Xamarin.iOS Documentation | ComponentOne
Controls / Calendar / Features / Customizing Header
In This Topic
    Customizing Header
    In This Topic

    The C1Calendar control shows a default header that displays the current month or year and navigation buttons. However, users can hide or remove the default header by setting the ShowHeader property to No, and apply a custom header.

    The following image shows a C1Calendar with a custom header.

    The following code example shows how to apply a custom header to the C1 control in C#. The example uses the sample created in the Quick Start.

    1. Replace the content of the ViewController.cs file with the code given below.
      Copy Code
      using C1.iOS.Calendar;
      using CoreGraphics;
      using Foundation;
      using System;
      using UIKit;
      namespace CalendariOS
          public partial class ViewController : UIViewController
              C1Calendar Calendar = new C1Calendar();
              public ViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
              public override void ViewDidLoad()
                  var model = new ViewModePickerViewModel(async row =>
                      switch (row)
                          case 0:
                              await Calendar.ChangeViewModeAsync(CalendarViewMode.Month);
                          case 1:
                              await Calendar.ChangeViewModeAsync(CalendarViewMode.Year);
                          case 2:
                              await Calendar.ChangeViewModeAsync(CalendarViewMode.Decade);
                  ViewModePicker.Model = model;
                  Calendar.ViewModeChanged += OnViewModeChanged;
                  Calendar.DisplayDateChanged += OnDisplayDateChanged;
              async partial void TodayButton_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender)
                  await Calendar.ChangeViewModeAsync(CalendarViewMode.Month, DateTime.Today);
                  Calendar.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today;
              private void OnViewModeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                  switch (Calendar.ViewMode)
                      case CalendarViewMode.Month:
                          ViewModePicker.Select(0, 0, true);
                      case CalendarViewMode.Year:
                          ViewModePicker.Select(1, 0, true);
                      case CalendarViewMode.Decade:
                          ViewModePicker.Select(2, 0, true);
              private void OnDisplayDateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
              private void UpdateHeaderLabel()
                  HeaderLabel.Text = Calendar.DisplayDate.ToString("Y");
              public class ViewModePickerViewModel : UIPickerViewModel
                  Action<nint> _selected;
                  public ViewModePickerViewModel(Action<nint> selected)
                      _selected = selected;
                  public override nint GetComponentCount(UIPickerView picker)
                      return 1;
                  public override nint GetRowsInComponent(UIPickerView picker, nint component)
                      return 3;
                  public override string GetTitle(UIPickerView picker, nint row, nint component)
                      switch (row)
                          case 0:
                              return NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString("Month View", "");
                          case 1:
                              return NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString("Year View", "");
                          case 2:
                              return NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString("Decade View", "");
                  public override void Selected(UIPickerView pickerView, nint row, nint component)