You can resize the SuperPanel at run time when you set the AllowResize property to True.
Setting the AllowResize Property in Design View:
To set the AllowResize property in design view, follow these steps:
Setting the AllowResize Property in Source View:
To set the AllowResize property in source view, click the source tab and add the following code in your source file:
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="15px" Width="180px" DropdownHeight="500"
<cc1:WijSuperPanel ID="Panel1_WijSuperPanel" runat="server"
AllowResize="True" KeyboardSupport="False" TargetControlID="Panel1">
<VScroller ScrollBarVisibility="Hidden">
<resizableoptions handles="All"
helper="ui-widget-content wijmo-wijsuperpanel-helper">