- //
- // This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos.
- // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Articles;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing;
- using DsPdfWeb.Demos.Common;
- namespace DsPdfWeb.Demos
- {
- // This sample shows how to create article threads in a PDF document.
- // An article thread is a sequence of related pages or page areas that can be
- // navigated sequentially (forward or back) in a supporting PDF viewer.
- // In this sample we load a number of photos from a folder and render them
- // one per page in a random order.
- // Some photos are associated (via known file names) with a specific subject
- // (buildings, art, etc.), and we put all images associated with
- // each subject into a subject-specific article thread (images that are not
- // associated with any known subject are put in the 'Miscellaneous' thread).
- // In addition we create 3 threads for different aspect ratios (horizontal,
- // vertical and square), and add each image to the appropriate aspect article.
- // See section 'Article threads' in Navigating PDF pages
- // for details on how to navigate article threads in Acrobat
- // (our JavaScript PDF viewer provides a similar UI for this).
- public class ImageArticles
- {
- // Article names:
- static class ArticleNames
- {
- public static string Landscape => "Subject: landscape";
- public static string Art => "Subject: art";
- public static string Flora => "Subject: flora";
- public static string Buildings => "Subject: buildings";
- public static string Misc => "Subject: Miscellaneous";
- public static string AspectHorz => "Aspect: horizontal";
- public static string AspectVert => "Aspect: vertical";
- public static string AspectSquare => "Aspect: square";
- }
- // Associate known image file names with appropriate subjects:
- static readonly Dictionary<string, string> _subjects = new Dictionary<string, string>()
- {
- {"aurora.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"chairs.jpg", ArticleNames.Buildings },
- {"clouds.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"colosseum.jpg", ArticleNames.Art },
- {"deadwood.jpg", ArticleNames.Flora },
- {"door.jpg", ArticleNames.Buildings },
- {"ferns.jpg", ArticleNames.Flora },
- {"fiord.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"firth.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"lady.jpg", ArticleNames.Art },
- {"lavender.jpg", ArticleNames.Flora },
- {"maple.jpg", ArticleNames.Buildings },
- {"minerva.jpg", ArticleNames.Art },
- {"newfoundland.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"pines.jpg", ArticleNames.Flora },
- {"purples.jpg", ArticleNames.Flora },
- {"reds.jpg", ArticleNames.Flora },
- {"road.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"rome.jpg", ArticleNames.Art },
- {"roofs.jpg", ArticleNames.Buildings },
- {"sea.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"skye.jpg", ArticleNames.Landscape },
- {"tudor.jpg", ArticleNames.Buildings },
- {"windswept.jpg", ArticleNames.Flora },
- // Images not in this list are 'misc'.
- };
- // Class to hold image info:
- private class ImageInfo
- {
- public string Name;
- public IImage Image;
- public string Subject;
- public string Aspect;
- }
- public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
- {
- // Load images and their associated infos:
- var imageInfos = new List<ImageInfo>();
- foreach (var fname in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine("Resources", "Images"), "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
- {
- var image = Util.ImageFromFile(fname);
- var aspect = image.Width > image.Height ? ArticleNames.AspectHorz :
- (image.Width < image.Height ? ArticleNames.AspectVert : ArticleNames.AspectSquare);
- var name = Path.GetFileName(fname);
- _subjects.TryGetValue(name, out string subject);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject))
- subject = ArticleNames.Misc;
- imageInfos.Add(new ImageInfo()
- {
- Name = name,
- Image = image,
- Subject = subject,
- Aspect = aspect
- });
- }
- // Randomize the order of images in the PDF:
- imageInfos.Shuffle();
- // Keys are article thread names (from ArticleNames),
- // values are ArticleThread objects to be added to the PDF:
- var articles = new Dictionary<string, ArticleThread>();
- foreach (var subject in _subjects.Values.Distinct())
- articles.Add(subject,
- new ArticleThread()
- {
- Info = new DocumentInfo() { Title = subject }
- });
- articles.Add(ArticleNames.Misc,
- new ArticleThread()
- {
- Info = new DocumentInfo() { Title = ArticleNames.Misc }
- });
- var horizontals = new ArticleThread()
- {
- Info = new DocumentInfo() { Title = ArticleNames.AspectHorz }
- };
- var verticals = new ArticleThread()
- {
- Info = new DocumentInfo() { Title = ArticleNames.AspectVert }
- };
- var squares = new ArticleThread()
- {
- Info = new DocumentInfo() { Title = ArticleNames.AspectSquare }
- };
- // Create the document:
- var doc = new GcPdfDocument();
- // Add images (one per page) to the PDF and article threads:
- var ia = new ImageAlign(ImageAlignHorz.Center, ImageAlignVert.Top, true, true, true, false, false);
- for (int i = 0; i < imageInfos.Count; ++i)
- {
- var page = doc.NewPage();
- var ii = imageInfos[i];
- var rc = new RectangleF(72, 72, doc.PageSize.Width - 144, doc.PageSize.Height - 144);
- // Note that we get the actual image bounds to precisely specify the page area in the thread:
- page.Graphics.DrawImage(ii.Image, rc, null, ia, out RectangleF[] imageBounds);
- var bounds = imageBounds[0];
- // Add the image to proper subject and aspect threads:
- articles[ii.Subject].Beads.Add(new ArticleBead() { Page = page, Bounds = bounds });
- if (ii.Aspect == ArticleNames.AspectHorz)
- horizontals.Beads.Add(new ArticleBead() { Page = page, Bounds = bounds });
- else if (ii.Aspect == ArticleNames.AspectVert)
- verticals.Beads.Add(new ArticleBead() { Page = page, Bounds = bounds });
- else
- squares.Beads.Add(new ArticleBead() { Page = page, Bounds = bounds });
- }
- // Add subject and aspect article threads to the PDF:
- foreach (var article in articles.Select(a_ => a_.Value))
- doc.ArticleThreads.Add(article);
- doc.ArticleThreads.Add(horizontals);
- doc.ArticleThreads.Add(verticals);
- doc.ArticleThreads.Add(squares);
- // Done:
- doc.Save(stream);
- return doc.Pages.Count;
- }
- }
- }