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Cross-Platform JavaScript PDF Viewer

Read and edit PDFs on the web with our JavaScript PDF Viewer. Open and print across browsers and frameworks.

  • Full-featured JavaScript PDF viewer and PDF editor
  • Works in all modern browsers and frameworks, including Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, React, Vue, Preact, and Angular
  • Edit, design, fill, submit, reset, and print filled PDF forms
  • Save modified PDF documents on the client
  • Included with Document Solutions for PDF
Download Free Trial (v 7.1.4)


A JavaScript PDF Viewer is a software component used to read and edit PDF documents in web applications. The Documents Solutions PDF Viewer (DsPdfViewer) allows developers to view and edit PDF documents across browsers using major JavaScript frameworks.

Benefits of a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Cross-Platform JavaScript Viewer

A cross-platform solution to view PDF documents on Windows, MAC, Linux, iOS, and Android devices in all modern browsers.

Supported Viewer Features

Supports popular document viewer features to view and navigate through various documents.

Web Framework Support

Embed the JS PDF viewer in any of the major web frameworks–Angular, Vue, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, React, and Preact.

Advanced Text Search

Search long documents using specific search terms or patterns. Utilize features such as match case, whole word, starts with, ends with, proximity search, and wildcard search. Seamlessly search through options in the side panel or the floating search bar at the top.

Support Advanced PDF Specification Features

Open and view attachments from viewer, navigate through outlines, page labels, article threads, and optional content group (layers). 

Integrate with Document Solutions for PDF (DsPdf)

Utilize the power of our server-side API. With DsPdf and the client-side DsPdfViewer, you can achieve full-fledged PDF needs for your application.

Editor Features

Supported Editor Features

Edit PDF documents with annotations, design PDF forms, and modify existing PDF documents with advanced editing options.

PDF Editing Tools in a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Quick Editing Tools

New arrangement of edit PDF options will make it easier for users to edit PDF documents in DsPdfViewer.

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View, Fill, and Submit PDF Forms in a JavaScript PDF Viewer

View, Fill, and Submit PDF Forms

Edit, design, fill, and submit PDF forms using Document Solutions JavaScript PDF viewer. With a Professional DsPdfViewer License a Form Editor can be enabled allowing users to create new PDF forms or modify existing ones by adding or removing different types of form fields and setting or modifying form field's properties like Name, ReadOnly, Max Length, Value, Bounds, Border, and more. Using the DsPdf API library, form data can be easily submitted on the server-side.

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Review PDFs in a JavaScript PDF Viewer Control

Review and Annotate PDF Documents

Add notes to review PDF documents. Save your notes in the original PDF file. Provide additional information and suggest textual edits to add to the document. Each comment can be anonymous or contain a username, letting users know who has reviewed and commented on the document.

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Redact Confidential Information in PDFs using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Redact Confidential Information

Hide or remove confidential information from PDF documents before printing or distributing over the web. The DsPdf library provides an easy way to redact PDF contents.

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Collaborate and Share PDF Documents using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Collaborate and Share Documents

Review and add various annotations to a document and press the 'Share' button to share the document with others.

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Add Graphical Signatures to PDFs using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Add Graphical Signatures

Sign-off PDF Legal Contracts, Budget Approval, Purchase Order, Financial transactions, Business Contracts, Object Key Results (OKR) and more, in online web based PDF Viewer.

Work with embedded rich media in a JavaScript PDF Viewer Control

Interactive Media Integration

View PDF files having embedded media content. Or create a PDF by adding audio and video files along with other content.

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Floating Text Search Bar in JS PDF Viewer

Floating Text Search Bar

The floating text search bar supports as-you-type search mechanism and advanced search options to search for text while viewing the documents.

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Add Stamps Over PDF Documents Using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Add Pre-Defined Stamps to the PDF

Add Standard or Sign stamps supported in Acrobat Pro, over PDF documents in DsPdfViewer. You can also add your own collection of stamps either at client-side or server side.

Add Images to PDFs with a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Add Images to PDF Documents

Improve document clarity and visual communication by adding image stamps to PDF forms like loans, job applications, and banking documents.

Create Device Friendly Responsive Forms Using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Create Device Friendly Responsive Forms

Use HTML5 specifications to provide response forms, add explanatory text, provide a collection of necessary form fields, order or re-order the fields for data entry, mark fields as required, and provide feedback.

Use a JavaScript PDF Viewer’s UI to add text markup annotations such as highlighting or underlining

Add Text Markup Annotations

Review PDF documents with Highlight, Underline, Strikeout, or Squiggly annotations in the PDF Viewer. Select text and use text markup options from the context menu.

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Digitally Sign PDFs on the Client-Side with a JS PDF Viewer

Digitally Sign PDF Documents on the Client-Side

Digitally sign PDF documents using client-side document signing API. Specify Contact info, location, signer name, reason and signature field to sign the document.

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Organize Pages in Your PDF Documents with a JS PDF Viewer

Organize Pages in Your PDF Documents

Merge, re-order, split PDF pages, insert blank or current PDF pages, clone pages, remove or rotate pages using PDF Organizer dialog.

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Explore the Advanced Features of a JavaScript PDF Viewer

JavaScript PDF Viewer and Editor

PDF Viewer and Editor

View PDF documents in a fast, modern JavaScript-based PDF viewer and editor that works in all major browsers.

