- ''
- '' This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos.
- '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- ''
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Drawing
- Imports System.Linq
- Imports System.Reflection
- Imports System.Collections.Generic
- Imports System.Globalization
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Text
- Imports s2industries.ZUGFeRD
- Imports GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text
- Imports GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
- '' This sample demonstrates how to retrieve invoice data from a ZUGFeRD compliant XML attachment.
- '' Selected portions of the fetched invoice data are printed to the PDF generated by this sample.
- '' See ZugferdInfoExt for a similar sample that prints out all ZUGFeRD data.
- '' The sample PDF invoice containing ZUGFeRD data which this sample uses as input
- '' was generated by ZugferdInvoice.
- ''
- '' ZUGFeRD is a German e-invoicing standard based around PDF and XML file formats.
- '' Its poised to change the way invoices are handled and can be used by any sort of business.
- '' It will make invoice processing more efficient for senders and customers.
- '' For details please see What is ZUGFeRD?.
- ''
- '' This sample uses the ZUGFeRD-csharp package
- '' to parse the ZUGFeRD-compatible XML that is attached to the invoice.
- Public Class ZugferdInfo
- Function CreatePDF(ByVal stream As Stream) As Integer
- '' The sample invoice with ZUGFeRD data:
- Dim invoicePdf = Path.Combine("Resources", "PDFs", "zugferd-invoice.pdf")
- '' Text formats for output:
- Dim tfData = New TextFormat() With {
- .Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "segoeui.ttf")),
- .FontSize = 12
- }
- Dim tfStrong = New TextFormat(tfData) With {
- .Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "segoeuib.ttf"))
- }
- Dim tfLabels = New TextFormat(tfData) With {
- .Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "segoeuii.ttf")),
- .FontSize = 11
- }
- Dim margin = 36
- '' Output document:
- Dim doc = New GcPdfDocument()
- Using fs = File.OpenRead(invoicePdf)
- '' Load the ZUGFeRD compliant invoice PDF:
- Dim invoice = New GcPdfDocument()
- invoice.Load(fs)
- '' Get the ZUGFeRD attachment from the invoice by the ZUGFeRD 1.x standard file name:
- Dim attachment = invoice.EmbeddedFiles.Values.FirstOrDefault(Function(it) it.File.FileName = "ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml")
- If attachment IsNot Nothing Then
- Using xmlstream = attachment.GetStream()
- '' Load the invoice descriptor:
- Dim descriptor = InvoiceDescriptor.Load(xmlstream)
- Dim culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")
- '' Print out the invoice data:
- Dim page = doc.NewPage()
- Dim g = page.Graphics
- Dim tl = g.CreateTextLayout()
- tl.MaxWidth = page.Size.Width
- tl.MaxHeight = page.Size.Height
- tl.MarginAll = margin
- '' The invoice header:
- tl.Append($"Invoice Number: ", tfLabels)
- tl.AppendLine($"{descriptor.InvoiceNo}", tfData)
- tl.Append($"Invoice Date: ", tfLabels)
- tl.AppendLine($"{descriptor.InvoiceDate.Value:yyyy-MM-dd}", tfData)
- tl.Append($"Seller Name: ", tfLabels)
- tl.AppendLine($"{descriptor.Seller.Name}", tfData)
- tl.Append($"Seller Address: ", tfLabels)
- tl.AppendLine($"{descriptor.Seller.Street}, {descriptor.Seller.City}, {descriptor.Seller.Postcode}, {descriptor.Seller.Country}", tfData)
- tl.Append($"Buyer Name: ", tfLabels)
- tl.AppendLine($"{descriptor.BuyerContact.Name} {descriptor.Buyer.Name}", tfData)
- tl.Append($"Buyer Address: ", tfLabels)
- tl.AppendLine($"{descriptor.Buyer.Street}, {descriptor.Buyer.City}, {descriptor.Buyer.Postcode}, {descriptor.Buyer.Country}", tfData)
- tl.AppendLine()
- '' The invoice positions:
- tl.TabStops = New List(Of TabStop) From
- {
- New TabStop(margin, TabStopAlignment.Leading),
- New TabStop(page.Size.Width - margin * 2 - 144, TabStopAlignment.Trailing),
- New TabStop(page.Size.Width - margin * 2, TabStopAlignment.Trailing)
- }
- Dim totals As Decimal = 0
- Dim index = 1
- tl.AppendLine($"#{vbTab}Name{vbTab}Quantity{vbTab}Amount", tfLabels)
- descriptor.TradeLineItems.ForEach(
- Sub(it)
- tl.AppendLine($"{index}{vbTab}{it.Name}{vbTab}{Convert.ToInt32(it.BilledQuantity)}{vbTab}{it.LineTotalAmount.Value.ToString("C", culture)}", tfData)
- index += 1
- totals += it.LineTotalAmount.Value
- End Sub
- )
- '' The invoice total:
- tl.AppendLine($"{vbTab}TOTAL:{vbTab}{vbTab}{totals.ToString("C", culture)}", tfStrong)
- g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty)
- '' Done:
- doc.Save(stream)
- Return doc.Pages.Count
- End Using
- Else
- Return 0
- End If
- End Using
- End Function
- End Class