// // This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos . // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. // // NOTE: #define DsPdfBefore_8_0_3 if using versions of DsPdf prior to v8.0.3: // #define DsPdfBefore_8_0_3 using System ; using System . Collections . Generic ; using System . Text ; using System . Runtime . InteropServices ; using System . Drawing ; using System . Drawing . Printing ; using System . ComponentModel ; using System . Numerics ; using System . IO ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Common ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Pdf ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Pdf . Renderer ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Drawing ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Text ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Imaging . Windows ; using STG = GrapeCity . Documents . DX . Storage ; using D2D = GrapeCity . Documents . DX . Direct2D ; using D3D = GrapeCity . Documents . DX . Direct3D11 ; using DW = GrapeCity . Documents . DX . DirectWrite ; using DXGI = GrapeCity . Documents . DX . DXGI ; using WIC = GrapeCity . Documents . DX . WIC ; using DX = GrapeCity . Documents . DX ; namespace DsPdfWeb . Demos { // This sample shows how to print a GcPdfDocument on a Windows system using Direct2D. // The GcD2DBitmap and GcD2DGraphics classes that make this possible live in the // GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Windows package. // // This sample includes some ready to use utility types that implement printing // and can be used as is in your applications: // - Static class GcPdfDocumentPrintExt provides convenient extension methods // to print a GcPdfDocument. // - Class GcPdfPrintManager implements printing services used by GcPdfDocumentPrintExt. // - PageScaling enum specifies how pages are scaled when printed. // // When run inside the online DsPdf demo browser, the sample just creates a simple // one-page PDF document and returns it. The actual code that prints the generated PDF // on a local system printer is part of the sample but resides inside a false condition // for obvious reasons. // // To actually print a PDF, download the sample, edit the sample source so that it does call // the GcPdfPrintManager.Print() method, and run the sample. It should print the sample PDF // on your default printer. Set and adjust the GcPdfPrintManager and PrinterSettings // properties as needed. public class PrintOnWindows { public int CreatePDF ( Stream stream ) { var doc = new GcPdfDocument (); Common . Util . AddNote ( "PDF printing is system-dependent. On Linux and macOS systems, a PDF can be printed with a standard system command. " + "\n" + "To print a PDF on Windows, you can use the DS.Documents.Imaging.Windows package " + "and GcPdfPrintManager and GcPdfDocumentPrintExt classes which are included in this sample. " + "\n" + "The GcPdfPrintManager class implements PDF printing on Windows using Direct2D, " + "while GcPdfDocumentPrintExt extends GcPdfDocument by adding convenient Print() methods to it. " + "The included full C# source code can be copied to your application and used as is to print PDFs on Windows systems. " + "To try it, download this sample, turn on the block of code that calls the Print() method " + "(it is excluded by the 'if (false)' condition), and build and run the sample project on your Windows machine. " + "It will print this PDF on your default printer. For more details, check the sample source code." , doc . NewPage ()); // Include this block to print the PDF on Windows: #pragma warning disable CS0162 if ( false ) { var pm = new GcPdfPrintManager (); pm . Doc = doc ; pm . PrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings (); // Set the printer name and other settings if not using the defaults: // pm.