Draw or add Image signatures on PDF documents with a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Graphical Signatures

Type, Draw or add Image signatures on PDF documents through the new Signature tool. Save Signatures, customize Signature dialog and more.

Allow various users to edit PDF Documents with a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Real-Time Collaboration

Edit documents in Collaboration mode in DsPdfViewer. Allow multiple people from various geographic locations to edit, comment, change, and add data as necessary.

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Customize a JavaScript PDF Viewer's UI

Customize PDF Viewer UI

Customize different parts of DsPdfViewer, as per your business needs. Customize toolbar item with different svg icon, change viewer theme using CSS styles, Localize viewer in any language and more.

Apply Custom Input options to a PDF documents using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Custom Input

Implement new HTML5 input types with validation to view, fill, and submit forms online using JavaScript and DsPdfViewer.

PDF Fillable Forms on Any Device using JavaScript PDF Viewer

PDF Fillable Forms on Any Device

Customize field labels, fine-tune the input controls' behavior, and add additional input validation, regardless of inline validation or field label information. The responsive design provides compatibility for large and small screen sizes.


JavaScript PDF Viewer's text annotation reply tool for client-side

Comment and Reply

Review your PDF documents in collaboration with other team members. The editor now includes the Text Annotation Comment and Reply tool to add and review comments, usernames, and comment status.

Enabled form editor panel within a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Designer Features

Copy and paste form fields or annotations on the JavaScript PDF document using the shortcut keys or clone button. PDF Editor also includes snap lines and margins to check alignment.

Edit PDF annotations using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Annotations Editor

Review and mark important information with annotations. Add, modify, or remove annotations from new or existing PDF documents. Apply annotation properties, comment, reply, hide annotations, and redact PDF documents with the annotation editor.

Create new PDF forms from scratch to collect data with a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Form Editor

Create new PDF forms from scratch, collect data directly into the PDF form, fill in data from external sources, modify form fields from new or existing PDF documents, or add JavaScript functionality to PDF forms.

Add Rich Media Annotations to PDFs in JavaScript Client-side Viewer

RichMedia Annotations

Add or delete audio or video files to PDF documents, along with navigation controls to interact with the media content.

Add Link annotations to a PDF using a JavaScript PDF Viewer (DsPdfViewer)

Link Annotations

Add Link annotation over existing text, image, area in the PDF document . Set URL, Destination, Action or a JS Action type link over the PDF document or other annotation.

Add image stamp annotations to PDF documents using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Stamp Annotations

Add images on PDF documents through the new Stamp annotation. You can also drag/drop images from a local folder or remote URL.

Digital Signatures on client-side using a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Digital Signatures

Add Digital Signatures to PDF documents on client-side.

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Floating Text Search Bar in JavaScript PDF Viewer Control

Floating Text Search Bar

The floating text search bar supports as-you-type search mechanism and advanced search options to search for text while viewing the documents.

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Hide or show optional content layers of a PDF on the client-side with a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Optional Content Layers

The new Layers panel lists the layers in the currently loaded PDF and enables users to hide or show individual layers.

Add a logical structure tree panel to JS application to see PDF documents

View and Navigate Through PDF Tags

View the tags available in the PDF file in the new Structure tree panel of DsPdfViewer, as well as navigate through those tags.

PDF link annotations in JS PDF Viewer Control

Navigate Through History

PDF link annotations of type 'Action' will now allow go forward/go backward, as per the view history of the Viewer, similar to browsers' go back/forward actions.

Support for XFA forms - JavaScript PDF Viewer

XFA Support

View and print XFA forms in DsPdfViewer.

Initial View Settings - JavaScript PDF Viewer

Initial View Settings

Display PDF documents with Acrobat’s Initial View settings.

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Document List Panel - Select and load different PDFs from a URL in a JavaScript PDF Viewer

Document List Panel

Enhance the look of documents showcased in the document list panel using HTML markup.


Document Solutions PDF Viewer’s Licensing Options

The Document Solutions PDF Viewer (DsPdfViewer) introduces an option for viewer licenses. Users can now upgrade to the Professional Viewer License, enabling features such as document editing, PDF form-filling, and collaborative editing capabilities. The Standard Viewer License is included with the purchase of Document Solutions for PDF (DsPdf) and comes with all standard features, including PDF viewing, searching, and more.

A more detailed comparison is below and helps determine what DsPdfViewer license plan is the best option for you.

Standard Viewer License

The Standard DsPdfViewer License is included with every DsPdf license purchase. It’s features support view functionalities including:

Learn how to configure the Standard DsPdfViewer here.

Professional Viewer License

The Professional DsPdfViewer License requires a DsPdf license and an additional fee to access the edit features and additional functionalities including:

The Professional DsPdfViewer features require the use of a SupportApi property and must connect to a server.

Learn how to configure the Professional DsPdfViewer here.

The Professional DsPdfViewer is licensed per each separate Hostname. Subdomains are also considered separate Hostnames. Available purchasing options include:

Internal or Non-Commercial Deployment

  • One (1) Single Hostname
  • Single Domain (*.domain)

Commercial and SaaS Deployment

  • Single Hostname, Single Domain (*.domain) or SaaS *.domain
  • Unlimited Domains or SaaS (*.* wildcard)

View Documentation topic 'How to License DsPdfViewer'

Contact sales at for additional information on pricing or licensing.

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