ComponentOne Wijmo Open for Juice UI
Wijmo Open for Juice UI Extender Controls / WijDialog / WijDialog Tutorial / Step 1 of 4: Creating a Dialog Box
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    Step 1 of 4: Creating a Dialog Box
    In This Topic

    In this topic you add some content to a Panel control that will later become a dialog box.

    1. Create an ASP.NET Web application with a ScriptManager control and install Juice UI and the Wijmo Juice libraries to your project via NuGet.
    2. Add a standard Panel control to the main content of  your page.
    3. Add some content for the dialog box. For example:
      <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Width="845px">
           <h2>Dialog Box</h2>
              <br />
              <span>This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon.</span>

    Next add a WijDialog control to the page.