// // This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos . // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. // using System ; using System . IO ; using System . Drawing ; using System . Linq ; using System . Collections . Generic ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Pdf ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Pdf . AcroForms ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Text ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Common ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Drawing ; using System . Numerics ; using DsPdfWeb . Demos . Common ; namespace DsPdfWeb . Demos { // This sample generates a two-page data sheet about the new // Document Solutions product line. public class GcDocsDataSheet { private FontCollection _fc = new FontCollection (); Color _darkGray = Color . FromArgb ( 64 , 64 , 64 ); Color _lightGray = Color . FromArgb ( 232 , 232 , 232 ); Color _blue = Color . FromArgb ( 0x3B , 0x5C , 0xAA ); List < IDisposable > _disposables = new List < IDisposable >(); // Main entry point of this sample: public int CreatePDF ( Stream stream ) { var doc = new GcPdfDocument (); _fc . RegisterDirectory ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "Fonts" )); // First page: Page1 ( doc ); // Second page: Page2 ( doc ); // Save the PDF: doc . Save ( stream ); // Dispose images after the document has been saved: _disposables . ForEach ( d_ => d_ . Dispose ()); // Done: return doc . Pages . Count ; } IImage GetImage ( string path ) { var image = Util . ImageFromFile ( path ); _disposables . Add ( image ); return image ; } void Page1 ( GcPdfDocument doc ) { var page = doc . Pages . Add (); var g = page . Graphics ; var tl = new TextLayout ( g . Resolution ) { FontCollection = _fc }; var gclogo = GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "gc-logo-100px.png" )); var gclogoRc = new RectangleF ( 36 , 0 , 72 * 1.8f , 72 ); g . DrawImage ( gclogo , gclogoRc , null , new ImageAlign ( ImageAlignHorz . Left , ImageAlignVert . Center , true , true , true , false , false ), out RectangleF [] rcs ); g . DrawLine ( rcs [ 0 ]. Right + 10 , rcs [ 0 ]. Top , rcs [ 0 ]. Right + 10 , rcs [ 0 ]. Bottom , _darkGray , 1 ); tl . Clear (); tl . ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment . Center ; tl . MaxHeight = gclogoRc . Height ; tl . Append ( "Developer Solutions" , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans" , FontSize = 16 , ForeColor = _darkGray }); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , new PointF ( gclogoRc . Right + 20 , gclogoRc . Y )); var back = GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "GCDocs-datasheet-sm.png" )); var backRcClip = new RectangleF ( 0 , 72 , page . Size . Width , page . Size . Width - 72 * 1.75f ); var backRc = new RectangleF (- 72 , - 72 * 4 , page . Size . Width + 72 * 4 , page . Size . Height + 72 * 4 ); g . DrawImage ( back , backRc , backRcClip , ImageAlign . StretchImage ); g . FillRectangle ( new RectangleF ( 0 , backRcClip . Bottom , page . Size . Width , page . Size . Height - backRcClip . Bottom ), _lightGray ); g . DrawLine ( backRcClip . X , backRcClip . Bottom , backRcClip . Right , backRcClip . Bottom , Color . White , 1 , null ); g . DrawLine ( backRcClip . X , backRcClip . Bottom + 1 , backRcClip . Right , backRcClip . Bottom + 1 , _darkGray , 1 , null ); var blueRc = new RectangleF ( 0 , backRcClip . Y , page . Size . Width , 72 * 4 ); g . FillRectangle ( blueRc , Color . FromArgb ( 220 , _blue )); blueRc . Inflate ( 0 , - 36 ); g . FillRectangle ( new RectangleF ( blueRc . Location , new SizeF ( 10 , blueRc . Height )), Color . White ); blueRc . Inflate (- 36 , 0 ); tl . Clear (); tl . ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment . Near ; tl . MaxWidth = blueRc . Width ; tl . MaxHeight = blueRc . Height ; tl . Append ( "NEW PRODUCT LINE" , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans semibold" , FontSize = 20 , ForeColor = Color . White }); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , blueRc . Location ); var midRc = new RectangleF ( blueRc . X , blueRc . Y + tl . ContentHeight , blueRc . Width , blueRc . Height - tl . ContentHeight ); tl . Clear (); tl . ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment . Far ; tl . Append ( "Take total control of your digital documents with this NEW collection of ultra-fast, low-footprint document APIs for .NET Standard 2.0. These intuitive, extensible APIs " + "allow you to create, load, modify, and save Excel spreadsheets and PDF files in any .NET Standard 2.0 application" , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans light" , FontSize = 14 , ForeColor = Color . White }); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , blueRc . Location ); midRc . Height -= tl . ContentHeight ; midRc . Inflate ( 0 , - 20 ); var hex = GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "gcd-hex-logo-white.png" )); var hexRc = new RectangleF ( midRc . Location , new SizeF ( midRc . Height , midRc . Height )); g . DrawImage ( hex , hexRc , null , ImageAlign . StretchImage ); tl . Clear (); tl . ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment . Center ; tl . MaxHeight = midRc . Height ; tl . Append ( "Document Solutions" , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans semibold" , FontSize = 26 , ForeColor = Color . White }); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , new PointF ( midRc . X + midRc . Height + 10 , midRc . Y )); var pointRc = new RectangleF ( 0 , backRcClip . Bottom , page . Size . Width / 2 , ( page . Size . Height - backRcClip . Bottom ) / 2 - 12 ); tl . ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment . Near ; tl . MaxWidth = pointRc . Width ; tl . MaxHeight = pointRc . Height ; tl . MarginLeft = 80 ; tl . MarginTop = 25 ; tl . MarginBottom = 0 ; addPoint ( GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "ico-hex-.NET.png" )), "Expand the reach of modern apps" , "With full support for .NET Standard 2.0, you can target multiple platforms, devices, and cloud with one code base." ); pointRc . Offset ( 0 , pointRc . Height ); addPoint ( GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "ico-hex-code.png" )), "Comprehensive, highly programmable" , "Do more with your Excel spreadsheets and PDFs: these APIs support Windows, Mac, Linux, and a wide variety of features for your documents." ); pointRc . Offset ( pointRc . Width , - pointRc . Height ); tl . MarginRight = 30 ; addPoint ( GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "ico-hex-speed.png" )), "High-speed, small footprint" , "The API architecture is designed to generate large, optimized documents, fast—while remaining lightweight and extensible." ); pointRc . Offset ( 0 , pointRc . Height ); addPoint ( GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "ico-hex-nodependences.png" )), "No dependencies" , "Generate and edit digital documents with no Acrobat or Excel dependencies." ); g . FillRectangle ( new RectangleF ( 0 , page . Size . Height - 16 , page . Size . Width , 16 ), _darkGray ); drawCircle ( new PointF ( page . Size . Width - 160 , backRcClip . Bottom - 105 )); void addPoint ( IImage img , string caption , string text ) { var imgRc = new RectangleF ( pointRc . X + 20 , pointRc . Y + tl . MarginTop , 48 , 48 ); g . DrawImage ( img , imgRc , null , new ImageAlign () { AlignHorz = ImageAlignHorz . Center , AlignVert = ImageAlignVert . Center , BestFit = true }); tl . Clear (); tl . AppendLine ( caption , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans semibold" , FontSize = 11 }); tl . Append ( text , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans light" , FontSize = 11 }); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); if (! tl . ContentHeightFitsInBounds ) throw new Exception ( "Unexpected: text overflow." ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , pointRc . Location ); } void drawCircle ( PointF p ) { float D = 128 ; float angle = ( float )( 16 * Math . PI ) / 180f ; g . Transform = Matrix3x2 . CreateTranslation (- D / 2 , - D / 2 ) * Matrix3x2 . CreateRotation ( angle ) * Matrix3x2 . CreateTranslation ( p . X + D / 2 , p . Y + D / 2 ); var r = new RectangleF ( PointF . Empty , new SizeF ( D , D )); for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i ) { g . FillEllipse ( r , Color . FromArgb ( 30 + i * 10 , _darkGray )); r . Inflate (- 1 , - 1 ); } g . FillEllipse ( r , _darkGray ); r . Inflate (- 1 , - 1 ); g . FillEllipse ( r , Color . White ); r . Inflate (- 6 , - 6 ); g . FillEllipse ( r , _darkGray ); tl . Clear (); tl . MaxHeight = tl . MaxWidth = D ; tl . MarginLeft = tl . MarginRight = tl . MarginTop = tl . MarginBottom = 0 ; tl . TextAlignment = TextAlignment . Center ; tl . ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment . Center ; tl . ParagraphSpacing = - 4 ; var tf = new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans light" , FontSize = 18 , ForeColor = Color . White }; tl . Append ( "DEPLOY\nTO" , tf ); tl . Append ( " AZURE\n" , new TextFormat ( tf ) { FontName = "open sans semibold" }); tl . Append ( " " ); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , PointF . Empty ); g . Transform = Matrix3x2 . Identity ; } } void Page2 ( GcPdfDocument doc ) { var page = doc . Pages . Add (); var g = page . Graphics ; var tl = new TextLayout ( g . Resolution ) { FontCollection = _fc }; var col0X = 36 ; var colWidth = page . Size . Width / 3 - 40 ; var colGap = 20 ; var vgap = 10 ; var ser1Y = 100 ; var ser2Y = 72 * 6 ; var h = 45 ; List <( string caption , List <string> points )> dspdf = new List <( string , List <string> )>() { ( "Advanced Text Handling" , new List <string> { "Standard PDF Fonts, Truetype Fonts, Open type Fonts, WOFF Fonts, system font loading, font embedding, fallback and linked fonts, EUDC fonts" , "Advanced text rendering features" , "Special character support" , }), ( "Cross-Platform, Cross-Framework compatibility" , new List <string> { ".NET Standard 2.0" , ".NET Core 2.0" , ".NET Framework" , "Mono" , "Xamarin iOS" , "VSTO-style API" }), ( "Security" , new List <string> { "Encryption and decrpyption" , "User and owner passwords" , "AllowCopyContent, AllowEditAnnotations, AllowEditContent, AllowPrint" , "Digital Signatures" }), ( "Annotations" , new List <string> { "Figures" , "Comments" , "Text" , "Signatures" , "Stamps" , "Modify, extract or delete annotations from existing PDFs" }), ( "Fillable Form Fields" , new List <string> { "Textbox" , "Checkbox" , "Combobox" , "Listbox" , "Radio button" , "Push button" , "Signature field" , "Modify, extract or delete form fields from existing PDFs" }), ( "Navigation" , new List <string> { "Outlines" , "Hyperlinks" }), ( "Additional Features" , new List <string> { "50 barcodes and properties" , "Create PDF/A files" , "Maintain document history with document properties" , "Generate linearized PDFs for fast web view" , "Full image and graphic support on all platforms" , "Add and delete pages" , "Chage page sizes" , "Page orientation" }), }; List <( string caption , List <string> points )> gcexcel = new List <( string , List <string> )>() { ( "Fast and Efficient" , new List <string> { "Lightweight" , "Optimized for processing large Excel documents quickly" }), ( "Cross-Platform, Cross-Framework compatibility" , new List <string> { ".NET Standard 2.0" , ".NET Core 2.0" , ".NET Framework" , "Mono" , "Xamarin.iOS" , "VSTO-style API" , }), ( "Data Visualization" , new List <string> { "Shapes and pictures" , "Slicers" , "Sparklines" , "Charts" , }), ( "Powerful Calculation Engine" , new List <string> { "450+ Excel functions" , "Calculate" , "Query" , "Generate" , "Sorting" , "Filtering" , "Grouping" , }), ( "Seamless Excel Compatibility" , new List <string> { "Import and export Excel files" , "Export to PDF" , "Encrypt files" , "Workbooks and worksheets" , "Cell range operations" , "Pivot and Excel tables" , "Data validation" , "Annotations" , "Comments" , }), ( "Conditional Formatting Rules" , new List <string> { "Cell value" , "Average" , "Color scale" , "Data bar" , "Icon sets" , "Top and Bottom" , "Unique" , "Expression" , }), ( "Flexible Themes And Components" , new List <string> { "Customizable themes" , "Configurable components" , "Summary data" , "Custom styles" , "Embedded drawing objects" , "Integrated calculation engine" , }), }; addHeader ( 45 , "Document Solutions for PDF" , "This high-speed, feature-rich PDF document API for .NET Standard 2.0 gives you total " + "control of your PDF documents, with no dependencies on Adobe Acrobat.Generate, " + "edit, and store feature - rich