Demonstrates the use of
RedactAnnotation.AddPolygon() method which allows you to add arbitrary polygon shapes to the redacted area. For example, you can add a star-shaped area to the redact annotation, and all content within that area will be erased when the redact annotation is applied. To show exactly what areas have been erased, we set the
OverlayFillColor of the redact annotations to different solid colors, so that in the redacted PDF the colored polygons indicate the areas from which the original content has been erased when the redacts were applied.
We use the first page of the PDF generated by the
BalancedColumns sample to perform the redacts, and for reference the original page without redacts is duplicated as the second page of the resulting document.
DsPdf is compatible with .NET 6 or later, .NET Core 2.0 or later, .NET Standard 2.x, .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later. All features are supported on Windows, macOS and Linux.