'' This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos.
'' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Text
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
Imports GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text
Imports GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing

'' Demonstrates the basics of character formatting in DsPdf.
'' Character formatting in Document Solutions for PDF is done via GrapeCity.Documents.Text.TextFormat class.
'' An instance of that class with the required formatting options
'' is passed to most text rendering methods available in DsPdf (e.g. DrawString).
'' Rendering text with different character formatting in the same paragraph
'' is done by using TextLayout/DrawTextLayout.
'' See also TextRendering, MultiFormattedText, ParagraphAlign,
'' ParagraphFormatting, TextAlign.
Public Class CharacterFormatting
    Function CreatePDF(ByVal stream As Stream) As Integer
        Dim doc = New GcPdfDocument()
        Dim page = doc.NewPage()
        Dim g = page.Graphics
        Const Inch = 72.0F, vStep = Inch / 2
        Dim ip = New PointF(Inch, Inch)

        '' 1. The only mandatory property that must be set on a TextFormat is Font:
        Dim tf = New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times}

        g.DrawString("1. The only mandatory property that must always be set on a TextFormat is Font." +
            "Even FontSize is optional, and defaults to 12pts.", tf, ip)
        ip.Y += vStep * 2

        '' 2. Standard font properties are available:
        tf.Underline = True
        tf.Strikethrough = True
        tf.FontSize = 10
        g.DrawString("2. Standard properties are available, here we turn Underline and Strikethrough on, and set FontSize to 10.", tf, ip)
        ip.Y += vStep

        '' 3. TextFormat.FontStyle allows emulating bold and/or italic styles
        '' using a regular font (see also BoldItalicEmulation):
        tf.Underline = tf.Strikethrough = False
        tf.FontStyle = GCTEXT.FontStyle.BoldItalic
        tf.FontSize = 12
        g.DrawString("3. Using TextFormat.FontStyle.BoldItalic to emulate bold italic style.", tf, ip)
        ip.Y += vStep

        '' 4. Other properties include foreground and background colors:
        tf.FontStyle = GCTEXT.FontStyle.Regular
        tf.ForeColor = Color.DarkSlateBlue
        tf.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen
        g.DrawString("4. Using TextFormat.ForeColor and TextFormat.BackColor to colorize the text.", tf, ip)
        ip.Y += vStep

        '' 5. Different text formats may be mixed in the same paragraph.
        '' For that, TextLayout and GcPdfGraphics.DrawTextLayout must be used:
        Dim tl = g.CreateTextLayout()
        tl.Append("5. Different text formats can be easily mixed in the same paragraph",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times})
        tl.Append("when the paragraph is built with TextLayout",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.TimesBold, .BackColor = Color.PaleTurquoise})
        tl.Append("as this sample paragraph shows.",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.HelveticaBoldItalic, .ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange})
        tl.Append("Various other options are available on TextFormat, including",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times, .ForeColor = Color.DarkSlateBlue})
        tl.Append(" GlyphAdvanceFactor ",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.TimesBoldItalic, .Underline = True})
        tl.Append(" (spreading glyphs out ",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times, .GlyphAdvanceFactor = 1.5F, .ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet})
        tl.Append("or putting them closer together),  ",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times, .GlyphAdvanceFactor = 0.8F, .ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet})
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.TimesBoldItalic, .Underline = True})
        tl.Append(" (lowering the glyphs below the base line, ",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times, .TransverseOffset = -5, .ForeColor = Color.MediumVioletRed})
        tl.Append("or raising them above it)",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times, .TransverseOffset = 5, .ForeColor = Color.MediumVioletRed})
        tl.Append(" and more (for example, specific fonts' features are accessible via TextFormat.FontFeatures).",
            New TextFormat() With {.Font = StandardFonts.Times, .FontFeatures = New FontFeature() {New FontFeature(FeatureTag.clig)}})

        '' For this sample, we just set the max width of the text layout,
        '' in a real app you would probably set at least the MaxHeight too:
        tl.MaxWidth = page.Size.Width - Inch * 2
        g.DrawTextLayout(tl, ip)
        '' Done:
        Return doc.Pages.Count
    End Function
End Class