Controls / FlexChart / Charts Types
Charts Types

FlexChart supports a wide range of chart types including various variations. For instance, along with line charts, you can also create Pie Chart, Financial Chart, Box and Whisker Chart etc. using properties available in the FlexChart API. This topic gives a quick snapshot of all the major chart types along with their use cases.

Chart Type Description
Basic Charts These charts are commonly used to compare data across categories, highlight differences, show trends, and determine historical highs and lows quickly. FlexChart enables you to create following types of basic charts:
  • Line Chart
  • LineSymbols Chart
  • Spline Chart
  • Spline Symbols Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Area
  • Column Chart
  • Scatter Chart
Financial Charts These charts are commonly used to track various business and financial metrics such as expenses, budgests, cash flow, and other financial metrics over a given period of time. Various statistical charts which can be created using the FlexChart control are:
  • Candlestick Chart
  • HighLowOpenClose (HLOC) Chart
Statistical Charts These charts help in presenting the statistical data in graphical format and make it easier to understand and interpret. Various statistical charts which can be created using the FlexChart control are:
  • Box and Whisker Chart
  • Error Bar Chart
  • Histogram Chart
  • Waterfall Chart
Specialized Charts These charts are used to represent complicated data in highly visually appealing manner. Various statistical charts which can be created using the FlexChart control are:
  • Radar Chart
  • SunBurst Chart
  • TreeMap Chart
  • Break Even Chart
  • Funnel Chart