PDF documents without compromising design or features." ); var ipt = new PointF ( col0X , ser1Y ); foreach ( var ( caption , points ) in dspdf ) { var rc = addList ( ipt , caption , points . ToArray ()); if ( rc . Bottom < ser2Y - 120 ) ipt = new PointF ( rc . X , rc . Bottom + vgap ); else ipt = new PointF ( rc . X + colWidth + colGap , ser1Y ); } addHeader ( ser2Y , "Document Solutions for Excel" , "Generate high-performance Excel spreadsheets with no dependencies on Excel! " + "Generate, convert, calculate, format, and parse spreadsheets in any app." ); var topY = ser2Y + h + 10 ; ipt = new PointF ( col0X , topY ); foreach ( var ( caption , points ) in gcexcel ) { var rc = addList ( ipt , caption , points . ToArray ()); if ( rc . Bottom < page . Size . Height - 100 ) ipt = new PointF ( rc . X , rc . Bottom + vgap ); else ipt = new PointF ( rc . X + colWidth + colGap , topY ); } var hdrRc = new RectangleF ( 28 , 0 , page . Size . Width - 28 * 2 , 36 ); g . FillRectangle ( hdrRc , _darkGray ); var w = hdrRc . Width / 7 ; string [] hdrs = new string [] { "Create" , "Load" , "Edit" , "Save" , "Analyze" }; var hdrTf = new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans" , FontSize = 12 , ForeColor = Color . White }; var trc = new RectangleF ( hdrRc . X + w , hdrRc . Y , w , hdrRc . Height ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < hdrs . Length ; ++ i ) { g . DrawString ( hdrs [ i ], hdrTf , trc , TextAlignment . Center , ParagraphAlignment . Center , false ); if ( i < hdrs . Length - 1 ) g . DrawLine ( trc . Right , trc . Top + 12 , trc . Right , trc . Bottom - 12 , Color . White , 1 ); trc . Offset ( w , 0 ); } var ftrRc = new RectangleF ( 0 , page . Size . Height - 36 , page . Size . Width , 36 ); g . FillRectangle ( ftrRc , _darkGray ); var ftr0 = "mescius.com" ; var ftr1 = "© MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders." ; ftrRc . Inflate (- col0X , - 5 ); hdrTf . FontSize = 12 ; g . DrawString ( ftr0 , hdrTf , ftrRc , TextAlignment . Leading , ParagraphAlignment . Near , false ); hdrTf . FontSize = 6 ; g . DrawString ( ftr1 , hdrTf , ftrRc , TextAlignment . Leading , ParagraphAlignment . Far , false ); ftrRc . Inflate ( 0 , - 5 ); g . DrawImage ( GetImage ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "logo-GC-white.png" )), ftrRc , null , new ImageAlign () { AlignHorz = ImageAlignHorz . Right , AlignVert = ImageAlignVert . Center , BestFit = true }); void addHeader ( float y , string caption , string text ) { var bluerc = new RectangleF ( 0 , y , 28 , h ); g . FillRectangle ( bluerc , _blue ); var caprc = new RectangleF ( bluerc . Right , y , 72 * 2.75f , h ); g . FillRectangle ( caprc , _lightGray ); caprc . X = col0X ; caprc . Width -= col0X - bluerc . Width ; g . DrawString ( caption , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans semibold" , FontSize = 12 }, caprc , TextAlignment . Leading , ParagraphAlignment . Center , false ); var textrc = new RectangleF ( caprc . Right , caprc . Top , page . Size . Width - caprc . Right , caprc . Height ); textrc . Inflate (- 10 , 0 ); g . DrawString ( text , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans light" , FontSize = 9 }, textrc , TextAlignment . Leading , ParagraphAlignment . Center , true ); } RectangleF addList ( PointF pt , string caption , params string [] items ) { var tf = new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans light" , FontSize = 9 }; var ret = new RectangleF ( pt , SizeF . Empty ); tl . Clear (); tl . MaxWidth = colWidth ; tl . AppendLine ( caption , new TextFormat () { FontName = "open sans" , FontBold = true , FontSize = 9 }); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , pt ); ret . Width = tl . ContentWidth ; ret . Height = tl . ContentHeight ; pt . Y += ret . Height ; tl . Clear (); var itemPrefix = "\u2022 " ; tl . FirstLineIndent = - g . MeasureStringWithTrailingWhitespace ( itemPrefix , tf ). Width ; foreach ( var item in items ) tl . AppendLine ( itemPrefix + item , tf ); tl . PerformLayout ( true ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , pt ); ret . Width = Math . Max ( ret . Width , tl . ContentWidth ); ret . Height += tl . ContentHeight ; return ret ; } } } }