Changing the Fill Direction of the Progress Bar
In This Topic
The WijProgressBar control allows you to change the direction in which the progress bar fills up. Options include east (left-to-right), west (right-to-left), north (bottom-to-top), and south (top-to-bottom) . Simply set the FillDirection property to take advantage of this feature.
- Create an ASP.NET Web application with a ScriptManager control and install Juice UI and the Wijmo Juice libraries to your project via NuGet.
- Add a standard Panel control to the main content of your page.
- In Source view, use the following markup to add a WijProgressBar control to the page and set the TargetControlID to Panel1.
<cc1:WijProgressBar ID="Panel1_WijProgressBar" runat="server"
TargetControlID="Panel1" ToolTip="{1} percent" Value="75">
- Select View | Properties Window in the Visual Studio menu.
- Click the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window and select Panel1_WijProgressBar.
- Set the FillDirection property to North.
- Set the Value property to 75.
The markup should now look similar to the following:
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<cc1:WijProgressBar ID="Panel1_WijProgressBar" runat="server"
FillDirection="North" TargetControlID="Panel1" Value="75">
- Press F5 to run the application. You'll see the progress bar fill from bottom-to-top. If you set the FillDirection property to east or west, the bar will be horizontal.