Formula Functions / Functions H to L / HEX2BIN

This function converts a hexadecimal number to a binary number.


HEX2BIN(number, places)


This function has these arguments:

Argument Description
number Hexadecimal numeric value to convert, must be between FFFFFFFE00 and 1FF
places [Optional] Number of characters to return; if not an integer, the number is truncated


This functions returns an error when the number is not a valid hexadecimal value or if the value for places is non-numeric or negative. If places is omitted, the calculation uses the minimum number of characters necessary. This argument is useful for adding leading zeros to the result.

Data Types

Accepts numeric data. Returns numeric data.



Version Available

This function is available in product version 2.0 or later.

See Also

HEX2DEC | HEX2OCT | BIN2HEX | OCT2HEX | Engineering Functions