Spread.NET 18 Formula Reference
Formula Functions / Functions R to S / SKEW.P
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    This function calculates the skewness of a distribution on the basis of population.




    The arguments passed are numeric values. Only the first argument is required. Up to 255 arguments may be included.


    This function doesn't make use of a sample but uses the standard deviation of the whole population.

    If the values in the arguments passed are invalid (invalid values or data types), this functions returns an error.

    Data Types

    Accepts numeric data for all arguments. Returns numeric data.


    SKEW.P(3,4,5,2,3,4,5,6,4,7) gives the result 0.303

    SKEW.P(4,7,5,2,3,4,5,1,2,7) gives the result 0.1619

    Version Available

    This function is available in Spread for Windows Forms 11.0 or later.