Xamarin.Android | ComponentOne
Controls / FlexChart / Features / Multiple Y Axes
In This Topic
    Multiple Y Axes
    In This Topic

    You can add multiple Y axes simultaneously to the FlexChart control by creating a new object of Axis type and customizing its properties. This feature allows you to add two series in a single FlexChart instance with same X axis but different Y axis. In order to further customize the appearance, users can choose to differentiate the two series by selecting different chart types.

    The image below shows a FlexChart control with a common X axis that displays months, and left and right Y axes that display two different series elements Precipitation and Temperature, respectively.

    The following steps demonstrate how to add multiple Y axes for FlexChart control.

    Step 1: Create a data source for FlexChart

    Add ChartPoint.cs class as a data source that fetches random data for the two series as shown below.

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    class ChartPoint : Java.Lang.Object
            static Random random = new Random();
            private String month;
            private double precipitation;
            private int temperature;
            public string Month
                    return month;
                    month = value;
            public double Precipitation
                    return precipitation;
                    precipitation = value;
            public int Temperature
                    return temperature;
                    temperature = value;
            public ChartPoint(String month, double precipitation, int temperature)
                    this.Month = month;
                    this.Precipitation = precipitation;
                    this.Temperature = temperature;
            // a method to create a list of random objects of type ChartPoint
            public static IList<object> GetList()
                //ObservableCollection<ChartPoint> list = new ObservableCollection<ChartPoint>();
                List<object> list = new List<object>();
                int n = 6; // number of series elements
                String[] countries =
                { "US", "Germany", "UK", "Japan", "Italy", "Greece", "India", "Canada" };
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    list.Add(new ChartPoint(countries[i], random.Next(20000), random.Next(20000), random.Next(20000)));
                return list;

    Step 2: Add a FlexChart control and bind it to data source

    Now, add the following code to MainActivity.cs file to initialize a FlexChart control and series elements and bind them with the data source.

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    public class MainActivity : Activity
            //int count = 1;
            private FlexChart mChart;
            protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
                // initializing widget
                mChart = this.FindViewById<FlexChart>(Resource.Id.flexChart1);
                mChart.LegendPosition = ChartPositionType.None;
                // set the binding for X-axis of FlexChart
                mChart.BindingX = "Month";
                // initialize series elements and set the binding to variables of
                // ChartPoint
                ChartSeries seriesPrecipitation = new ChartSeries();
                seriesPrecipitation.Chart = mChart;
                seriesPrecipitation.SeriesName = "Precipitation";
                seriesPrecipitation.Binding = "Precipitation";
                ChartSeries seriesTemperature = new ChartSeries();
                seriesTemperature.Chart = mChart;
                seriesTemperature.SeriesName = "Temperature";
                seriesTemperature.Binding = "Temperature";
                // add series to list
                // setting the source of data/items and default values in FlexChart
                mChart.ItemsSource = GetList();
                seriesTemperature.ChartType = ChartType.SplineSymbols;
                // format y-axis properties set in XMl layout
                mChart.AxisY.Title = "Precipitation (in)";
                // mChart.AxisY.TitleFontSize(15);
                mChart.AxisY.MajorUnit = 2;
                mChart.AxisY.TitleStyle = new ChartStyle();
                mChart.AxisY.TitleStyle.Stroke = Color.ParseColor("#88bde6");
                mChart.AxisY.AxisLine = false;
                mChart.AxisY.Min = 4;
                mChart.AxisY.Max = 20;
                // create a new axis and customize it
                ChartAxis axisYRight = new ChartAxis();
                axisYRight.Chart = mChart;
                axisYRight.Position = ChartPositionType.Right;
                axisYRight.Title = "Avg. Temperature (F)";
                axisYRight.TitleStyle = new ChartStyle();
                axisYRight.TitleStyle.FontSize = 15;
                axisYRight.AxisLine = false;
                axisYRight.MajorGrid = false;
                axisYRight.MinorGrid = false;
                axisYRight.MajorUnit = 10;
                axisYRight.Min = 0;
                axisYRight.Max = 80;
                axisYRight.TitleStyle.Stroke = Color.ParseColor("#fbb258");
                mChart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 90;
                // tie the series to the axis
                seriesTemperature.AxisY = axisYRight;
            // a method to create a list of random objects of type ChartPoint
            private static IList<object> GetList()
                IList<object> list = new List<object>();
                int n = 12; // number of series elements
                String[] month = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
                Random random = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ChartPoint point = new ChartPoint(month[i], random.Next(8, 18) + random.NextDouble(), (int)Math.Tan(i * i) + 70);
                return list;

    Step 3: Run the Project

    In the Package Explorer, right-click your application and click Run As | Android Application.