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When it comes to adding data to series, FlexChart provides a powerful way through binding. You can bind series in FlexChart with multiple data sources, which enables you to combine data from multiple data sources. To plot data from multiple data sources, you need to use the Series. property.
See the following code for reference. Notice that the following code user the DataCreator.cs class to generate data.
<c1:C1FlexChart x:Name="flexChart"
ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.Data}"
<c1:Series x:Name="Function1"
BindingX ="XVals"
<c1:Series x:Name="Function2"
BindingX ="XVals"
DataCreator.cs |
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class DataCreator
public delegate double MathActionDouble(double num);
public delegate double MathActionInt(int num);
public static List<DataPoint> Create(MathActionDouble function, double from, double to, double step)
var result = new List<DataPoint>();
var count = (to - from) / step;
for (double r = from; r < to; r += step)
result.Add(new DataPoint()
XVals = r,
YVals = function(r)
return result;
public static List<DataPoint> Create(MathActionInt function, int from, int to, int step)
var result = new List<DataPoint>();
var count = (to - from) / step;
for (int r = from; r < to; r += step)
result.Add(new DataPoint()
XVals = r,
YVals = function(r)
return result;
public static List<DataPoint> Create(MathActionDouble functionX, MathActionDouble functionY, int ptsCount)
var result = new List<DataPoint>();
for (double i = 0; i < ptsCount; i++)
result.Add(new DataPoint()
XVals = functionX(i),
YVals = functionY(i)
return result;
public class DataPoint
public double XVals { get; set; }
public double YVals { get; set; }
MainWindow.xaml.cs |
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public partial class MainWindow : Window
List<DataPoint> _function1Source;
List<DataPoint> _function2Source;
public MainWindow()
this.Loaded += Form_Loaded;
private void Form_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
void SetupChart()
this.Function1.ItemsSource = Function1Source;
this.Function2.ItemsSource = Function2Source;
public List<DataPoint> Function1Source
if (_function1Source == null)
_function1Source = DataCreator.Create(x => 2 * Math.Sin(0.16 * x), y => 2 * Math.Cos(0.12 * y), 160);
return _function1Source;
public List<DataPoint> Function2Source
if (_function2Source == null)
_function2Source = DataCreator.Create(x => Math.Sin(0.1 * x), y => Math.Cos(0.15 * y), 160);
return _function2Source;