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = "my printer"; pm . PageScaling = PageScaling . FitToPrintableArea ; pm . Print (); } #pragma warning restore CS0162 // Save the PDF: doc . Save ( stream ); return doc . Pages . Count ; } } /// <summary> /// Specifies how pages are scaled when printed. /// </summary> public enum PageScaling { /// <summary> /// Pages are enlarged or made smaller if needed to fit paper. /// </summary> FitToPaper , /// <summary> /// Pages are enlarged or made smaller if needed to fit printable page bounds. /// </summary> FitToPrintableArea , } /// <summary> /// Provides extension methods for printing a <see cref="GcPdfDocument"/> /// on Windows systems using Direct2D. /// </summary> public static class GcPdfDocumentPrintExt { /// <summary> /// Prints the PDF document on the default printer. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">The <see cref="GcPdfDocument"/> to print.</param> /// <param name="outputRange">The range of pages to print (<see langword="null"/> includes all pages).</param> public static void Print ( this GcPdfDocument doc , OutputRange outputRange = null ) { Print ( doc , null , outputRange ); } /// <summary> /// Prints the PDF document using the specified printer settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">The <see cref="GcPdfDocument"/> to print.</param> /// <param name="printerSettings"><see cref="PrinterSettings"/> that specify the target printer and other settings. If <see langword="null"/>, the default printer will be used.</param> /// <param name="outputRange">The range of pages to print. If <see langword="null"/>, the range specified in <paramref name="printerSettings"/> will be used.</param> public static void Print ( this GcPdfDocument doc , PrinterSettings printerSettings , OutputRange outputRange = null ) { var pm = new GcPdfPrintManager (); pm . Doc = doc ; pm . PrinterSettings = printerSettings ; pm . OutputRange = outputRange ; pm . Print (); } } /// <summary> /// Provides properties and methods that enable printing /// <see cref="GcPdfDocument"/> objects on Windows systems using Direct2D. /// </summary> public class GcPdfPrintManager { #region Data members private const PageScaling c_DefPageScaling = PageScaling . FitToPaper ; private PrinterSettings _printerSettings ; private PageSettings _pageSettings ; private OutputRange _outputRange ; private string _printJobName ; private PageScaling _pageScaling = PageScaling . FitToPaper ; private bool _autoRotate = true ; private RenderingCache _renderingCache ; private bool ? _autoCollate ; private GcPdfDocument _doc ; #endregion #region Protected protected bool OnLongOperation ( double complete , bool canCancel ) { if ( LongOperation != null ) return LongOperation . Invoke ( complete , canCancel ); return true ; } #endregion #region Public properties /// <summary> /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PrinterSettings.Collate property /// should be processed by the <see cref="GcPdfPrintManager"/> or by the printer driver. /// By default this property is null, the GcPdfPrintManager will try to determine /// does printer driver supports collate or not. /// </summary> public bool ? AutoCollate { get { return _autoCollate ; } set { _autoCollate = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the <see cref="GcPdfDocument"/> object to print. /// </summary> public GcPdfDocument Doc { get { return _doc ; } set { _doc = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether pages should be auto-rotated to better fit the paper during printing. /// <para>The default is <see langword="true"/>.