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AutoComplete Component for JavaScript

Seamlessly search and load data with Wijmo's time-saving AutoComplete component.

Extend the ComboBox with AutoComplete

Show suggested text for a field in a drop-down list that matches user input. The AutoComplete extends the ComboBox component to add more features.

Try the AutoComplete Demo

MultiAutoComplete Supports Multi-Item Search and Select

Allow users to search for and select multiple items in a single list with MultiAutoComplete.

Try the MultiAutoComplete Demo

Async Loading

Load data asynchronously based on user input. The AutoComplete component automatically looks for list items that contain what a user is inputting, not just what that content starts with. Save time with AutoComplete when you have a large list stored in a server database.

Try the Async Loading Demo

Custom Search

Use the itemsSearchFunction to customize your search. For example, have the AutoComplete display items that start with user input instead of items that contain it.

Try the Custom Search Demo