Spread.NET 18 Formula Reference
Formula Functions / Functions H to L / LOGNORM.DIST
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    This function returns the cumulative natural log normal distribution of x, where LN(x) is normally distributed with the specified mean and standard deviation. Analyze data that has been logarithmically transformed with this function.




    This function has these arguments:

    Argument Description
    x Value at which to evaluate the function
    mean Value of mean of natural logarithm of x, LN(x)
    stdev Value representing the standard deviation of LN(x)
    cumulative A logical value that determines the form of the function. If cumulative is TRUE, this function returns the cumulative distribution function; if FALSE, it returns the probability density function


    If any argument is nonnumeric, this function returns the #VALUE! error value.

    The equation for the lognormal cumulative distribution function is:

    LOGNORM.DIST(x,µ,o) = NORM.S.DIST(1n(x)-µ / o).

    Data Types

    Accepts numeric data for x, mean, and stdev arguments. Accepts TRUE or FALSE for cumulative. Returns numeric data.



    LOGNORM.DIST(42,2,1.2,TRUE) gives the result 0.9261995869896625

    Version Available

    This function is available in Spread for Windows Forms 11.0 or later.

    See Also