- ''
- '' This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos.
- '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- ''
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Drawing
- Imports System.Text
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Text
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
- '' Demonstrates how different styles of numbered lists can be rendered in DsPdf.
- '' See also NumberedList.
- Public Class NumberedList2
- '' Encapsulate page layout constants used in the sample:
- Private Structure Layout
- '' All around page margins:
- Public Shared Margin As Single = 72.0F
- '' List offset relative to item number:
- Public Shared ListOffset As Single = 24.0F
- '' List level indent:
- Public Shared ListIndent As Single = 30.0F
- End Structure
- '' Define simple tree type:
- Private Class Node
- Public Sub New(ByVal txt As String)
- Text = txt
- End Sub
- Public Property Text As String
- Public Property Children As List(Of Node) = New List(Of Node)()
- End Class
- '' Renders a list of nodes as a numbered list.
- Private Function RenderNodes(ByRef page As Page, ByVal pt As PointF, ByVal nodes As List(Of Node), ByVal level As Integer) As PointF
- Dim tlBullet = page.Graphics.CreateTextLayout()
- tlBullet.DefaultFormat.Font = StandardFonts.Times
- tlBullet.MarginLeft = Layout.ListIndent * level
- Dim tlText = New TextLayout(72)
- tlText.DefaultFormat.Font = StandardFonts.Times
- tlText.MarginLeft = Layout.ListOffset + Layout.ListIndent * level
- For i = 0 To nodes.Count - 1
- Dim g = page.Graphics
- '' Prep item text:
- tlText.Clear()
- tlText.Append(nodes(i).Text)
- tlText.PerformLayout(True)
- If pt.Y + tlText.ContentHeight > page.Size.Height - Layout.Margin Then
- page = page.Doc.NewPage()
- g = page.Graphics
- pt.Y = Layout.Margin
- End If
- '' Prep item number:
- tlBullet.Clear()
- tlBullet.Append(ItemIdxToString(i, level, tlBullet))
- tlBullet.PerformLayout(True)
- '' Render item:
- g.DrawTextLayout(tlBullet, pt)
- g.DrawTextLayout(tlText, pt)
- '' Advance insertion point:
- pt.Y += tlText.ContentHeight
- '' Render children:
- If nodes(i).Children.Count > 0 Then
- pt = RenderNodes(page, pt, nodes(i).Children, level + 1)
- End If
- Next
- Return pt
- End Function
- '' Convert item index to item number representation, in a
- '' Arabic -> Latin letters -> Roman numbers loop.
- '' Roman numbers are right-aligned, others are left-aligned.
- Private Function ItemIdxToString(ByVal itemIdx As Integer, ByVal level As Integer, ByVal tl As TextLayout) As String
- Select Case (level Mod 3)
- Case 0
- tl.MarginLeft = Layout.ListIndent * level
- tl.MaxWidth = Nothing
- tl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Leading
- Return $"{itemIdx + 1}."
- Case 1
- tl.MarginLeft = Layout.ListIndent * level
- tl.MaxWidth = Nothing
- tl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Leading
- Return $"{ChrW(AscW("a") + itemIdx)}."
- Case 2
- tl.MarginLeft = 0
- Dim font = tl.DefaultFormat.Font
- tl.MaxWidth = Layout.ListIndent * level + tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize
- tl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Trailing
- Return $"{IntToRoman(itemIdx + 1)}."
- Case Else
- Throw New Exception("Unexpected.")
- End Select
- End Function
- '' From
- Private Function IntToRoman(ByVal number As Integer) As String
- Dim result = New StringBuilder()
- Dim digitsValues = {1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000}
- Dim romanDigits = {"I", "IV", "V", "IX", "X", "XL", "L", "XC", "C", "CD", "D", "CM", "M"}
- While number > 0
- For i = digitsValues.Count() - 1 To 0 Step -1
- If (number / digitsValues(i) >= 1) Then
- number -= digitsValues(i)
- result.Append(romanDigits(i).ToLower())
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End While
- Return result.ToString()
- End Function
- '' Main entry point:
- Function CreatePDF(ByVal stream As Stream) As Integer
- Dim doc = New GcPdfDocument()
- Dim page = doc.NewPage()
- RenderNodes(page, New PointF(Layout.Margin, Layout.Margin), _arthrapods.Children, 0)
- ''
- '' Done:
- doc.Save(stream)
- Return doc.Pages.Count
- End Function
- '' Sample tree data:
- Private _arthrapods As New Node("Animalia Arthrapoda") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Insecta") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Archaeognatha") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Protozoa")
- }
- },
- New Node("Thysanura") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Silverfish")
- }
- },
- New Node("Ephemeoptera") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Mafly")
- }
- },
- New Node("Odonata") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Dragonfly"),
- New Node("Azure Damzelfly"),
- New Node("Emerald Damzelfly")
- }
- },
- New Node("Orthoptera") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Grasshopper"),
- New Node("Cricket"),
- New Node("Cave Cricket")
- }
- },
- New Node("Phasmatodea") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Walking Stick"),
- New Node("Leaf Bug")
- }
- },
- New Node("Mantodea") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Praying Mantis")
- }
- },
- New Node("Blattoeda") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Cockroach")
- }
- },
- New Node("Isoptera") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Termite")
- }
- },
- New Node("Phithiraptera") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Bird Lice"),
- New Node("Human Lice"),
- New Node("Pubic Lice")
- }
- },
- New Node("Hemiptera") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Cicada"),
- New Node("Pond Skater"),
- New Node("Tree Hopper"),
- New Node("Stink Bug"),
- New Node("Thrip"),
- New Node("Alderfly")
- }
- },
- New Node("Siphonatera") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Flea")
- }
- }
- }
- },
- New Node("Myriapoda") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Chilopoda") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Centipede")
- }
- },
- New Node("Diplopoda") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Millipede"),
- New Node("Pitbug")
- }
- }
- }
- },
- New Node("Crustacea") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Branchiopod") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Brine Shrimp"),
- New Node("Water Flea")
- }
- },
- New Node("Maxillopod") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Cyclopoid"),
- New Node("Calgid"),
- New Node("Barnacles")
- }
- },
- New Node("Malacostracan") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Krill"),
- New Node("Prawn"),
- New Node("Shrimp"),
- New Node("Cancrid Crab"),
- New Node("Fidder Crab"),
- New Node("Spider Crab"),
- New Node("Lobster"),
- New Node("Hermit Crab"),
- New Node("Cray Fish")
- }
- }
- }
- },
- New Node("Pycnogonida") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Pycnogonida") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Sea Spider")
- }
- }
- }
- },
- New Node("Merostomata") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Merostomata") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Horseshoe Spider")
- }
- }
- }
- },
- New Node("Arachnida") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Scorpiones") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Buthid"),
- New Node("Imperial Scorpion")
- }
- },
- New Node("Pseudoscorpions") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Neobisiid"),
- New Node("Cheliferid")
- }
- },
- New Node("Solfigugae") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Wind Scorpion")
- }
- },
- New Node("Acari") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Tick"),
- New Node("Mite")
- }
- },
- New Node("Araneae") With
- {
- .Children = New List(Of Node) From
- {
- New Node("Crib Weaver"),
- New Node("Funnel-web Spider"),
- New Node("Funnel Weaver"),
- New Node("Water Spider"),
- New Node("Jumping Spider"),
- New Node("Wolf Spider"),
- New Node("Nursery-web Spider"),
- New Node("Crab Spider"),
- New Node("Black Widow"),
- New Node("Tiger Oriental Tarantula"),
- New Node("Mexican Red-legged Tarantula")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- End Class