How to display a page like a Modal dialog(Rewrite)

Posted by: soraroid on 15 July 2024, 8:20 pm EST

  • Posted 15 July 2024, 8:20 pm EST


    I am leaving a message because I have a question.

    I would like to open a pop-up window through Keypress in FlexGrid.

    For example, press F1 to display the customer inquiry screen in a pop-up window.

    I would like to import the selected customer information into FlexGrid.

    Because it is a query window to be used on multiple pages

    I would like to create the page in advance and use it like a Modal Dialog.

    How to use the mask function for cells in FlexGrid.

    (ex) --____ < It is like this

    I wish the format would be applied automatically as I type it)

    Please answer both with example sources.

    ps. It’s the same as the post below, but click ‘Mark as Answer’ to rewrite it.

    How do I cancel a ‘Make as Answer’ ?

  • Posted 17 July 2024, 4:15 am EST


    This seems to be the duplicate case of

    Currently, when you apply the “Mark As Answer” it cannot be changed. However, we have already replied on the mentioned ticket. Kindly refer to the mentioned case.



  • Posted 21 July 2024, 9:28 pm EST - Updated 22 July 2024, 2:33 am EST


    Thank you for your last reply.

    I have additional questions regarding the source you provided.

    1. If you edit a cell with masked text applied, the masked text does not work.

    2. When you input after clicking a cell, the first few characters of the keyboard input are not input or are input in a different order.

    3. I want to use this code in Cell Factory.

    var response = await Http.PostAsJsonAsync("GetItemLike", dtoInput); 
     [Inject] protected HttpClient Http { get; set; }

    Please answer with example sources.

    Have a good day.

  • Posted 23 July 2024, 6:24 am EST


    I was able to replicate the issues that you have mentioned. I am currently investigating the issue at my end and creating a sample.

    I will update you once the sample is completed soon.



  • Posted 25 July 2024, 2:23 am EST


    For the issue 1 and issue 2, I have escalated it to the concerned dev team. The internal tracking id for the same is: C1XAML-35800. I will let you know when there is an update on this from the dev team.

    For the query 3, could you kindly specify your use case with an example to use the async callback within the CellFactory Class, so that we could provide the solution accordingly.



  • Posted 25 July 2024, 6:35 am EST



    This is a sample of the 3rd question.

    Please confirm.

    Thank you.

  • Posted 26 July 2024, 5:15 am EST - Updated 26 July 2024, 6:25 am EST


    For the third question, you could refer to the following attached modified sample. I have restructured the contents of the FlexGridEx.rezor.cs file .

    You could refer to the attached gif that shows the process after the changes.




  • Posted 28 July 2024, 8:34 pm EST

    Thank you ankit.kumar.

    When will the issue mentioned above (C1XAML-35800) be resolved?

  • Posted 29 July 2024, 12:17 am EST


    The issue has been further divided into two sub issues:

    1. C1XAML-36686: The C1MasktedTextBox text is not applied when editing the cell twice (Issue no. 1). This has been treated as a bug and the devs are looking into it. I have asked an ETA for this.

    2. C1XAML-36700: Enhancement Request to Improve the Behaviour of C1MaskedText Box (Issue no. 2). This has been marked an enhancement to be considered by the dev team.

    Further, I will let you know when there is an update on this from the dev team. I have also asked for workaround for the above two issues.



  • Posted 30 July 2024, 7:22 am EST


    For the escalated issue, the devs have provided the following workaround sample.

    With the workaround sample, the C1MaskedTextBox won’t vanish after first edit. However, there is a limitation with the workaround, i.e, the FlexGrid feature (start typing and immediately entering edit mode) doesn’t work.

    For the limitation, you could edit a cell by double clicking the cell and then enter the values.

    Also, the devs have mentioned that the ETA for the issue is 2024 V3.

    Kindly refer to the attached workaround sample and let us know if you face any issues.



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