth(2, 3f);
- for (int i = 0; i < 13; i += 2)
- {
- ta.SetHorizontalGridLineWidth(i, 3f);
- }
- var fmt = new TextFormat
- {
- Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "cambria.ttc")),
- FontSize = 16,
- FontSizeInGraphicUnits = true
- };
- ta.AddCell(0, 0, 2, 2);
- ta.AddCell(new CellStyle
- {
- TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
- CreateTextLayout = (g, cs, data) =>
- {
- var tl = g.CreateTextLayout();
- tl.Append("|", fmt);
- tl.Append("N", new TextFormat(fmt) { FontItalic = true });
- tl.Append("trials", new TextFormat(fmt) { FontItalic = true, Subscript = true });
- tl.Append("|", fmt);
- return tl;
- }
- }, 0, 2, 1, scopeCount, null);
- var cs = new CellStyle
- {
- PaddingLeftRight = 10,
- TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
- ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center,
- FixedWidth = false,
- TextFormat = fmt
- };
- // Add a rotated cell:
- ta.AddCell(new CellStyle(cs)
- {
- PaddingTopBottom = 10,
- RotationAngle = 270
- }, 2, 0, 8, 1, "Subject");
- // Assign a style to DefaultCellStyle to avoid passing
- // it to each call of the AddCell method:
- ta.DefaultCellStyle = cs;
- ta.AddCell(2, 1, 2, 1, "AD");
- ta.AddCell(4, 1, 2, 1, "AS");
- ta.AddCell(6, 1, 2, 1, "NR");
- ta.AddCell(8, 1, 2, 1, "RA");
- ta.AddCell(10, 0, 2, 2, "Average:");
- for (int i = 0; i < scopeCount; i++)
- {
- var sc = Data[i];
- int ci = i + 2;
- ta.AddCell(1, ci, sc.Ntrials.ToString());
- ta.AddCell(2, ci, $"{sc.AD.ValueLow:n1} ± {sc.AD.DeltaLow:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(3, ci, $"{sc.AD.ValueHigh:n1} ± {sc.AD.DeltaHigh:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(4, ci, $"{sc.AS.ValueLow:n1} ± {sc.AS.DeltaLow:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(5, ci, $"{sc.AS.ValueHigh:n1} ± {sc.AS.DeltaHigh:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(6, ci, $"{sc.NR.ValueLow:n1} ± {sc.NR.DeltaLow:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(7, ci, $"{sc.NR.ValueHigh:n1} ± {sc.NR.DeltaHigh:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(8, ci, $"{sc.RA.ValueLow:n1} ± {sc.RA.DeltaLow:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(9, ci, $"{sc.RA.ValueHigh:n1} ± {sc.RA.DeltaHigh:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(10, ci, $"{sc.AV.ValueLow:n1} ± {sc.AV.DeltaLow:n1}");
- ta.AddCell(11, ci, $"{sc.AV.ValueHigh:n1} ± {sc.AV.DeltaHigh:n1}");
- }
- // Add a special background to every other row:
- ta.DefaultCellStyle = new CellStyle
- {
- FillColor = Color.FromArgb(233, 240, 222),
- Background = true
- };
- for (int i = 3; i < 12; i += 2)
- {
- ta.AddCell(i, 2, 1, scopeCount);
- }
- ta.Render();
- }
- }
- }