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ActiveReportsJS v5.2 is Here! Check out our newest update.

ActiveReportsJS v5.2 is Here!

ARJS 5.2 is Here!

Generate a Temporary Wijmo Distribution Key

If you reached this page, you are likely evaluating Wijmo and want to test it out in a staging or production environment (without the license popup). We want to make testing easy. So from here, you can generate a Wijmo distribution key that will be valid for 30 days. Just enter your email address and we will send the temporary key to that address.

After generating the licenseKey, add it to your application by following our licensing instructions.

If you need to extend your trial or have an special requests, we would be happy to hear from you. Contact for assistance!



Try it Now!

What is Wijmo?

What is Wijmo? Wijmo is the best suite of JavaScript components for developing modern enterprise applications. Wijmo includes the world-famous FlexGrid as well as charts, input, navigation and much more. Best of all, Wijmo components are available for your JavaScript framework of choice including Angular, React, Vue and WebComponents!