A Feature-Rich PDF API Library for VB.NET Development
- Generate, load, edit, and save PDF files with Visual Basic (VB).NET Code
- Render existing URLs as PDF files
- HTML template in VB.NET and conversion to dynamic PDFs
- Merge multiple PDF files into one document in VB.NET
- Load PDF documents with annotations, attachments, and outlines
- Multiple options for optimizing PDF documents
- Edit, encrypt, watermark or turn PDF documents into plain text with VB.NET
- Includes a JavaScript PDF Viewer to view and optionally edit PDF documents with two options - Client-based PDF editing with Wasm and Server-based editing with DsPdf.
A VB.NET PDF document API library is a programming interface that allows developers to programmatically create and manipulate PDF documents at scale. Document Solutions for PDF (DsPdf) is a solution that allows developers to import/export, create templates, and deploy PDFs across desktop applications.
Benefits of a VB.NET PDF API
User and owner passwords protection. Allow edit, copy, printing, and digital signatures along with encryption and decryption for VB.NET.
Advanced Text Handling
Create PDF templates in VB.NET with special character support, open and standard PDF type fonts supported. Full support for creating PDF in multiple languages.
Document and Page
Add, delete, copy, and move pages between PDFs. Attach document-level file attachments, change page size and orientations, and split and merge documents.
Redaction Technology
Confidently remove and obscure sensitive data within PDF files. Redact specific words, images, pages, and more.
PDF to Image
Convert PDF files to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and BMP. Control image output, such as image size, DPI, aspect ratio, and more.
PDF Data Extraction
Search and extract text, images, and metadata from PDF files for automation, editing, indexing, and more.
Client-Side and Server-Side PDF Solution
DsPdf comes with a Standard license for Document Solutions JavaScript PDF Viewer (DsPdfViewer). Together they are a powerful PDF solution that provides robust functionality for both client-side and server-side PDF processing.
With DsPdf, users can easily create, modify, and manipulate PDF documents programmatically on the server-side using the .NET platform.
DsPdfViewer offers a feature-rich and customizable PDF viewer for client-side PDF viewing. The DsPdfViewer also offers a Professional license enabling features such as document editing, PDF form-filling, collaborative editing capabilities, and much more.
The DsPdfViewer Professional version provides two editing options - server based (requiring connection to a .NET sever running SupportApi and DsPdf), and a client-only option with Wasm editing.
Top VB.NET PDF API Features
Quick Start
This quick tutorial walks you through creating a simple "Hello, World!" app that uses DsPdf to generate and save a PDF file.
Document Properties
Make viewing faster with linearized PDFs. Documents properties include metadata, compression, and font embedding behavior. Restrict printing, copying, and PDF editing.
Print PDF Documents to Printer
Print PDF document directly to a printer on Windows platform
Create, initialize, and use the Font Collection class to manage and use when rendering texts.
Page Headers
Print page headers and footers in PDF documents. Organize pages by headings to help users get a sense of the page’s organization and structure.
Merge Pages
Combine and organize multiple documents into one PDF–making it simple to share and send render pages of one PDF to another.
Attach photos, text, drawings, PDFs, and other file types (including AcroForm) to a PDF. If you move the PDF to a new location, the attachments move with it.
Review the basics of rendering text in DsPdf (DrawString and DrawTextLayout), character formatting, paginated text, text trimming, word, character wraps, and much more.
Generate pages of slides from all images in a directory, extract and remove images from PDF Documents.
Draw Complex Table Layouts
Use the new TableRenderer API to create tables with complex layouts, merge cells, rotate text direction in cells, and draw custom content in the cells.
PDF Report Templates
Automate and customize documents and report generation. PDF Templates allow you to bind HTML templates to various data sources by using report templates that generate PDF files from HTML.
Create, edit, or delete annotations from existing PDF documents. Several annotations are supported from PDF specifications.
Advanced Text
Design magazine style, multi-column page layouts with balanced columns and outlines. Multi-language text is supported, including RTL, east-Asian languages, and vertical text.
Rich Media
Create text links to a URL and add outline entries. Link thumbnails to full-sized images, article threads, and destinations.
Create text links to a URL and add outline entries. Link thumbnails to full-sized images, article threads, and destinations.
Convert HTML files or strings to PDF, or add HTML fragments to PDF documents along with other content.
Load existing PDF into a DsPdf and see how text, paragraphs, and tables can be inspected or extracted.
Completely remove content from PDF documents, including quadrilateral and polygonal redaction areas.
Form Fields
Create AcroForm fields include textbox, checkbox, radio button, combtext, combo box, list box, and buttons. Also, set field format for TextField, CombTextField, ComboBoxField.
PDF Layers
Add, edit and remove layers programmatically. Associate PDF content (part of content stream, FormXObject, Annotation or PDF document) with a layer in PDF document.
Digital Signatures
Digitally sign PDFs, inspect signature properties, or remove existing signatures. Add Image signatures to PDF Documents.
Encrypt or decrypt PDF Documents. When a document is encrypted, its contents become unreadable. An authorized user can decrypt the document to obtain access to the contents. If a PDF document is password encrypted, the user must enter the password in order to view the document.
ZUGFeRD Compliant
ZUGFeRD is a standard for electronic invoices in PDF/A format and based on the ISO standard. Create ZUGFeRD 1.x compliant invoices and read ZUGFeRD data from existing PDFs.
Password-Protected PDF Files
Password-protected PDF files can be opened through the password input dialog or even without specifying the password.
JavaScript PDF Viewer
Check out even more great features of Document Solutions for PDF Viewer.
Linearize Existing PDF Documents
Linearize any existing PDF document and save the document in any 3 modes - Default, Linearize and Incremental Update (for signing existing signed document)
PDF to Images
Save a PDF as a multi-page TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP image to save space and open easily.
Read Structure Tags
Extract whole logical structure of the PDF document, parsed the tags, glean the data that needs to be extracted.