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Wijmo 2024 v2 Has Landed

Wijmo has just shipped its second major release of 2024. This release includes new Cell Freezing options in FlexGrid and nice enhancements to FlexChart, TreeView, RESTCollectionView, and more. It also includes a major improvement to our React interop as well as many bug fixes for customers.

React Interop Improvement

This release includes a small but significant improvement to our React interop layer. We have migrated to using the useLayoutEffect hook for control initialization instead of useEffect. This improves Wijmo components in the React ecosystem.

Use our React QuickStart guide to begin building powerful React apps with Wijmo!

FlexGrid Now Supports Freezing Cells to Right and Bottom

A long-awaited feature for our loyal customers, we are now happy to support freezing and pinning columns to the right (previously only left) and rows to the bottom (previously only top).

This feature took time to release because we had to engineer it carefully. It required significant rendering rewrites, so we developed it safely, although slowly.

You can use this new feature by setting the frozenCells property of FlexGrid. The new frozenCells property can be used to freeze rows and columns in each direction. Currently, you can only choose top or bottom for rows and right or left for columns.

Freezing Cells

Try our new frozenCells API in our Frozen Cells sample.

Improved Persisting State Sample in FlexGrid

Persisting state is a common use case for FlexGrid customers. We offer a sample that demonstrates the best practices for persisting state. In this release, we have expanded the sample to support more customizations, like Cell Templates, DataMaps, and Custom Editors. These improve the User Experience with FlexGrid in complex applications.

Try our improved Persisting State sample.

New FlexGrid Filter Conditions

We have extended FlexGridFilter to include new conditions. We added "Does not begin with"(NBW) and "Does not end with"(NEW) conditions to Condition filter. Previously, customers could achieve this by creating custom conditions, but now we are happy to offer this as a built-in option.

Filter Conditions

Try these new Condition Filters in our Excel-like Filtering sample.

MinX and MaxX Added to FlexChart TrendLine

We have added new minX and maxX options to FlexChart’s TrendLine. You set the TrendLine's minX & maxX properties to extend the trend line beyond the data range by setting custom minX and maxX values.


Try these new minX and maxX options in our FlexChart TrendLine sample.

FlexChart Legend Improvements

We have made a few improvements to FlexChart’s legend in this release. We have added more options for the legend position, allowing you to now place it in corners. The new positions supported are TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, LeftTop, LeftBottom, RightTop, and RightBottom.

We have also added an option to reverse the series order in the FlexChart legend. This allows more control over how the legends look in your charts.


Try these new legend improvements in our FlexChart Legend sample.

RESTCollectionView Now Supports Virtualization and Grouping

RESTCollectionView is an underrated class in Wijmo. It is a simple yet powerful API for managing data from REST APIs and storing it in observable collections. These collections can then be bound to any Wijmo component. The RESTCollectionView, when bound to a Wijmo control, will automatically wire up CRUD operations, sorting, paging, filtering, and now grouping and virtualization!

We also offer ODataCollectionView, but RESTCollectionView can be used with any REST API, so it is far more flexible.

You can try these new features for yourself in our RESTCollectionView Virtualization and RESTCollectionView Grouping samples online.

TreeView Supports Drag and Drop for Multiple Nodes

You can now use the multiple selection of nodes to drag and drop many nodes at once in TreeView. This feature was another customer request, and we are happy to support this enhancement now.

We have updated our TreeView Drag and Drop sample to demonstrate this support. Try this feature out yourself!

Breaking Changes

  • [FlexChart] When X-axis Position is set to Left/Right. (WJM-34827)
    -Now: X-axis is rendered at the Bottom, which is the default position of X-axis, and Labels are rendered below the X-axis line.
    -Previously: X-axis is rendered on top, and Labels are rendered below the X-axis line when Position is Left and above when Position is Right.
  • [FlexChart] When Y-axis Position is set to Top/Bottom. (WJM-34827)
    -Now: Y-axis is rendered at the Left, which is the default position of Y-axis, and Lables are rendered on the left of the Y-axis line.
    -Previously: Y-axis is rendered at the Left, and Lables are rendered on the Right of the Y-axis line when Position is Top, and they are not rendered when Position is Bottom.
  • [FlexGrid] When edit action is performed on a merged cell. (WJM-34808)
    -Now: All rows connected to the merged cell are selected when any cell of merged range is clicked to enter edit mode.
    -Previously: All the connected rows to the merged cell were selected only when first cell of merged range is clicked; otherwise, only clicked row was selected.

End of Life for AngularJS and KnockoutJS Interops

Earlier this year, we announced that we would no longer support AngularJS and KnockoutJS interops for Wijmo. Of course, we will continue to offer full support for modern frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue!

  • Wijmo AngularJS Support End-of-Life Announcement: AngularJS has been out of support since January 2022; therefore, as of this release (2024 v2), we are no longer publishing AngularJS interops for Wijmo. We encourage you to use modern Angular versions, for which Wijmo offers full support.
  • Wijmo KnockoutJS Support End-of-Life Announcement: KnockoutJS has not been updated or released since 2019; therefore, Wijmo no longer supports KnockoutJS. In this release (2024 v2), we are no longer publishing KnockoutJS interops for Wijmo. We encourage you to use a modern framework like Angular, React, or Vue, for which Wijmo offers full support.

Change Log

  • [React] Switched to the useLayoutEffect hook for control initialization instead of useEffect. (WJM-34473)
  • [FlexGrid] Added new Freezing Options, Freeze Columns on Right & Freeze rows at Bottom using new frozenCells API. (WJM-26457)
  • [FlexGrid] Improved "Persisting the Grid State" sample to restore columns with cellTemplates, dataMap, and custom editors. (WJM-25841)
  • [FlexGridFilter] Added "Does not begin with"(NBW) and "Does not end with"(NEW) conditions to Condition filter. (WJM-22907)
  • [FlexChart] Added new TrendLine.minX / maxX properties that allow extending trend line beyond original data range. (WJM-32230)
  • [FlexChart] Added a new reverse (boolean) property to control the order in which legends are displayed. (WJM-34047)
  • [FlexChart] Added new position options for the chart legend: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, LeftTop, LeftBottom, RightTop, and RightBottom. (WJM-33317)
  • [FlexChart] Added new sample for BarCharts to demonstrate setting custom offsets and widths for column series. (WJM-34562)
  • [RESTCollectionView] Added data virtualization, server-side grouping, server-side grouping with virtualization, and server grouping with lazy loading. (WJM-33706)
  • [TreeView] Supports dragging multiple nodes at once. (WJM-34225)
  • [TreeView] Enabled collapsing/expanding a node without selecting the clicked node. (WJM-34222)
  • [InputDate] Added invalidInput event trigger when entering invalid values, which can be canceled. (WJM-34266)
  • [InputDate] Supported retaining invalid values set via the Text property in code. (WJM-20056)
  • [InputDate][InputDateRange] When eventargs.cancel=True of invalidInput Event and value outside Min/Max range is entered, Entered invalid date will not get reverted and focus will remain on the control.
  • [Demo Samples] Converted Demo Angular Samples to Standalone Components for improved modularity and alignment with modern best practices.

Ready to See What the Latest Release Has to Offer? Download Wijmo Today!


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