</para> /// </summary> public bool AutoRotate { get { return _autoRotate ; } set { _autoRotate = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the <see cref="System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings"/> object defining the print parameters. /// If <see langword="null"/>, default printer settings will be used. /// </summary> public PrinterSettings PrinterSettings { get { return _printerSettings ; } set { _printerSettings = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the <see cref="System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings"/> object defining the page settings (page size, orientation and so on). /// if <see langword="null"/>, default page settings will be used. /// </summary> public PageSettings PageSettings { get { return _pageSettings ; } set { _pageSettings = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets a value indicating how pages are scaled during printing. /// <para> /// The default value is <see cref="PageScaling.FitToPaper"/>. /// </para> /// </summary> [ DefaultValue ( c_DefPageScaling )] public PageScaling PageScaling { get { return _pageScaling ; } set { _pageScaling = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the <see cref="Common.OutputRange"/> object specifying the range of pages to print. /// If <see langword="null"/>, the range specified in <see cref="PrinterSettings"/> will be used. /// </summary> public OutputRange OutputRange { get { return _outputRange ; } set { _outputRange = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the name for the print job. /// </summary> public string PrintJobName { get { return _printJobName ; } set { _printJobName = value ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the <see cref="Pdf.RenderingCache"/> object to use while rendering. /// This can be <see langword="null"/>. /// </summary> public RenderingCache RenderingCache { get { return _renderingCache ; } set { _renderingCache = value ; } } #endregion #region Public static /// <summary> /// Some printer models are not handled correctly by the printing subsystem. /// Trying to use <see cref="GcPdfPrintManager"/> with such printers will fail /// due to reasons outside of GcPdfPrintManager's control. /// Use this method to check whether a particular printer can be used, /// note that if it fails that is not GcPdfPrintManager's fault. /// </summary> /// <param name="printerName">The printer to check.</param> /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the printer is OK, <see langword="false"/> otherwise.</returns> public static bool TestPrinter ( string printerName ) { try { var ps = new PrinterSettings () { PrinterName = printerName }; IntPtr hDevMode = ps . GetHdevmode (); return true ; } catch { return false ; } } /// <summary> /// Swaps two values. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of values.</typeparam> public static void Swap < T >( ref T x , ref T y ) { T temp = x ; x = y ; y = temp ; } /// <summary> /// Returns the paper rotation angle. /// </summary> /// <param name="pageRotationAngle">The page rotation angle, in degrees.</param> /// <returns>The paper rotation angle, in degrees.</returns> public static int PaperRotationAngle ( int pageRotationAngle ) { if ( pageRotationAngle == 90 ) return 270 ; else if ( pageRotationAngle == 270 ) return 90 ; else if ( pageRotationAngle == 0 ) return 0 ; else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Valid values are 90 & 270." ); } /// <summary> /// Tests whether a page should be rotated to better fit paper. /// </summary> /// <param name="paperSize">The paper size.</param> /// <param name="pageSize">The page size.</param> /// <returns><b>true</b> if the page should be rotated, <b>false</b> otherwise.</returns> public static bool ShouldRotate ( SizeF paperSize , SizeF pageSize ) { return ( paperSize . Width > paperSize . Height ) != ( pageSize . Width > pageSize . Height ); } /// <summary> /// Swaps the width and height of a <see cref="Size"/> structure (rotates 90 degrees). /// </summary> /// <param name="s">The <see cref="Size"/> to rotate.</param> /// <returns>The newly created <see cref="Size"/> with width and height swapped.