The following tables lists the WijSplitter extender's server-side properties and the client-side options for the wijsplitter widget. Please visit to view the full client-side documentation for the widget.
Server-Side Property |
Client-Side Option |
Description |
BarZIndex |
barZIndex |
A value indicates the z-index of Splitter bar. |
FullSplit |
fullSplit |
A value that indicates whether or not the control is full of document. |
Orientation |
orientation |
A value indicating the horizontal or vertical orientation of the splitter panels. |
Panel1 |
panel1 |
Defines the information for top or left panel of splitter. |
Panel2 |
panel2 |
Defines the information for bottom or right panel of splitter. |
ResizeSettings |
resizeSettings |
A value that defines the animation while the bar of the splitter is beeing dragged. |
ShowExpander |
showExpander |
A value determines whether the expander of a splitter is allowed to be shown. |
SplitterDistance |
splitterDistance |
A value that indicates the location of the splitter, in pixels, from the left or top edge of the splitter. |