Xamarin.iOS Documentation | ComponentOne
Controls / Input / MaskedTextField / Quick Start: Display C1MaskedTextField Controls
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    Quick Start: Display C1MaskedTextField Controls
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    This section describes adding C1MaskedTextField controls to an iOS application for specifying four input fields, namely ID, Date of Birth, Phone, and State. The ID input field accepts a nine-digit number separated by hyphens, the Date of Birth field accepts a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, the Phone field accepts a 10-digit number with area code, and the State field accepts abbreviated postal code of a state.

    The following image shows the input fields configured after completing the above steps.

    MaskedTextField controls in iOS app

    Add the following code in ViewDidLoad method to display C1MaskedTextField controls.

    Copy Code
    public override void ViewDidLoad()
            MaskedID.Mask = "000-00-0000";
            MaskedDOB.Mask = "90/90/0000";
            MaskedPhone.Mask = "(999) 000-0000";
            MaskedState.Mask = "LL";