</returns> public static SizeF RotateSize ( SizeF s ) { float t = s . Width ; s . Width = s . Height ; s . Height = t ; return s ; } /// <summary> /// Rotates a paper size and the printable area within it by the specified angle. /// </summary> /// <param name="angle">The rotation angle, counterclockwise (valid values are <b>90</b> and <b>270</b>).</param> /// <param name="paperSize">The paper size.</param> /// <param name="printableArea">The printable area.</param> public static void RotatePaper ( int angle , ref SizeF paperSize , ref RectangleF printableArea ) { if ( angle == 90 ) { printableArea = new RectangleF ( printableArea . Top , paperSize . Width - printableArea . Right , printableArea . Height , printableArea . Width ); paperSize = RotateSize ( paperSize ); } else if ( angle == 270 ) { printableArea = new RectangleF ( paperSize . Height - printableArea . Bottom , printableArea . Left , printableArea . Height , printableArea . Width ); paperSize = RotateSize ( paperSize ); } else if ( angle != 0 ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Valid values are 90 & 270." ); } #endregion #region Public /// <summary> /// Prints the document. /// </summary> public void Print () { PrinterSettings printerSettings = _printerSettings ; if ( printerSettings == null ) printerSettings = new PrinterSettings (); bool autoCollate ; if ( _autoCollate . HasValue ) autoCollate = _autoCollate . Value ; else { // check does printer support DM_COLLATE and DM_COPIES properties or not IntPtr hdm = printerSettings . GetHdevmode (); IntPtr lhdm = GlobalLock ( hdm ); DEVMODE dm = ( DEVMODE ) Marshal . PtrToStructure ( lhdm , typeof ( DEVMODE )); if (( dm . dmFields & DM . DM_COLLATE ) != 0 && ( dm . dmFields & DM . DM_COPIES ) != 0 ) autoCollate = false ; else autoCollate = true ; GlobalUnlock ( hdm ); GlobalFree ( hdm ); } int printCopies = printerSettings . Copies ; if ( autoCollate ) { printCopies = printerSettings . Copies ; printerSettings . Copies = 1 ; } else { printCopies = 1 ; } PageSettings pageSettings ; IntPtr hDevMode = printerSettings . GetHdevmode (); if ( _pageSettings != null ) { pageSettings = _pageSettings ; pageSettings . CopyToHdevmode ( hDevMode ); printerSettings . SetHdevmode ( hDevMode ); } else { pageSettings = printerSettings . DefaultPageSettings ; } // * 0.96 - used to convert to DIPs var printableArea = new RectangleF ( pageSettings . PrintableArea . X * 0.96f , pageSettings . PrintableArea . Y * 0.96f , pageSettings . PrintableArea . Width * 0.96f , pageSettings . PrintableArea . Height * 0.96f ); PaperSize paperSize = pageSettings . PaperSize ; float printerPageWidthPx = paperSize . Width * 0.96f ; float printerPageHeightPx = paperSize . Height * 0.96f ; if ( pageSettings . Landscape ) { Swap ( ref printerPageWidthPx , ref printerPageHeightPx ); printableArea = new RectangleF ( printableArea . Y , printableArea . X , printableArea . Height , printableArea . Width ); } // OutputRange outputRange = _outputRange ; if ( outputRange == null ) { int pMin , pMax ; switch ( printerSettings . PrintRange ) { case PrintRange . SomePages : pMin = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( printerSettings . FromPage , 1 ), _doc . Pages . Count ); pMax = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( printerSettings . ToPage , 1 ), _doc . Pages . Count ); break ; default : pMin = 1 ; pMax = _doc . Pages . Count ; break ; } outputRange = new OutputRange ( pMin , pMax ); } // IntPtr lockedDevMode = GlobalLock ( hDevMode ); DEVMODE devMode = ( DEVMODE ) Marshal . PtrToStructure ( lockedDevMode , typeof ( DEVMODE )); int dpi = 150 ; if (( devMode . dmFields & DM . DM_PRINTQUALITY ) != 0 && devMode . dmPrintQuality > 0 ) { dpi = devMode . dmPrintQuality ; } else if (( devMode . dmFields & DM . DM_YRESOLUTION ) != 0 ) { dpi = devMode . dmYResolution ; } STG . ComStream jobPrintTicketStream = null ; try { jobPrintTicketStream = CreatePrintTicketFromDevMode ( printerSettings . PrinterName , lockedDevMode , devMode . dmSize + devMode . dmDriverExtra ); Print ( printerSettings . PrinterName , jobPrintTicketStream , printerPageWidthPx , printerPageHeightPx , printableArea , dpi , autoCollate , printCopies , printerSettings . Collate , outputRange ); } finally { if ( jobPrintTicketStream != null ) jobPrintTicketStream . Dispose (); GlobalUnlock ( hDevMode ); GlobalFree ( hDevMode ); } } #endregion #region Private private STG . ComStream CreatePrintTicketFromDevMode ( string printerName , IntPtr lockedDevMode , int devModeSize ) { IntPtr istream = IntPtr . Zero ; DX . HResult hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal ( IntPtr . Zero , true , ref istream ); hr . CheckError (); if ( istream == IntPtr . Zero ) { // Should not happen: throw new InvalidOperationException (); } STG . ComStream result = new STG . ComStream ( istream ); IntPtr hProvider = IntPtr . Zero ; try { hr = PTOpenProvider ( printerName , 1 , ref hProvider ); hr . CheckError (); hr = PTConvertDevModeToPrintTicket ( hProvider , devModeSize , lockedDevMode , 2 /* kPTJobScope */ , istream ); hr . CheckError (); return result ; } catch { result . Dispose (); throw ; } finally { if ( hProvider != IntPtr . Zero ) PTCloseProvider ( hProvider ); } } private void AlignInRect ( RectangleF rect , float width , float height , out float offsX , out float offsY , out float scaleX , out float scaleY ) { float k = width / height ; var offset = new PointF (); if ( rect . Width / rect . Height > k ) { float contentWidth = k * rect . Height ; k = rect . Height / height ; offset . X = ( rect . Width - contentWidth ) / 2 ; } else { float contentHeight = rect . Width / k ; k = rect . Width / width ; offset . Y = ( rect . Height - contentHeight ) / 2 ; } scaleX = k ; scaleY = k ; offsX = offset . X + rect . X ; offsY = offset . Y + rect . Y ; } private void DrawContent ( GcDXGraphics graphics , D2D . Device device , ref GcD2DBitmap bitmap , int pageIndex , int landscapeAngle , float printerDpi , SizeF paperSize , RectangleF printableArea , RenderingCache renderingCache , FontCache fontCache ) { Page page = _doc . Pages [ pageIndex ]; SizeF pageSize = page . GetRenderSize ( graphics . Resolution , graphics . Resolution ); if ( PageScaling == PageScaling . FitToPaper ) printableArea = new RectangleF ( 0 , 0 , paperSize . Width , paperSize . Height ); RectangleF alignRect ; int rotationAngle ; if ( AutoRotate && ShouldRotate ( printableArea . Size , pageSize )) { rotationAngle = landscapeAngle ; alignRect = new RectangleF ( 0 , 0 , printableArea . Height , printableArea . Width ); } else { rotationAngle = 0 ; alignRect = new RectangleF ( 0 , 0 , printableArea . Width , printableArea . Height ); } AlignInRect ( alignRect , pageSize . Width , pageSize . Height , out float offsX , out float offsY , out float scaleX , out float scaleY ); Matrix3x2 m ; switch ( rotationAngle ) { case 0 : m = new Matrix3x2 ( scaleX , 0 , 0 , scaleY , printableArea . X + offsX , printableArea . Y + offsY ); break ; case 90 : m = Matrix3x2 . Multiply ( Matrix3x2 . CreateScale ( scaleX , scaleY ), Matrix3x2 . CreateRotation (( float )( 90 * Math . PI / 180 ))); m . M31 = offsY + pageSize . Height * scaleY + printableArea . X ; m . M32 = printableArea . Y ; break ; case 270 : m = Matrix3x2 . Multiply ( Matrix3x2 . CreateScale ( scaleX , scaleY ), Matrix3x2 . CreateRotation (( float )( 270 * Math . PI / 180 ))); m . M31 = printableArea . X ; m . M32 = offsX + pageSize . Width * scaleX + printableArea . Y ; break ; default : throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Valid values are 90 & 270." ); } TransparencyFeatures tf = page . GetTransparencyFeatures (); if ( tf == TransparencyFeatures . None ) { // the page's content stream does not use transparency features, render directly on the graphics: graphics . Transform = m ; page . Draw ( graphics , new RectangleF ( 0 , 0 , pageSize . Width , pageSize . Height ), true , true , renderingCache , true ); } else { // use rendering via GcD2DGraphics: if ( bitmap == null ) { bitmap = new GcD2DBitmap ( device , graphics . Factory ); bitmap . SetFontCache ( fontCache ); } var pageSizeScaled = new SizeF ( pageSize . Width * scaleX * printerDpi / 96f , pageSize . Height * scaleY * printerDpi / 96f ); var bitmapSize = new Size ( ( int )( pageSizeScaled . Width + 0.5f ), ( int )( pageSizeScaled . Height + 0.5f )); if ( bitmap . PixelWidth != bitmapSize . Width || bitmap . PixelHeight != bitmapSize . Height ) bitmap . CreateImage ( bitmapSize . Width , bitmapSize . Height , printerDpi , printerDpi ); using ( GcD2DBitmapGraphics bg = bitmap . CreateGraphics ( Color . FromArgb ( 0 ))) { page . Draw ( bg , new RectangleF ( 0 , 0 , pageSizeScaled . Width , pageSizeScaled . Height ), true , true , renderingCache , true ); } // draw bitmap on graphics with offset: graphics . Transform = m ; graphics . RenderTarget . DrawBitmap ( bitmap . Bitmap , new DX . RectF ( offsX , offsY , pageSize . Width , pageSize . Height )); } } private bool PrintPage ( string printerName , D2D . DeviceContext rt , D2D . PrintControl printControl , D2D . Device device , GcDXGraphics graphics , int pageIndex , int landscapeAngle , float printerDpi , float printerPageWidthPx , float printerPageHeightPx , RectangleF printableArea , int pageCount , RenderingCache renderingCache , FontCache fontCache , ref int pageNo , ref GcD2DBitmap bitmap ) { D2D . CommandList printCommandList = D2D . CommandList . Create ( rt ); rt . SetTarget ( printCommandList ); rt . BeginDraw (); DrawContent ( graphics , device , ref bitmap , pageIndex , landscapeAngle , printerDpi , new SizeF ( printerPageWidthPx , printerPageHeightPx ), printableArea , renderingCache , fontCache ); bool res = rt . EndDraw ( true ); if ( res ) { printCommandList . Close (); printControl . AddPage ( printCommandList , new DX . Size2F ( printerPageWidthPx , printerPageHeightPx )); } printCommandList . Dispose (); // pageNo ++; if (! OnLongOperation ( 0.2 + (( double ) pageNo / ( double ) pageCount ) * 0.8 , true )) return false ; if (! res ) throw new Exception ( $ "Error while printing on printer [{printerName}]." ); return true ; } private unsafe void Print ( string printerName , STG . ComStream jobPrintTicketStream , float printerPageWidthPx , float printerPageHeightPx , RectangleF printableArea , int dpi , bool autoCollate , int copies , bool collate , OutputRange outputRange ) { DXGI . PrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory documentTargetFactory = null ; DXGI . PrintDocumentPackageTarget documentTarget = null ; D2D . Factory1 d2dFactory = null ; D3D . DeviceContext d3dContext = null ; D3D . Device d3dDevice = null ; DXGI . Device1 dxgiDevice = null ; D2D . Device d2dDevice = null ; D2D . PrintControl printControl = null ; WIC . ImagingFactory2 wicFactory = null ; D2D . DeviceContext rt = null ; DW . Factory1 dwFactory = null ; GcD2DBitmap bitmap = null ; RenderingCache renderingCache = _renderingCache ; if ( renderingCache == null ) renderingCache = new RenderingCache (); try { #if DEBUG && false jobPrintTicketStream . Seek ( 0 , System . IO . SeekOrigin . Begin ); var tfile = Path . GetTempFileName (); using ( var fs = new FileStream ( tfile , System . IO . FileMode . Create )) { byte [] data = new byte [ 1024 * 16 ]; fixed ( byte * d = data ) { while ( true ) { var read = jobPrintTicketStream . Read (( IntPtr ) d , data . Length ); if ( read <= 0 ) break ; fs . Write ( data , 0 , data . Length ); } } } #endif // string printJobName = _printJobName ; if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( printJobName )) printJobName = "DsPdf Print Job" ; // documentTargetFactory = DXGI . PrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory . Create (); try { documentTarget = documentTargetFactory . CreateDocumentPackageTargetForPrintJob ( printerName , printJobName , jobPrintTicketStream ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { throw new Exception ( string . Format ( "Cannot create print job for printer [{0}].\r\nException:\r\n{1}" , printerName , ex . Message )); } finally { documentTargetFactory . Dispose (); documentTargetFactory = null ; } if ( documentTarget == null ) // null is returned only if user cancels printing throw new OperationCanceledException (); // initialize device resources d2dFactory = D2D . Factory1 . Create ( D2D . FactoryType . SingleThreaded ); wicFactory = WIC . ImagingFactory2 . Create (); dwFactory = DW . Factory1 . Create ( DW . FactoryType . Shared ); D3D . FeatureLevel [] featureLevels = new D3D . FeatureLevel [] { D3D . FeatureLevel . Level_11_1 , D3D . FeatureLevel . Level_11_0 , D3D . FeatureLevel . Level_10_1 , D3D . FeatureLevel . Level_10_0 }; D3D . FeatureLevel actualLevel ; d3dContext = null ; d3dDevice = new D3D . Device ( IntPtr . Zero ); DX . HResult result = DX . HResult . Ok ; for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 1 ; i ++) { // use WARP if hardware is not available D3D . DriverType driverType = i == 0 ? D3D . DriverType . Hardware : D3D . DriverType . Warp ; result = D3D . D3D11 . CreateDevice ( null , driverType , IntPtr . Zero , D3D . DeviceCreationFlags . BgraSupport | D3D . DeviceCreationFlags . SingleThreaded , featureLevels , featureLevels . Length , D3D . D3D11 . SdkVersion , d3dDevice , out actualLevel , out d3dContext ); if ( result . Code != unchecked (( int ) 0x887A0004 )) // DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED { break ; } } result . CheckError (); // dxgiDevice = d3dDevice . QueryInterface < DXGI . Device1 >(); d3dContext . Dispose (); d3dContext = null ; // d2dDevice = d2dFactory . CreateDevice ( dxgiDevice ); // D2D . PrintControlProperties printControlProperties = new D2D . PrintControlProperties { FontSubset = D2D . PrintFontSubsetMode . Default , RasterDPI = ( float ) dpi , ColorSpace = D2D . ColorSpace . SRgb }; // if (! OnLongOperation ( 0.2 , true )) throw new OperationCanceledException (); // printControl = D2D . PrintControl . Create ( d2dDevice , wicFactory , documentTarget . NativePointer , printControlProperties ); if ( printControl == null ) throw new OperationCanceledException (); rt = D2D . DeviceContext . Create ( d2dDevice , D2D . DeviceContextOptions . None ); // int totalPageCount = _doc . Pages . Count ; int pageNo = 0 ; int pageCount = outputRange . GetPageCount ( 1 , totalPageCount ) * copies ; int landscapeAngle = PrinterSettings . LandscapeAngle ; using ( var fontCache = new FontCache ( dwFactory )) using ( var glyphPathCache = new GlyphPathCache ()) using ( D2D . SolidColorBrush brush = rt . CreateSolidColorBrush ( DX . ColorF . Black , null )) #if DsPdfBefore_8_0_3 using ( var graphics = new GcDXGraphics ( rt , d2dFactory , null , fontCache , brush , glyphPathCache , false )) #else using ( var graphics = new GcDXGraphics ( rt , d2dFactory , null , fontCache , brush , glyphPathCache , false , dpi )) #endif { IEnumerator <int> pages = outputRange . GetEnumerator ( 1 , totalPageCount ); if ( autoCollate ) { if ( collate ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < copies ; i ++) { pages . Reset (); while ( pages . MoveNext ()) { PrintPage ( printerName , rt , printControl , d2dDevice , graphics , pages . Current - 1 , landscapeAngle , dpi , printerPageWidthPx , printerPageHeightPx , printableArea , pageCount , renderingCache , fontCache , ref pageNo , ref bitmap ); } } } else { while ( pages . MoveNext ()) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < copies ; i ++) { PrintPage ( printerName , rt , printControl , d2dDevice , graphics , pages . Current - 1 , landscapeAngle , dpi , printerPageWidthPx , printerPageHeightPx , printableArea , pageCount , renderingCache , fontCache , ref pageNo , ref bitmap ); } } } } else { while ( pages . MoveNext ()) { PrintPage ( printerName , rt , printControl , d2dDevice , graphics , pages . Current - 1 , landscapeAngle , dpi , printerPageWidthPx , printerPageHeightPx , printableArea , pageCount , renderingCache , fontCache , ref pageNo , ref bitmap ); } } } rt . Dispose (); rt = null ; printControl . Close (); } finally { if ( bitmap != null ) bitmap . Dispose (); if ( rt != null ) rt . Dispose (); if ( printControl != null ) printControl . Dispose (); if ( d2dDevice != null ) d2dDevice . Dispose (); if ( dxgiDevice != null ) dxgiDevice . Dispose (); if ( d3dContext != null ) d3dContext . Dispose (); if ( d3dDevice != null ) d3dDevice . Dispose (); if ( dwFactory != null ) dwFactory . Dispose (); if ( wicFactory != null ) wicFactory . Dispose (); if ( d2dFactory != null ) d2dFactory . Dispose (); if ( documentTarget != null ) documentTarget . Dispose (); if ( documentTargetFactory != null ) documentTargetFactory . Dispose (); if ( _renderingCache == null ) renderingCache . Dispose (); } } #endregion #region Events public event Func < double , bool , bool > LongOperation ; #endregion #region pinvoke [ StructLayout ( LayoutKind . Sequential , CharSet = CharSet . Auto )] private class DEVMODE { [ MarshalAs ( UnmanagedType . ByValTStr , SizeConst = 0x20 )] public string dmDeviceName ; public short dmSpecVersion ; public short dmDriverVersion ; public short dmSize ; public short dmDriverExtra ; public int dmFields ; public short dmOrientation ; public short dmPaperSize ; public short dmPaperLength ; public short dmPaperWidth ; public short dmScale ; public short dmCopies ; public short dmDefaultSource ; public short dmPrintQuality ; public short dmColor ; public short dmDuplex ; public short dmYResolution ; public short dmTTOption ; public short dmCollate ; [ MarshalAs ( UnmanagedType . ByValTStr , SizeConst = 0x20 )] public string dmFormName ; public short dmLogPixels ; public int dmBitsPerPel ; public int dmPelsWidth ; public int dmPelsHeight ; public int dmDisplayFlags ; public int dmDisplayFrequency ; public int dmICMMethod ; public int dmICMIntent ; public int dmMediaType ; public int dmDitherType ; public int dmICCManufacturer ; public int dmICCModel ; public int dmPanningWidth ; public int dmPanningHeight ; } /// <summary> /// Fields of DEVMODE structure. /// </summary> private class DM { public const int DM_ORIENTATION = 0x00001 , DM_PAPERSIZE = 2 , DM_PAPERLENGTH = 4 , DM_PAPERWIDTH = 8 , DM_COPIES = 0x100 , DM_DEFAULTSOURCE = 0x200 , DM_PRINTQUALITY = 0x400 , DM_COLOR = 0x800 , DM_YRESOLUTION = 0x2000 , DM_COLLATE = 0x00008000 , DM_BITSPERPEL = 0x40000 , DM_PELSWIDTH = 0x80000 , DM_PELSHEIGHT = 0x100000 , DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY = 0x400000 ; } [ DllImport ( "kernel32.dll" , ExactSpelling = true , CharSet = CharSet . Auto )] private static extern IntPtr GlobalLock ( IntPtr handle ); [ DllImport ( "kernel32.dll" , ExactSpelling = true , CharSet = CharSet . Auto )] private static extern bool GlobalUnlock ( IntPtr handle ); [ DllImport ( "kernel32.dll" , ExactSpelling = true , CharSet = CharSet . Auto )] private static extern IntPtr GlobalFree ( IntPtr hMem ); [ DllImport ( "ole32.dll" , ExactSpelling = true , CharSet = CharSet . Auto )] private static extern int CreateStreamOnHGlobal ( IntPtr hGlobal , bool fDeleteOnRelease , ref IntPtr istream ); [ DllImport ( "prntvpt.dll" , ExactSpelling = true , CharSet = CharSet . Auto )] private static extern int PTConvertDevModeToPrintTicket ( IntPtr hProvider , int cbDevmode , IntPtr devMode , int scope , IntPtr printTicket ); [ DllImport ( "prntvpt.dll" , ExactSpelling = true , CharSet = CharSet . Unicode )] private static extern int PTOpenProvider ( string pszPrinterName , int dwVersion , ref IntPtr phProvider ); [ DllImport ( "prntvpt.dll" , ExactSpelling = true , CharSet = CharSet . Auto )] private static extern int PTCloseProvider ( IntPtr hProvider ); #endregion } }